Author Topic: December 18, 1995  (Read 2003 times)

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Offline Teddy

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December 18, 1995
« on: December 21, 2018, 02:22:34 PM »
First Four: David, Michelle, Tammy, Christina

Bob makes his audience entrance here.

IUFB1: Christmas Village (winner also receives Cane Classics Candy Canes)
David: $550*
Michelle: $425
Tammy: $500
Christina: $800
ARP: $773

PG1: Golden Road--Played for a Rolltop Desk, Canopy Bed and something worth more than $60,000--a Dodge Viper!!!

Whole Tomatoes: 82¢

Desk: $?63--picks 8, is right
Bed: $3,?75--picks 6, is right
Car: $60,?89--picks 7, is wrong (ARP: $60,589)


Second Calldown: James

IUFB2: 2 Electric Guitars
James: $1000
Michelle: $625
Tammy: $1500*
Christina: $1250
ARP: $1890

PG2: Clock Game--Played for a Hand-Painted Trunk and 2 Swivel Chairs

First, Tammy, whose father George will be 74 in a couple of days, will bid on Trunk

Tammy's bids/Bob's responses: $500/H, $600/H, $700/H, $800/H, $900/L, $999/L, $950/L... (stop the clock at 23) $850/L, $820/H, $830/H, $845/L, $840/L, $835/H, $839/L, $838/L, $837 (wins with 12 seconds left)

Next, she will bid on Chairs

Tammy's bids/Bob's responses: $1500/L, $1200/L, $1100/L, $800/H, $900/H, $950/H, $980/H, $990/L, $985/H, $890... MRRRRRRRRP!

ARP: $987


Third Calldown: Joan

IUFB3: 2 Table Lamps (winner also receives Ginsana)
Joan: $450
Christina: $1000
James: $600
Michelle: $465*
ARP: $540

PG3: Penny Ante--Played for a Trip to Nantucket and 35mm Camera ($4,537)

GP1: Shield Deodorant Soap
GP2: Tarn-X

Soap: $5.00, $3.91, $4.25 or $6.19

First pick: $4.25? NO
Second pick: $3.91? YES

Tarn-X: $1.99, $2.50, $4.69 or $3.15

Third pick: $4.69? NO
Fourth pick: $3.15? NO

ARP: $2.50


The bell mistakenly dings before the buzzer goes off on the second wrong guess.

But wait, it doesn't end here, because before the break, it was discovered that the Tarn-X really was $4.69 after all, so Michelle wins on a technicality, meaning here comes Santa Claus!

Tammy: .05 .40+.95=OVER
Michelle: .85
David: .50+.45=.95

David is going to the Showcase!

Fourth Calldown: Kevin

IUFB4: Sofa (winner also receives Robitussin Liquid-Center Cough Drops)
Kevin: $850
Joan: $950
Christina: $1200
James: $951*
ARP: $1129

PG4: Freeze Frame--Played for a Player Piano

Possible prices: $1520, $9815, $1198, $8911, $5089, $6750, $1267, $2012

James freezes price at $6,750

ARP: $6,750


Fifth Calldown: Danielle (although two of them come on down at the same time)

IUFB5: Lithograph
Danielle: $800
Kevin: $700
Joan: $850
Christina: $701

Danielle: $475
Kevin: $350
Joan: $595
Christina: $596*
ARP: $645

PG5: Buy or Sell--Played for a Home Gym, Color TV and Bar Set

Home Gym--marked at $995
Color TV--marked at $1,399
Bar Set--marked at $4,300

Christina decides to buy Home Gym, sell Color TV and sell Bar Set

ARP of Home Gym: $1,195--gains $200
ARP of Color TV: $1,699--loses $300
ARP of Bar Set: $3,900--gains $400

Total profit: $300


Final Calldown: Robyn

Before the final IUFB is revealed, Bob calls out Rob Allen, who decorated the set for this week of shows.

IUFB6: Sewing Machine
Robyn: $899
Danielle: $500*
Kevin: $750
Joan: $900
ARP: $549

PG6: Five Price Tags--Played for a Mercury Mystique

Possible prices: $14,666, $16,891, $18,919, $15,340, $17,358

SP1: Home Haircut Kit--$27? Guesses true, ARP: $27
SP2: Vacuum Cleaner--$145? Guesses false, ARP: $190
SP3: Iced Tea Pot--$51? Guesses false, ARP: $30
SP4: Ladies' Shaver--$31? Guesses false, ARP: $42

Danielle wins four picks from the five price tags

First pick: $16,891? NO
Second pick: $17,358? NO

...but then the video cuts away before we see the end result, although Danielle has obviously won the car, since she's spinning last, so mark this one a SANTA! If I was a betting man, I'd say that the car was $15,340.

Christina: .95
James: .45+.40=.85
Danielle: .60+.40=1.00

Danielle: .25 (but it didn't go all the way around, unfortunately)

Danielle is going to the Showcase, with $1,000 in her pocket! Bob mistakenly says that James had a chance to win a Viper, which David actually had.

Top Winner: Danielle
Runner-Up: David

His & Hers Watches, Hawaii, Chrysler Sebring Coupe
Danielle bids $25,000

Kitchen Appliances, Dining Room Group, Spa
David bids $14,800

ARP of David's Showcase: $13,036 (OVER)
ARP of Danielle's Showcase: $25,395 (Difference: $395)

Danielle wins her Showcase, and takes home $42,573 in gifts!