Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Season 50

TPiR Recap - 11/22/2021

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Roadgeek Adam:
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font-size: 24px; background-color: #0cf; } .dpARP > span { border-color: #f00; } .dpARP { color: #fff; border-color: #f90; } .dpEmpty { height: 42px; line-height: 50px; font-family: 'PricedownRegular'; font-size: 42px; color: #ff0; margin: 10px; } Episode #9611K
Aired – 11/21/2021; Taped – 10/14/2021
Models: Amber Lancaster, James O'Halloran
Microphone Handoff: Amber
First Four Contestant Seating: Left to Right
First IUFB: Turntable Package (Walnut turntable with 5 albums); ARP: $693 (James) BRENDA TAYLOR BAYARDO DENISE 355 450 499 500
The winner is...

Denise is going to walk the GOLDEN-ROAD for:
* Ping Pong Table (Stiba: Advantage Pro ping pong table with accessories, training robot) (Amber)
* Home Gym (Inspire Fitness: multi-station home gym with bench and leg attachment; IC1 indoor cycling bicycle; yoga mat, balance ball, foam roller) (James)
* 2022 BMW 840i Coupe (3L engine, 8-spseed AT, RWD, 20in MV spoke jet black wheels, front ventilated seats, driving assistance package, glass controls, paint and fabric protection, ashblack silver wood trim, integral active steering) (Amber) worth over $92,000! The golden road starts with filters: 85¢ They walk over to the ping pong table: 85¢     3 7 The price is $837 or $537...
Denise picks $837   8 3 7 *CORRECT!* They walk over to the the home gym: 837   6   4 0 The price is $6840, $6340 or $6740...
Denise picks $6340   6 3 4 0 *CORRECT!* They walk over to the BMW: 6340   9 2   9 5 The price is $92695, $92395, $92495 or $92095...
Denise picks $92,495   9 2 0 9 5 Second IUFB: Snow Package (Yukon Charlie's: 2 pairs of snowshoes, hammerhead sleds, 2 for advance terrain; 4 pairs of trekking poles and bags); ARP: $1,232 (James) BRENDA TAYLOR BAYARDO JOSHUA 1300 1450 1451 1200
The winner is...

Joshua, from North Hollywood, California, is playing SQUEEZE PLAY for a trip to Norway (RT Coach to Bergen, NO for a 6n stay in at Hotel Oleana + daily breakfast and lunch, guided snowshoeing excursion) (Amber). The 6, 9 or 7 is incorrect.

          8 6 9 7 0   Joshua removes the 6...

          $ 8 9 7 0 $8670 LOSS Third IUFB: Designer Watches (Victorinox Swiss Army: 3 men's chronograph watches 2 with rubber strap and 1 with leather); ARP: $1,565 (Amber) BRENDA TAYLOR BAYARDO MARY 1150 1350 1351 995
The winner is...

Bayardo is playing Cliffhangers for a new hot tub (Beachcomber: 350 LEEP with 1 cooling seat, 104 jets, alabaster facing; ARP: $12,031) (James). Small prizes: Pizza Cutter, Nostalgia Electric Fondue Pot, Lamo Alta Boots Bayardo bids $22 on the pizza cutter...                                                   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25                                                     The ARP is... $26 Bayardo bids $38 on the fondue set...                                                   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25                                                     The ARP is... $35 Bayardo bids $49 on the boots...                                                     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25                                                     The ARP is... $50 WIN (Total Winnings: $12,142) SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Joshua $1,232 45 30 .75 Denise $7,870 60 50 1.10 OVER Bayardo $13,707 75 STAY .75 *OVERTIME* Contestant Winnings Spin 1 TOTAL RESULT Joshua $1,232 40 .40 Bayardo $13,707 75 .75 *SHOWCASE* Fourth IUFB: Fridge (Side by side stainless steel fridge); ARP: $1,899 (James) BRENDA TAYLOR DAWN MARY 2200 2201 1700 1495
The winner is...

