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Dream Time Again, Again!
« on: February 12, 2007, 08:02:27 AM »
The show started normally enough.  Or relatively so anyway, since I remember little of it.  Most Expensive was the first game.  Might've been won.  Or not.  Don't really remember.

The second game, though... the contestant--absolutely fantastic, I should mention--was going up with Bob to the turntable, in its normal spot, though with the 1992-2002 color scheme.  Then two prizes were shown, and of course, it's Clock Game.  A little more blue than usual, but nothing that oddball, either.  The girl explains the rules to Bob, and then she and Bob go off on a tangent for a few minutes about Bob's retirement, and how she'll miss Bob, and her life, and other stuff.  After several minutes, Bob gets interrupted, saying that Clock Game was a mistake--they were supposed to be playing Temptation, and in an awkward cut, the two just appear by the Temptation board, with price already lit up.  She wound up losing.  Ouch.

The third game was Grand Game, which was relatively mundane.  Showcase showdown?  None.  Guess there was no time or something.  The fourth game was Bonus Game, though played behind the giant price tag.  Bob and the contestant kept getting interrupted by another contestant who kept sneaking on stage to play Pick a Number backstage, which they had there just in case another game was malfunctioning.  He lost, but just took it out and put the right number in, while fighting security.  The girl playing Bonus Game wound up winning perfectly, and Bob apologized for the guy who was interrupting.

The fifth game was Master Key--oddly enough, it didn't occur to me until I woke up that this and Bonus Game majorly conflict.  Oddly enough, by this point, the turntable was moved to the opposite side of the stage.  Anyway, a woman gets up on stage, but her husband, from the audience, insists on coming up on stage with her to play, and Bob can't reason with him to get off.  The husband is grumpy, but the lady is nice enough, but gets scared off as Bob loses his temper with the husband, which makes him only angrier, as he just randomly goes nuts and lets his anger out beating on the audience.  Security again--possibly the same as with the Pick a Number thing--were there to try to get him out.  They probably did.

And the sixth game... that'll stay a mystery I guess, since I woke up before that came.  I'm thinking it was supposed to be Any Number--I don't know why I "knew" that--but I'm normally right with these dreams.


Oddly enough, in an earlier dream I'd waken up from, there was also a small Price is Right incident.  For some reason, a mother called me to ask what to do about her son, since he'd throw a fit if she didn't play Shell Game with him before his doctor's appointment, but she didn't have time for that.  I told her she should just play Bonus Game instead.  She thanked me, and hung up.  Oddly enough, the whole thing felt perfectly normal until I woke up and thought that over

Offline junkaholic95

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Re: Dream Time Again, Again!
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2007, 04:15:11 PM »
A friendly word of advice:  Don't eat before you go to bed, and you should get out more.  (just kidding)  Seriously, that's sounds like it was quite an experience.  Wish my dreams were that involved.  Also, this might be a sign of things to come.  Maybe they'll have a sort of "old school" show for Bob's last or something.


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Re: Dream Time Again, Again!
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2007, 07:35:28 PM »
I had an odd dream last night.

There were 2 bloopers in the same show!

First of all, we had a lady playing Grand Game (I don't know, but I think her name was Shirley). Just as Rich began to describe the products, all the flaps fell open! Yes, she was given the $10,000.

And in the showcase, we apparently had a DOB. But the showcase of the runner up was switched around. It was $22,843, but the tag read $22,483 and the contestant's bid was $22,500. Yes, he was awarded the showcase which had a trailer.

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Re: Dream Time Again, Again!
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2007, 08:12:19 PM »'s the best I can do, from about a week ago.

Woman was playing Easy As 1-2-3, and she'd placed the blocks in that order (1, 2, 3, left to right).  I don't remember what the first two prizes were (other than one of them--I have no idea which--was a smallish LCD TV), but the first one was $500 and the second was $1,400.  Bob exclaims that he thinks she's won and starts getting excited...only prize #3 is a coffee urn.  I'm starting to think "no way she's got this and boy is Bob gonna look foolish", when they reveal price #3...or at least try to.  When Lanisha pushed the button to drop the cover on the price, the cover and the price dropped, revealing nothing but the blank yellow background.  I think a buzzer may have sounded here.  Bob gets real confused, asks "What's going on?", and they eventually get the price up to reveal it...turns out it was $1,444 and she won after all!  But they never played the theme or anything...they cut back to #2 to confirm that the urn was more, but the $1,400 price is missing now!  Woman asks Bob "Did I win the prizes?" and Bob, looking like he has no idea whether or not she's won, says "Sure, give her the prizes!"
Armadillo is exactly right - ClockGameJohn
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Re: Dream Time Again, Again!
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2007, 08:18:46 PM »
This one was about two weeks ago...

