Author Topic: October 24, 1989  (Read 1742 times)

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Offline Teddy

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October 24, 1989
« on: May 29, 2018, 01:33:51 PM »
First Four: Karen, Deborah, Ralph, Glenda

Bob makes his audience entrance here.

IUFB1: Dirt Bike
Karen: $800*
Deborah: $650
Ralph: $575
Glenda: $675
ARP: $1498

PG1: Golden Road--Played for a Desk, a Pool Table and something worth more than $39,000--a Chevrolet Corvette Convertible!!!

Sliced Carrots: 42¢

Desk: $?90 (picks 4, is right)
Pool Table: $2,?95 (picks 4, is right)
Convertible: $39,?46 (picks 5, is wrong; ARP--$39,246)


Second Calldown: Paul

IUFB2: Recliner (winner also receives Sinutab)
Paul: $550*
Deborah: $600
Ralph: $485
Glenda: $500
ARP: $599

PG2: $uper $aver--Played for a Dining Room Group ($3,850)

GP1: Jimmy Dean Sausage Links, marked at $1.89
GP2: Dum Dum Lollipops, marked at 79¢
GP3: Kraft Creamy Cucumber Dressing, marked at $1.69
GP4: Efferdent, marked at $2.62
GP5: Gorton's Minced Clams, marked at $1.09
GP6: Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls, marked at 69¢

First purchase: Little Debbie, ARP--99¢ (saves 30¢)
Second purchase: Clams, ARP--$1.29 (saves 20¢ for 50¢ in bank)
Third purchase: Dum Dums, ARP--$1.19 (saves 40¢ for 90¢ in bank)
Fourth purchase: Dressing, ARP--$1.79 (saves 10¢ for $1.00 in bank)


Third Calldown: Mary (who plays most of the show barefoot after losing her sandals while coming on down)

IUFB3: Encyclopedia
Mary: $550
Deborah: $710
Ralph: $825
Glenda: $651*
ARP: $699

PG3: Most Expensive--Played for an Entertainment Center, Golf Clubs and Washer/Dryer

Glenda picks #3

ARP of #1: $1,598
ARP of #2: $1,038
ARP of #3: $932


Glenda: .55+.05=.60
Paul: .70
Karen: .15+.05 .60=.75

Karen is going to the Showcase!

Fourth Calldown: Martha

IUFB4: Stereo System
Martha: $1000
Mary: $1050
Deborah: $1060
Ralph: $1070*
ARP: $1214

PG4: Bump--Played for a Baker's Rack and Refrigerator/Freezer

Baker's Rack: $1,549
Refrigerator: $801

End buses: $1,170

Ralph decides to bump to left

ARP of Baker's Rack: $1,170
ARP of Refrigerator: $1,549


Fifth Calldown: Steve

IUFB5: Table Collection
Steve: $710*
Martha: $650
Mary: $800
Deborah: $801
ARP: $799

PG5: Steve is going to play Plinko for a chance to win up to $25,000 in cash!!!

SP1: Roll-O-Matic Mop, wrong price--$12 (guesses 2, ARP: $19)
SP2: Children's Clothes, wrong price--$65 (guesses 5, ARP: $35)
SP3: Casserole Set, wrong price--$27 (guesses 7, ARP: $47)
SP4: Hot Pot Express, wrong price--$81 (guesses 1, ARP: $21)

First chip: $500
Second chip: $0 $1,000
Third chip: $5,000
Fourth chip: $1,000

Total: $7,500


Afterwards, Bob and Dian throw to commercial together.

Bob and Rod discuss the announcer's wardrobe, in which he has $58,000 worth of suits, and Rod delivers a classic line about it: "Well, I got a slight break; the price was right."

Will Deborah make it out?

Final Calldown: Terrie

IUFB6: Sewing Machine
Terrie: $775
Martha: $850
Mary: $675*
Deborah: $1
ARP: $699

Sorry Deborah, you're off to the FFBC!

PG6: Money Game--Played for a Pontiac Sunbird


First pick: 89, wins $89
Second pick: 97, front of car
Third pick: 57, back of car


Ralph: .55+.15=.70
Steve: .45+.80=OVER
Mary: .95

Mary is going to the Showcase!

Top Winner: Mary
Runner-Up: Karen

Vanity Mirror, Four-Poster Bed, Mercury Cougar
Mary bids $26,000

Water Fountain, Ireland, Sailboat
Karen bids $10,000

ARP of Mary's Showcase: $21,658 (OVER)
ARP of Karen's Showcase: $12,814 (Difference: $2,814)

Karen, who may have missed out on a Corvette on the Golden Road, wins her Showcase, and takes home $17,297 in cash and prizes!