Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Season 50

TPiR Recap - 9/30/2021 (TPiR 50th Anniversary Primetime Special)

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Roadgeek Adam:
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border: 2px solid #C00; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; width: 18px; text-align: center; } .grBlank3 { background-color: #C00; width: 18px; text-align: center; } .grCover3 { background-color: #C36; width: 18px; text-align: center; } Episode #47SP (The Price is Right 50th Anniversary Special)
Aired – 9/30/2021; Taped – ??/??/2021
Models: Manuela Arbelaez, Alexis Gaube, Devin Goda, Amber Lancaster, James O'Halloran, Rachel Reynolds
Microphone Handoff: Rachel
First Four Contestant Seating: Left to Right
The contestants podiums and backgrounds are all in gold. First IUFB: Designer Jewelry (Ross Simons: 14ct yellow gold link necklace); ARP: $10,995 (Amber and Devin) KARRI MICHAEL SUSAN DANIELLE 3001 3199 2500 2575
The winner is...

Drew mentions 112 pricing games. Clips: PLINKO, OLD GOLDEN ROAD, OLD CLOCK, ANY NUMBER, ONE AWAY, RAT RACE, CLIFF HANGERS, RACE GAME, DICE GAME, OLD PUNCH A BUNCH (BRYAN - GET A DOG), OLD HOLE (BOB MISSED, mentions Arnold Palmer, Drew misses), $87K HOLE WIN. Michael is playing PLINKO! for a chance to win $250,000!. Drew gives him a free Plinko chip. $ Chip #1 (Smart Clock) (Manuela):
9 0 He picks 0... WIN!
$50 $ Chip #2 (Rice Cooker) (Manuela and James):
2 1 He picks 2... $ WIN!
$27 Chip #3 (Mooka Cool Mist Humidifier) (James and Alexis):
1 9 He picks X... $ WIN!
$49 Chip #4 (Taco Tuesday Wine Juicer) (Alexis):
7 5 He picks 5... WIN!
$35 $ Michael drops the first chip...             $       1
0 2
0 5
0 0 50
0 0 5
0 2
0 1
0 $5,000 Michael drops the second chip...         $           1
0 2
0 5
0 0 50
0 0 5
0 2
0 1
0 $55,000 Michael drops the third chip...   $                 1
0 2
0 5
0 0 50
0 0 5
0 2
0 1
0 $56,000 Michael drops the fourth chip...               $     1
0 2
0 5
0 0 50
0 0 5
0 2
0 1
0 $58,500 Michael drops the fifth chip...       $             1
0 2
0 5
0 0 50
0 0 5
0 2
0 1
0 $58,500 LOSS (Total Winnings: $58,661) Norah O'Donnell of CBS Evening News, Jeff Probst, Wayne Brady/Jonathan Magnum/Tiffany Coyne of LMAD, Phil Keoghan, Tiffany Haddish, Julie Chen Moonves, Jeremy Sisto, the cast of The Neighborhood, James Corden, Vanessa Lachey all shout out the 50 years. Second IUFB: Desktop Computer (Apple: 24in iMac with 8GB RAM, 256GB storage, -speaker sound system); ARP: $1,299 (Rachel and Devin) KARRI ANGELA SUSAN DANIELLE 1 2500 2000 2250
The winner is...

The intro of the first episode on September 4, 1972 appears before Back to 72 begins. Connie getting a lot of air time, showing Any Number and the Chevrolet Vega. Karri is playing Back to '72 for a trip to Hawaii (Coach to Kauai, HI for a 5n stay in an oceanfront 1br unit at the The Parrish Collection Kauai then to Maui for a 6n stay inan oceanfront 1br suite at Napili Kai Beach Resort then to Big Island for a 7n stay in an oceanview suite with private lanai at the Mahana House Country Inn; fly coach to LA; ARP: $11,017) (Amber and Alexis). Karri has $50 to price these three items:
* Rival Can-O-Matic
* Ladiies Chic Beauty Salon
* Compton's 50th Anniversary Encyclopedia Set CAN OPENER $0   $50 $10 $23 37 BEAUTY SALON $10   $60 $45 $47 35 ENCYCLOPEDIA SET $150   $250 $190 $215 10 WIN (Total Winnings: $11,302) Johnny Olson, Rich Fields, Rod Roddy and George Gray getting on air love entering Act 3, including DJ Johnny, Rod's Restaurant, George on eSkates, Rich wearing a big wheel, getting pied, Johnny isn't giving Bob much, Rich as James Bond, Johnny Olson on viking ship, George on piano, Johnny eating grapes, retro George, Rich Dunk Tank. Third IUFB: Designer Shoes (Jimmy Choo: His and her package of wedge platform sandals and stiletto pumps for her; leather oxfords and low top sneakers for him); ARP: $2,690 (Manuela) JOHN ANGELA SUSAN DANIELLE 2750 2200 2400 2751
The winner is...