I was watching the show on stage, probably from around door #2.  The game being played was Double Bullseye!  The set was designed just like Card Game's though (without the cards, of course), and before they could get to the bidding, the contestants had to figure out the first two numbers in the car by picking them out from a list of numbers (like Ten Chances, I guess), which was on the screen of the set, where the Card Game player's bid would be.  Weird. :-D

Offline Superballer

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Re: Dream Time Again, Again!
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2007, 10:43:49 PM »
A while back--actually starting back in the early 90s and continuing intermittantly through till the present--I dreamt they were going to attempt an Ultimate Tournament of sorts, one wherein the initial group of contestants (since this was a dream, thus outside the confines of reality, this tournament starts with 1,000,000 contestants (!!)) playing single elimination rounds against each other, with the showcase winner advancing to the next round (in other words, it's sort of like the ultimate March Madness), with each winning contestant getting to play one of the pricing games per round (starting with the quick games, usually Most Expensive being the first played, and ending up with the popular longer ones, usually Plinko last).  For this, a large lighting display similar to the 3 Strikes board was set up over Contestant's Row, and would count down from 1,000,000 as each losing contestant was eliminated.  Most of the time, the winning contestant in the end turns out to be...Alf.  Yes, Alf, but don't ask me why.  With Willie along as his, "assistant," (but usually not getting a word in edgewise) the most famous Melmacian blows every single game out of the water, usually with appropriate quips along the way (for example, he questions using the ball to delineate the right shell in Shell Game, pointing out that "Back on Melmac, we'd put a cat under the shells when we played this.  It made winning all the more exciting, especially if it was being played around noon."  Or, when informed the Range Finder could not be started again for 37 hours once he hit the button, he had to ask, "Will there be a waiting period if I change my mind and want to yank the darn thing back down the scale?").

Offline Madonna

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Re: Dream Time Again, Again!
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2007, 12:23:31 AM »
I've had a couple of TPIR-related dreams lately myself...

The first one was a week or so ago. I was standing in a mob of people, in what looked quite a bit like the Madonna concert last June, and for some reason I stuck my hand out, only to have someone grab it and shake it.. That person? Bob Barker...

The next night, I had another one.. I spent an hour out on Fairfax, in a cheapo folding lounge chair, dressed outrageously, and chatting away with Stan Blits - not in the usual contestant interview sort of way, but like I'd known Stan forever and we were good friends...

Maybe eating before going to sleep isn't such a good idea. Or maybe this is what I get for spending so much of my recent idle time thinking about this show..
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Offline junkaholic95

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Re: Dream Time Again, Again!
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2007, 12:30:19 PM »
OK everybody.  Get ready for this because I think I have officially lost my mind!  Last night, I had the most bizarre Price dream one could possibly have.  It started out that I was walking up on stage.  The turntable colors were pink carpet, glitteryish border, with the rest normal.  The border around the doors were painted sky-blue and each door had this year's pattern only they said 38 years on them.  That wasn't the strange part!  I get to door #2 and the host greets me and it's... Rip Taylor!  At this point I am extremely confused.  He says to me, "How would you like to win this?"  Door # 3 opens and it's a sofa.  I said, "That'll work."  Door #2 opens and my game is Penny Ante. It's purple on one side and pink on the other.  Other than that, it looked about the same as the old prop.  Now this is were it gets really strange.  Time sort of warps to the end of the game and apparently, I lost. Then, it happens again and it's my turn to spin the wheel.  I go to spin it and before I can touch it, it breaks off its axle and rolls back into door #2 knocking down the door panels.  Rip tells me to leave the studio and never come back.  It just sort of ends here so I don't know what happened next.

Now, am I going crazy or what?