Dawn is playing Clock GAME for:
* laptop computer (15.6in laptop with 4GB RAM, 128GB SSD) (Amber)
* fireplace (Mountable electric fireplace) (Amber)
* Bedroom (Modern bed frame; Tuft & Needle: mattress, 2 pillows, insert; 3 picture frames) (James) Dawn will bid on the laptop ($509): Bid Response $1700 Lower $1300 Lower $1000 Lower $850 Lower $500 Higher $600 Lower $550 Lower $525 Lower $510 Lower $500 Higher $505 Higher $506 Higher $507 Higher $508 Higher $509 Correct! Time left: 10 seconds. Dawn will bid on the fireplace ($849): Bid Response $900 Lower $800 Higher $850 Lower $820 Higher $825 Higher $850 Lower $840 Higher $845 Higher Time left: 0 seconds. LOSS Fifth IUFB: Designer Handbags (Jimmy Choo: leather crossbody bag, tote, wallet, clutch bag with detachable chain); ARP: $3,265 (Amber) BRENDA TAYLOR JAMES MARY 2250 2251 3000 2200
The winner is...

James is playing Stack The Deck for a 2021 Currant Red Kia Forte LXS (2L engine, IVT, FWD, etch protection) (James). STACK THE DECK
0 1 2 3 4 8 9 1) Jolly Rancher Hard Candy (14oz) $3.79 $3.79 2) Rubbermaid EasyFind Lids (2ct) $6.49 3 3) Aspercerme with 4% Lidocaine No Mess Applicator (2.5oz) $8.12 $5.99 4) Horizon Organic Growing Years Milk (1/2gal) $5.99 9 3 5) Lawry's Garlic Salt (11oz) $4.99 $2.99 6) Guerrero Corn Tortillas (80ct) $2.99 9 4 3 STACK THE DECK 2 1 9 4 3
0 8 2 0 9 4 3 2 1 9 4 3
0 8 LOSS Been a while since we've had to summon the double-wide, but Brenda and Taylor have done a wonderful job causing this to happen. Now at least one is going to Hurlock, Maryland. Brenda bids 3rd here and Taylor 4th, so it might go well for Taylor, but that's not a guarantee. Sixth IUFB: Television (43in UHD 4K rotating television); ARP: $2,000 (James) BRENDA TAYLOR SHONTANA MARY 1 2 2250 2251
The winner is...

Brenda gets 1 upped by Taylor, who escapes and is playing (the 1700th playing of) Double Prices for a trip to Orlando (RT Coach to Orlando, FL for a 5n stay in an executive suite at JW Marriott Orlando Bonnet Creek Resort and Spa + $200 resort credit, private VIP theme park tour) (Amber). $9334 $ $7003 WIN $7003 $7003 SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Dawn $2,408 50 5 .55 James $3,265 20 50 .70 *SHOWCASE* Taylor $9,003 25 35 .60 THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Bayardo has the honors... SC1 - James GOING OFF THE GRID
* Trip to Canadian Rockies (RT Coach to Calgary, AB then to Banff for a 6n stay in a 1br deluxe chalet at Castle Mountain Chalets + daily breakfast) (Amber)
* Trip to Belize (RT Coach to Placencia, BE for a 6n stay in a 5br beachhouse at Villa Groovy Gecko + RT private transportation, cave tubing excursion) (Amber)
* Pair of 2021 Honda Monkeys (125cc engine, 4-speed transmission, 2 helmets) (James) Bid: $22,000 SC2 - Bayardo ELECTRIFIED!
* Electric Guitar (Electric guitar with c-shaped neck, 15watt amp, instrument cable) (Amber)
* Paddleboard (Newport: G4 paddleboard; Nixy Sports: 3pc carbon fiber paddle, hand pump, ankle leash; 10in motorized fin) (James)
* 2022 Lunar White Hyundai Kona EV SEL (150kw hour battery, 1-speed transmission, FWD, convenience package, carpeted floor mats) (Amber) Bid: $26,500 James $22,000 TRIPS/CYCLES $27,477 $5,477 TRIPS/CYCLES *WIN*
$30,742 Bayardo $26,500 ELECTRIC CAR $42,344 $15,844 ELECTRIC CAR Results: 2 out of 6
Winnings: $64,962
Biggest Winner: James This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.
Remember, only 3 shows this week

Both contestants that played their pricing games for cars were just a "0" away from winning their cars, alas.

Cliffhangers could have been tricky for some, but Bayardo's strategy was great.

James wins the award for best-dressed contestant of the day, and the showcase to boot!

Hey, Goldy managed to show up. So we're at an extra Big 3 playing compared to past seasons... let it continue, please.

     Kinda amusing seeing Denise go ape over winning a table tennis table!


--- Quote from: DRPrice on November 22, 2021, 08:50:56 PM ---     Kinda amusing seeing Denise go ape over winning a table tennis table!

--- End quote ---

Denise was…something. My wife said she thought she was watching “Real Housewives of Television City”


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