Susan, wearing a Bob Barker All Over shirt, is playing HOLE IN ONE for a 1972 Ford Mustang Mach1 Convertible (5.8L V8 engine, AT, RWD; ARP: $27,500) (Devin). Susan has a chance to putt next to the hole if she can place the following items in order from lowest to highest:
* Tillamook Colby Jack Cheese (16oz)
* French's Yellow Mustard (8oz)
* Shake n Bake Chicken Seasoning Mix (4.5oz)
* Tetra Goldfish Food (2.2oz)
* Heath Candy Bar (2oz)
* Armor All Multi-Purpose Cleaner (16oz) Susan puts the items in this order:           $500 CANDY BAR MUSTARD COATING MIX FISH FOOD CHEESE CLEANER The ARPs are:           $500 $1.09 $2.29 $3.99 $6.49 $7.49 $4.99 Susan will putt from the 5th line. Instead of Drew, Chris O'Donnell attempts the insipration putt...*SUCCESS* Susan attempts her putt...*MISS* Drew changes the game to "Hole In One or Two"! Susan attempts the second putt...*SUCCESS* CLIP SHOW SEGMENT NO. 1 They showed international versions of The Price is Right. Netherlands, Thailand, Argentina, Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom (Forsythe and Carr), Colombia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Australia (Emdur). SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Karri $12,601 100 – 1.00 *$1,000!* Susan $30,190 35 20 .55 OVER Michael $69,656 55 45 1.00 *$1,000!* Contestant Winnings Spin 1 TOTAL RESULT Karri $13,601 35 .35 Michael $70,656 75 .75 *SHOWCASE* The showed the Rainbow Wheel with an incorrect date (June 6, 1981(!) – September 8, 1975 is correct), 4 wheelies, lots of dollars, including the triple $80,000 win. Fourth IUFB: Turntable and Bar Cabinet (Turntable Lab: 2 speakers, turntable, record brush, 5 albums; Joybird: bar cabinet); ARP: $2,756 (James and Amber) JOHN ANGELA CALVIN DANIELLE 1300 1 2000 1750
The winner is...

Calvin, from Memphis, Tennesee, is playing Grocery Game for an every room in the house (Living Spaces: Living room with sofa set, end table, accents and more; bedroom, nightstand, furnishings; table, 6 chairs, cabinet; ARP: $10,000) (Devin, Amber and Manuela). Clip airs of broken Grocery Game and mistakes in operating it, followed by other ones (Bonkers), Janice and the falling fridge, Dian and the Harp, Holly and the appliance failures, not understanding Half Off, Holly falling montage, Rachel hitting the door with the Mustang in L7, Flip Flop stuck, Squeeze errors, 123AlakazamLiftUptheLid, George falling montage, Manuela reveals ARP by accident. Items:

* Nabisco Golden Oreos (19oz)
* Campbell's Golden Mushroom Soup
* C&H Golden Brown Cane Sugar (2lb)
* Softsoap Milk & Gold Honey Soap (7.5oz)
* General Mills Golden Grahams Cereal (11.7oz) Calvin picks 10 soup. ARP of one: $1.59 x10 for a total of: 1 5 9 0 Calvin picks 1 sugar. ARP of one: $2.99 Total: 1 8 8 9 Calvin picks 1 soap. ARP of one: $1.79 x1 makes it: 2 0 6 8 WIN! Come on Downs montage: Robin Hood, the worm, tripping and falling, jumping over seats, carried on down, Oscar ran on stage and asked for a kiss, piggyback rides on down, backflip on down and of course, YOLANDA and Vanna White. Fifth IUFB: Luggage (Victorinox: 6 hardcase suitcases, 2 carryons); ARP: $3,152 (VANNA WHITE, who was on the show on June 20, 1980) JOHN ANGELA ALEXIS DANIELLE 2000 2001 1800 1801
The winner is...

