Author Topic: March 27, 1992  (Read 1841 times)

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Offline Teddy

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March 27, 1992
« on: October 23, 2018, 01:01:40 PM »
First Four: Ann, Vincent, Kimberly, Garland

IUFB1: Home Gym (winner also receives Gitano Socks)
Garland: $945
Kimberly: $1100*
Vincent: $950
Ann: $1003
ARP: $1440

PG1: Clock Game--Played for a Refrigerator/Freezer and Soccer Table

First, Kimberly will bid on Refrigerator/Freezer

Kimberly's bids/Bob's responses: $800/H, $900/L, $850/L, $840/L, $830/L, $820/L, $810/L, $800/H, $801/H, $802/H, $803/H, $804/H, $805/H, $806/H, $807/H, $808/H, $809 (wins with 16 seconds left)

Next, she will bid on Soccer Table

Kimberly's bids/Bob's responses: $400/H, $500/H, $600/H, $700/H, $800/H, $900/L, $850/H, $860/L, $851/H, $852/H, $853/H, $854/H, $855 (wins with 4 seconds left)


Second Calldown: Emma

IUFB2: Necklace
Emma: $600
Vincent: $1200*
Ann: $700
Garland: $750
ARP: $1295

PG2: Pathfinder--Played for a Buick Century Wagon

First number: 1

SP1: Aftershave
SP2: Children's Pajamas
SP3: Coffee/Tea Maker

Second number: 8, 9, 7 or 5? Steps to 5, is wrong

Picks Aftershave: $10 or $14? Guesses $14, is right

Second number: 8, 9 or 7? Steps to 7, is right
Third number: 3, 8 or 9? Steps to 3, is right
Fourth number: 5 or 6? Steps to 6, is right
Fifth number: 0 or 8? Steps to 0, is wrong

Picks Pajamas: $11 or $16? Guesses $16, is right

Fifth number: Steps to 8 by default


After Vincent steps to the third number, the fourth digit is also lit up prematurely, giving him a free pass.

Third Calldown: Serina

IUFB3: Telescope
Serina: $700
Ann: $825
Garland: $1250
Emma: $900*
ARP: $938

PG3: Buy or Sell--Played for a Dinette Set, Chest and Range

Dinette--marked at $1,180
Chest--marked at $1,324
Range--marked at $1,365

Emma decides to buy Dinette, sell Chest and sell Range

ARP of Dinette: $1,480, gains $300
ARP of Chest: $1,124, gains $200
ARP of Range: $965, gains $400

Total profit: $900


This is the first-ever playing of Buy or Sell, and it's staged a little differently in that the main scoreboard is placed between the Big Doors instead of in front of the Turntable; also, no money is won.

Kimberly: .70
Emma: .80
Vincent: .05+.50=.55

Emma is going to the Showcase!

Fourth Calldown: Lois

IUFB4: Wing Chair
Lois: $650
Serina: $675
Ann: $950
Garland: $951*
ARP: $1015

PG4: Pick-a-Number--Played for a Trip to Copenhagen

Price: $5,0?6

Possible numbers: 4, 7, 9

Garland picks 7

ARP: $5,046


Fifth Calldown: Roosevelt

IUFB5: His & Hers Skis (winner also receives Jelly Belly Jelly Beans)
Roosevelt: $1000
Lois: $1150
Serina: $1500
Ann: $1*
ARP: $900

PG5: Lucky $even--Played for a Pontiac LeMans

First number: Guesses 8, actual number--8 (keeps all $7)
Second number: Guesses 5, actual number--4 (gives back $1)
Third number: Guesses 6, actual number--2 (gives back $4)
Fourth number: Guesses 9, actual number--8 (gives back $1, plus $1 to buy car)


Final Calldown: Esther

IUFB6: Cherry Table Collection
Esther: $1200
Roosevelt: $650
Lois: $850
Serina: $1201*
ARP: $1300

PG6: Bullseye--Played for a Big-Screen TV and Satellite Dish ($5,399)

GP1: Idahoan COmplete Mashed Potatoes
GP2: Erase Carpet Spot Eraser
GP3: For Perms Only
GP4: Dentu-Gel
GP5: Caress Body Bars

First purchase: 10 Soaps x 89¢ = $8.90
Second purchase: 8 Potatoes x $1.29 = $10.32


Garland: .15+.10=.25
Serina: .25+.75=1.00
Ann: .85+.50 .90=OVER

Serina: .85

Serina is going to the Showcase, with $1,000 in her pocket!

Top Winner: Serina
Runner-Up: Emma

$1,000 in Cash, Jukebox, Fishing Boat
Serina passes to Emma, who bids $18,500

Cuckoo Clock, Bedroom Group, Camping Trailer
Serina bids $13,000

ARP of Serina's Showcase: $17,683 (Difference: $4,683)
ARP of Emma's Showcase: $24,804 (Difference: $6,304)

Serina wins her Showcase, and takes home $25,382 in cash and prizes!