Offline Superballer

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Re: Dream Time Again, Again!
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2007, 09:16:14 PM »
More fiction overbleed in my dreams; the other night I dreamt Adrian Monk was on the show.  This was not case-related at all; he was just a contestant for the heck of it (well, maybe someone talked him into it).  The highlights included:    

-him trying to convince his fellow Contestant Rowers to bid nice even numbers, going as far as asking them if they'd take $50 to do so  

-him telling Bob the Race Game curtain was wrinkled and that he'd be unable to go on until this was fixed  

-after about a half hour delay in taping to rectify this problem, he ended up playing Hole in One...or Two ("Good, good job on adding a second shot, Bob, even numbers are good."), takes 10 minutes getting his advice on which products to put where from his associates in the audience (in this instance including Stottlemeyer, Disher, both assistants, their children, Dr. Kroger, and Ambrose (yes, his brother came out of the house for this dream), gripes that a couple of the flags aren't the same height as the others, and then taking another half hour lining up the ball exactly on the center of the line (BOB:  Roger, get the 12-gauge ready, because if this goes on any longer, neither Adrian or I are going to finish it.  MONK:  I, I wish you wouldn't, Bob, then our blood'll get mixed together on the stage, and that wouldn't be good--unless we're both O positive)  

-him making sure the Wheel is exactly in the middle of the space it landed on before his takes his spin  

-him going over by $1 in the Showcase, again because he insisted on a nice round number

Offline PimpinJC

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Re: Dream Time Again, Again!
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2007, 12:45:00 PM »
Alright, I had a really weird TPIR dream last night.  The show was for the 35th Anniversary Special.  It was airing at Studio 33 in Hollywood.  I remember during the opening they had used the aerial camera that moved around (like the camera used in the 30th Anniversary Special opening).  Anyway, Bob made a stage entrance and the show started.  I don't really remember any IUFBs presented; all I remember is the contestant getting up on stage.

The first game was Eazy az 123, which had a car as one of the prizes (talk about Eazy!).  Obviously, she won.  Then that person moved on to the Showcase.

All of a sudden, it was Showcase time!  Or so it looked like it.  Here is how the format went: the show consisted of 4 games.  The first 2 would play their games, then they would wait at the Turntable behind Showcase podiums (I don't know why they could've just waited on-stage).  The top winner, who had won Eazy, went to spin the wheel.  Hitting the dollar in the bonus spin meant winning $100,000!  She got $1 in her first spin, but spun 35 cents in her bonus spin.

The 2nd girl, who had just appeared out of nowhere at the runner-up podium was going to play Squeeze Play.  Bob made someone roll-out Squeeze Play to her before the girl who played Eazy went to spin the wheel.  It was played for a $7K prize, which I believe she lost.  Then after the 1st one spun the wheel, she got to as well.  She got $1 in her first spin, but 20 in her bonus, so the 1st moved on to the Showcase.

Interestingly, a type of "arrow graphic" was used.  Only there was no arrow for the contestant reaction!  Picture the original "arrow graphic" shot, except black out the arrow, and that's what it was.  A clip going to commercial was played.  3 guys were positioned in the 3 left podiums and they acted kinda silly, and Bob goes "Ladies and gentlemen: the Three Stooges."

The 3rd Game was Golden Road.  This is where it gets really weird.  The turntable, which had just been the current color scheme, suddenly became Door #2's color scheme from Season 31-34 (no borders, but with the logo).  The Golden Road sign was a mini video wall like in TNPIR '94!  When Door #3 opens, there is an ice rink in there!  Rich mentions the prize, but then ice skaters start coming out from the back of the big door and start skating around inside it.  Then 2 ice skaters come out and start skating inside Door #3.  One of them loses an ice skate shoe, then he breaks the other one!  I am guessing that was part of the act.  So the other ice skater with him throws him the ice skate shoe he lost, and they continue skating.  Superimposed on the ice is a 25-digit square, like the Pathfinder board.  They finally stop on 2 digits, which are the last 2 numbers in the price.  That segment took about 4 minutes.  I woke up before it went any further.