Angela is playing Cliffhangers for a trip to Belize (RT Coach to Belize City, BE then to private island via helicopter for a 6n stay courtesy of The Gladden Experience at Valley Stream + massages, spa treattement, bird watch, half-day diving, hiking; ARP: $30,701) (Rachel and Devin). Small prizes (Manuela): Pan Stirrer, French Fry Cutter, Ultrasonic Cleaner Angela bids $22 on the pan stirrer...                                                   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25                                                     The ARP is... $25 Angela bids $36 on the french fry cutter...                                                   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25                                                     The ARP is... $36 Angela bids $45 on the cleaner...                                                     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25                                                     The ARP is... $46 WIN (Total Winnings: $30,808) The next clip show is celebrities, including Jack Black, Ludacris, KISS, Meghan Trainor, Snoop Dogg, Carol Burnett, Betty White, Burt Reynolds, Seth Rogen, Neil Patrick Harris, Richard Simmons, Anderson.Paak, Diplo, James Corden, and Kristen Bell. It hasn't been 50 years since Danielle was called on down, but she is still here. Now she needs to escape. A trip to Darrington, Washington, where Bob Barker was born, is awaiting a golden limo. Sixth IUFB: Robot and Smartphone (Temi: personal services robot; Apple: 128GB iPhone 12 Max); ARP: $5,098 (James) JOHN BREA ALEXIS DANIELLE 4001 3300 2800 4000
The winner is...

Danielle departs while John is going to walk the GOLDEN-ROAD for:
* Electric Bicycle (250watt e-bike with 1 bell and helmet) (Devin and Amber)
* Electric Sport Scooters (Daymak: 500watt e-scooter with 2 helmets, 2 gloves, roost guard) (James and Alexis)
* 2021 Porsche Taycan (93.4kw/h battery, 150/400DC charger, 2-speed AT, sport design front fascia, 19 inch Taycan S Aero wheels, fixed panoramic sunroof in glass, window trim in high gloss black, all-wheel drive, adaptive cruise control, microfiber cleaning cloth, white edition paint polish) (Rachel and Manuela) worth over $97,000! Clip airs of top 10 biggest winners in Price is history from 10 to 1. The golden road starts with La Moderna Pasta: 49¢ They walk over to the bicycle: 49¢     6 0 The price is $460 or $960...
John picks $960   9 6 0 *CORRECT!* They walk over to the scooter: 960   5   2 1 The price is $5921, $5621, $5021...
John picks $5621   5 6 2 1 *CORRECT!* They walk over to the Porsche: 5621   9 7   4 0 The price is $97540, $97640, $97240, $97140...
John picks $97240   9 7 1 4 0 CLIP SHOW SEGMENT NO.2 Outtakes never before seen, including Drew cursing on air, Sandra being asked her weight, 2gal of moisture output (wet dream joke), how much lower under due to I have to bid for a kiss on the cheek (visible bid Results: 4 out of 6 (Plinko center slot hit)
Winnings: $204,293
Biggest Winner: Michael ($70,656) This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.
A game show that brings us all together from generation to generation. A game show that's been on the air in some form for eight different decades (a feat only matched by To Tell the Truth). Hosts that bring us priceless memories, Bill Cullen, Tom Kennedy, Doug Davidson, Dennis James, Bob Barker and Drew Carey. A game show where we watch average civilians win lifechanging prizes and amounts of money. It's the show that brings this website together. Congratulations to 50 years of The Price is Right. Here's to 50 more!

That was one nice looking Porsche. I want! (Maybe not in white though 😊.)

Very cool to see the scenes of all of the permanent announcers over the years.

The salute to Bob Barker was very moving. Time marches on.

Aside from a hiccup or two (the debut date of the Rainbow Wheel), it was an enjoyable special.

The prizes were pretty toned down compared to premiere week. Show how awful & dumb that week was, IMO.

What was that cheap boat doing in this show at all? That goes in a PG in this type of show, not a SC.

Pretty good special that delivered.


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