Author Topic: October 27, 1995  (Read 2187 times)

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Offline Teddy

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October 27, 1995
« on: May 15, 2018, 02:33:30 PM »
The final appearance of Holly as a Barker's Beauty.

First Four: Laura, Jose, Tiffany, Thomas

IUFB1: Chair & Ottoman (styled like a big bag of French fries and two cheeseburgers)
Laura: $700
Jose: $401
Tiffany: $825
Thomas: $1050*
ARP: $1650

PG1: Cover Up--Played for a Mercury Tracer

Wrong price: $31,542

First: 2, 1
Second: 9, 3, 2
Third: 7, 1, 0, 3
Fourth: 1, 3, 9, 5, 0
Fifth: 6, 4, 1, 0, 3, 5

First try: $13,150 (1, 3 and 1 right)
Second try: $13,115 (5 right)
Third try: $13,195 (no new numbers right)

ARP: $13,135


Second Calldown: Michelle

IUFB2: Tea Service
Michelle: $1200*
Laura: $1300
Jose: $1600
Tiffany: $1
ARP: $1250

PG2: Michelle is going to play Plinko for a chance to win up to $25,000 in cash!!!

SP1: Lite-Brite, wrong price--$45 (guesses 5, ARP: $15)
SP2: Tea Kettle, wrong price--$80 (guesses 0, ARP: $60)
SP3: Weather Radio, wrong price--$32 (guesses 3, ARP: $30)
SP4: Cinderella VHS Tape, wrong price--$57 (guesses 7, ARP: $27)

First chip: $0
Second chip: $500
Third chip: $0
Fourth chip: $1,000
Fifth chip: $0

Total: $1,500


Bob points out the head page, Matt Luke, who will soon become president of CBS, so there'll be two farewells for today.

Third Calldown: Silina

IUFB3: Archery Set
Silina: $900
Laura: $700
Jose: $900 $901
Tiffany: $902*
ARP: $1397

PG3: Make Your Move--Played for a Coin Bank, Air Cleaner and Brass Bed


Tiffany's guesses: 426725495


Thomas: .80
Michelle: .85
Tiffany: .05+.15=.20

Michelle is going to the Showcase!

Fourth Calldown: Arthur

IUFB4: Dishwasher and Trash Compactor
Arthur: $845*
Silina: $1100
Laura: $1200
Jose: $1201
ARP: $958

PG4: Most Expensive--Played for a Screen, Sofa and Home Gym

Arthur picks #3

ARP of #1: $1,350
ARP of #2: $2,190
ARP of #3: $1,195


Fifth Calldown: Loc

IUFB5: Chest
Loc: $1025
Silina: $1400
Laura: $950
Jose: $926

Loc: $680
Silina: $500*
Laura: $675
Jose: $1
ARP: $616

PG5: Dice Game--Played for a Ford Escort

First number: 1

Second number: Rolls 4, is wrong (guesses higher)
Third number: Rolls 3, is right (no guess)
Fourth number: Rolls 4, is wrong (guesses lower)
Fifth number: Rolls 4, is wrong (guesses higher)

ARP: $11,335


There's a possibility of a double-induction into the FFBC, as Laura and Jose have been stuck in Contestant's Row since the start of the show. Can either one escape?

Final Calldown: Melanie

IUFB6: Color TV
Melanie: $700
Laura: $600
Jose: $1000* (also wins $100 for perfect bid)
Loc: $1001 (and there's no VCR with it!)
ARP: $1000

With his perfect bid, Jose avoids the FFBC, which is unfortunately where Laura is going.

PG6: Grocery Game--Played for a Dining Room Group ($3,815)

GP1: Lever 2000 Soap
GP2: Little Debbie Figaroos
GP3: Tootsie Roll
GP4: V8 Vegetable Juice
GP5: Wink Rust Remover

First purchase: 7 Soaps x $2.27 = $15.89
Second purchase: 3 Figaroos x $1.29 = $3.87 (TOTAL--$19.76)
Third purchase: 1 Tootsie Roll x 45¢ = 45¢ (TOTAL--$20.21)


Silina: .60+.95=OVER
Arthur: .95
Jose: .15+.10=.25

Arthur is going to the Showcase!

Top Winner: Michelle
Runner-Up: Arthur

Electric Guitar, Motorcycle, Ford Probe
Michelle passes to Arthur, who bids $23,275

Game Room (Arcade Game, Game Table, Pinball Machine), Monte Carlo
Michelle bids $14,000

ARP of Michelle's Showcase: $16,088 (Difference: $2,088)
ARP of Arthur's Showcase: $21,839 (OVER)

Michelle wins her Showcase, and takes home $18,970 in cash and prizes!