I know that the 4th game to be scheduled was Coming or Going, but I never got to see it.  A similar thing was going to be done for the 1st 2 contestant who spun the wheel.  Then, they were going to show all the clips, then the Showcase.
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Re: Dream Time Again, Again!
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2007, 02:09:58 PM »
I had a interesting TPIR dream. I was at the taping for a show, and for some reason Charlie O'donnel was announcing.

The first game was a PG that was premeiring that show. It was called Beat the House, and it was played for 5 prizes (Two 3 digit prizes, two 4 digit prizes and a car.) . 6 grocery products were shown, and the contestant was told to choose one product to be the house's product. Once she did that, the price of that product was revealed. The rest was a bit like the reverse of Grand Game- She had to choose a product, and if it was higher then the house's product, she won the cheapest prize. She could then stop, or pick another product in attempt to win the next cheapest prize, and so on. Our contestant successfully picked 3 products, then lost on the 4th. The product chosen was 1 cent less than the house's product!

The second game played was a game called "Numbers game". the game was played on the turntable, and it was played for a car. The rules: the game started with the first digit being given for free. Bob then said that the contestant had to score 5 points by giving correct answers. To start, the contestant was shown a small prize with 2 prices, and he had to guess the right one. If he was right, he scored a point. After that, Bob told the contestant that in the SP price there were 2 numbers, one of which was the second digit in the price of the car. He had to guess whcih one, and he earned another point for a correct guess. This repeats for each number in the car.

The hilarious part of the game was that behind the contestant there was a platform with a bucket of water on it. Each wrong answer given moved the platform up, and if it went up 5 notches the water would dump on the players head, causing him to lose the game. Thankfully, our contestant won.

At this point I remember being called. After the next IUFB (it was a pair of surfboards), the perfect bid sounded, and Bob said that whoever won would get a bonus of $516.32. I won with a bid of $9000, and got on stage. Bob then told me I was playing Cover Up for a new motorhome worth over $100,000! I wonthe game, but then lost at the big wheel, while the other 2 players went to the showcase (it was a half hour show). All I remember was Bob saying to them "You will be in the showcase, right after this!", and then I woke up.

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Re: Dream Time Again, Again!
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2007, 10:00:35 PM »
Let's see, I remember dreaming one night that I was at the Bob Barker Studio for a TPiR taping.  I get called down as one of the First Four; I would win my way up on stage to play Plinko, for a chance to win up to $50,000 cash!  I get all four SPs right and I climb up the steps to drop my first Plinko chip.  Suffice it to say, I would end up breaking the "Plinko Curse" and winning $50,000 cash!  

(Heels, you'll like this next part)

I would eventually get to advance to the Showcase as the top winner.  There was an attractive young lady named Anna, and she was from Rio de Janiero, Brazil and about my age.  She was in the Showcase with me, but as the runner-up.  I passed the first Showcase to her, and she decided to bid $50,000 on what would be a $24,330 Showcase.  I said to her:  "You look familiar to me, but that was a major Willy indeed."  :-D

I bid $30,000 on my Showcase, which was an evil Friggin' Random Mustang Showcase.  Actual Retail Price:  $29,999

Instead of the usual "MRRRRP" with Losing Horns, they sounded the extra-harsh Card Sharks '78 CLAXON BUZZER with an even harsher Losing Horn.  To make matters worse, Bob pulls out one of Kourtney's mallets and begins to conk me in the head with it!   :-(
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I support The Price is Right...even if nobody I know likes Drew Carey.

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Re: Dream Time Again, Again!
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2007, 01:54:11 PM »
Last night I had the dream that it was time for the last show...and the Muppets had taken over the studio.  Things went a little differently; here it was more of a round-robin style gameplay, with teams of characters rather than single contestants, who would them return to Contestant's Row afterwards and continue to play.  Specifically, the teams were:  

RED:  Fozzie, Grover, Cookie, Gobo
BLUE:  Gonzo, Oscar, Telly, Mokey
YELLOW:  Piggy, Big Bird, Count, Red
GREEN:  Scooter, Ernie, Bert, Wembley  

Kermit and Guy Smiley co-hosted with Bob.  Doc was the announcer.  Sam the Eagle directed.  The Electric Mayhem and Rowlf provided live music (of course Animal got carried away a lot).  Statler and Waldorf sat at the producers' table and did their usual bit.  As for the game itself, it broke down as:  

-Golden Road, Red team.  The first small prize was a set of cookies, which of course Cookie swallowed immediately.  Thanks to the long wait in line before the show, during which he ate nothing, he then was compelled to eat the other prizes as well, podiums and all, rendering the game pointless  

-Plinko, Green team.  Wembley couldn't decide at all whether to go with the first or last number for each small prize, sending Bert into fits.  Once they got up to the top of the board, Ernie then made him more steamed by trying to play music on the board by flinging the Plinko chips off them.  Bert decided to drop the chips himself and got $0 all five times for his efforts--until Wembley leaned too far out to see where the last one landed and fell down the board himself, earning a last chance $1,000

-Clock Game, Yellow team.  Big Bird guessed ridiculously low ($10, $15), prompting Bob to stop the clock twice, much to the chagrin of the Count, who after they lost by a landslide asked if they could give them a consulation prize of another 30 seconds for him to count  

-Bump, Blue team.  Instead of waiting for the models (Sweetums and Snuffleupagus wearing dresses (!!!)) to bump the cars, Oscar took matters into his own hands and shoved all four of them off the table, breaking them, and announced he liked them better broken.  The audience got restless, prompting Gonzo to juggle the wreckage  

-Race Game, Yellow team.  Finally a win, but a strange one at that.  Having been told running in public isn't a good thing to do, Big Bird took his time placing the tags, ending up with 2 right.  Red handled the second relay and ended up with 1 right.  Piggy, with 10 seconds left (of course the Count was far too occupied counting down the 45 seconds to be of any help), finally put them all right, but ran into the podium and broke it  

-One Away, Red team.  Grover held up the game with a lecture on the nature of higher and lower.  Fozzie had a dual with the horn with his own horn.  Cookie ate the board when they lost this one as well.  Bob ran out of aspirin at this point  

It was then blue verses yellow in the Showcase.  Blue overbid spectacularly, yellow big nothing at all.  Bob grabbed a suitcase from behind the podiums and told Kermit he was in charge now and left the frog to read the actual retail prices.  Kermit did so with minimal problems considering.  It ended with Mark Goodson and Jim Henson in the control room discussing whether or not they would want to do it again.

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Re: Dream Time Again, Again!
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2007, 02:22:10 PM »
This thread seriously scares me. Wow. Just... wow.

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Re: Dream Time Again, Again!
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2007, 01:37:25 AM »
Wow Superballer, great dream. I wish I had that one. Although, I'm suprprized that Janice wasn't one of the models. And when I mean Janice, I don't mean Pennington, I mean the muppet Janice from The Muppet Show.

My dream isn't as good but here it goes (I might of posted this dream a couple years back but whatever).

I went outside for a walk and guess who was in front of my house. It was none other than Mr. Bob Barker in a white convertible. He asked to me get in the car and like any Price fan would do, I said yes. He took me to Los Angeles and the trip took only 2 minutes which was amazing because LA is a long way from where I live. Once in LA, we went to Bob's mansion and played mini-golf (basically Hole in One or Two). After golf we stopped at a Burger King to have lunch. Burger King was a weird choice since Bob is a vegetarian. Maybe he got the whopper sans the beef. It was getting into the early afternoon now and Bob had to go to CBS to tape TPIR because it was a double-tape Monday. I decided to tag along with Bob and watch the afternoon taping. At CBS, Bob gave me a backstage tour of BBS which seemed quite accurate since I've seen so many picture on this site. Backstage I got to meet a couple of the models which was cool, although Bob started to get a little handzy with them. I was thinking we might have another Dian lawsuit on our hands. Five minutes before showtime, Bob caught a bad cold and he wanted me to host the show for him that day. I couldn't believe it. I was going to host The Price Is Right. It was a little weird since I'm so young but whatever. The show began and people were starting to come on down and I was positioned behind the big doors, ready for my entrance. One thing that was odd was that there was no Barker Wall. Although, I'm not Barker. Anyway, just as the big doors opened for my entrance, I was bodychecked by Doug Davidson! Doug walked through the big doors and hosted the show instead of me! Damn that Davidson! I was so close to hosting and he took my chance away from me. After I recovered from my bodycheck, Bob and CBS booked me a flight home. It was a dream that I will never forget.