Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Season 51

TPiR Recap - 9/28/2022

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Roadgeek Adam:
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} .pathfinderSPchoice { font-size: 20px; line-height: 23px; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 2px; } .pathfinderSPname { margin: 0px auto; } .pathfinderSParpLeft, .pathfinderSParpRight { width: 60px; height: 25px; background-color: #fff; color: #096; font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive; border: 2px solid #066; text-align: center; font-size: 20px; line-height: 23px; } .pathfinderSParpLeft { margin-right: 60px; } .pathfinderSParpRight { margin-left: 68px; } Episode #9913K
Aired – 9/28/2022; Taped – 8/3/2022
Models: Manuela Arbelaez, James O'Halloran
Microphone Handoff: Manuela
First Four Contestant Seating: Left to Right
First IUFB: Air Hockey Table (Arcade-style dome bubble hockey table); ARP: $1,999 (James and Manuela) LUIS DENNISE AUDRA KRIZIA 1330 735 1550 1
The winner is...

Audra, a receptionist from Lakewood, California, is playing PAY THE RENT for a chance to win up to $100,000! The grocery items are:
* Stouffer's Meat Lovers Lasagna (10oz)
* Kind Specialty Nuts Roasted & Salted Cashews (9oz)
* All Stainlifters Free & Clear Laundry Detergent (36oz)
* Quaker Instant Oatmeal Dinosaur Eggs Brown Sugar Oatmeal (8ct)
* Banana Boat Kids Sport Roll-On Sunscreen (2.5oz)
* Jarriots Mandarin Natural Flavor Soda (12.5oz) Audra places the items in the house... $100,000   DETERGENT $10,000   NUTS SUNSCREEN $5,000   OATMEAL LASAGNA $1,000   SODA The ARP of the soda is 99¢. $100,000   DETERGENT $10,000   NUTS SUNSCREEN $5,000   OATMEAL LASAGNA $1,000 99¢ 99¢ The ARP of the oatmeal is $4.59 and the ARP of the lasagna is $3.99 for a total of $8.58. $100,000   DETERGENT $10,000   NUTS SUNSCREEN $5,000 $8.58 $4.59 $3.99 $1,000 99¢ 99¢ The ARP of the nuts is $7.99 and the ARP of the sunscreen is $10.99 for a total of $18.98. $100,000   DETERGENT $10,000 $18.98 $7.99 $10.99 $5,000 $8.58 $4.59 $3.99 $1,000 99¢ 99¢ She chooses to bail. The ARP of the detergent is $5.99. $100,000 $5.99 $5.99 $10,000 $18.98 $7.99 $10.99 $5,000 $8.58 $4.59 $3.99 $1,000 99¢ 99¢ Second IUFB: Pair of Tablets (10.5in and 13in tablets with 8GB RAM, 128GB storage, all-day battery); ARP: $1,250 (James) LUIS DENNISE JIMMY KRIZIA 1999 1601 699 1600
The winner is...

Jimmy is playing PICK A NUMBER for a trip to Thailand (RT Coach to Chiang Mai, TH for a 6n all-inclusive stay in a bungalow at Suan Sati + daily yoga, meditation sessions, one cooking class, 1d private city tour, SUV rental, $500 amenities credit) (Manuela). The price of the trip is $4512, $6512 or $8512:           $ Pick
Number 5 1 2 4 6 8       Jimmy picks 6   6       $ 8 5 1 2 4   8       LOSS Third IUFB: Fitness Equipment (Finer Form: stationary bike, 5-in-1 adjustable weight bench, multi-functional bench); ARP: $840 (Manuela) LUIS DENNISE KENYA KRIZIA 685 790 899 750
The winner is...

Dennise, who has a metal knee, is playing Card Game for a 2022 Chevrolet Trax LS (1.4L engine, 6-speed AT, FWD, tint and cruise package) (James). The starting price is $15,000. The target range is $3,000 Dennise draws a 5♣. $15,500 Dennise draws a 9♣. $16,400 Dennise draws a 3♣. $16,700 Dennise draws a J♣. $17,700 Dennise stops at $17,700 ARP is $23,090 For a difference of $5,390 For a result of LOSS SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Dennise $840 55 65 1.20 OVER Jimmy $1,250 100 – 1.00 *$1,000!* Audra $11,999 60 95 1.55 OVER Contestant Winnings Spin 1 TOTAL RESULT Jimmy $2,250 95 .95 *SHOWCASE* Fourth IUFB: Ladies Designer Handbags (Tory Burch: bucket bag, mini tote, handbag, chain wallet); ARP: $1,892 (Manuela) LUIS JAMAINE KENYA KRIZIA 1800 1699 2000 1700
The winner is...

Luis is playing Most Expen$ive for: 1. Pair of Air Purifiers (Austin Air Systems: pair of HEPA air filters; 1 replacement filter) (James).
2. Pair of Televisions (50in QLED 4K smart television; 43in outdoor television with 4K) (Manuela).
3. Firepit (Firetainment: 42in gas firepit granite top rectangular outdoor table with windguard, tempered glass protection) (George). Guess: 2. 1 2 3 $2560 $3319 $4148   LOSS   Fifth IUFB: Cookware (Abbio: 3 nonstick pans, stock pot, 2 sautee pans, saucepot; award from Eggland's Best); ARP: $645 (James) JENNIFER JAMAINE KENYA KRIZIA 327 500 400 501
The winner is...

Krizia, the last of the First Four, is playing BALANCE GAME for a trip to Iceland (RT Coach to Reyjavik, IC for a 6n stay at Grandi by Center Hotels + daily breakfast, day trip to a glacier lagoon) (Manuela). Bags: $714, $1000, $4000 and $6000 Drew places $714 on the the scale. Krizia places $1000, $6000: 7714 James places the bag on the scale... $714 $1000 $6000 ICELAND ARP: 7714 Result: WIN Sixth IUFB: Smartphone and Sanitizer (6.5in smartphone with 128GB storage; smartphone sanitizer); ARP: $1,019 (Overhead) JENNIFER JAMAINE KENYA YOLONDA 1317 1000 1001 648
The winner is...

Kenya is playing Pathfinder for a 2022 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport 2.0 ES (2L engine, CVT, FWD, tonneau cover, front & rear mudguards, welcome package, black lug nuts, wheel locks) (Manuela). Small prizes:
* Bluetooth Alarm Clock (James)
* Infiniti Pro Hair Styler
* Self-Heating Mug 2        
3 4 5 0 7
9 1 6 4 8
0 3 2 5 6
8 9 7 8 2
5 1 3 9 0 5? *bells* 2 5      
3 4 5 0 7
9 1 6 4 8
0 3 2 5 6
8 9 7 8 2
5 1 3 9 0 8? *bells* 2 5 8    
3 4 5 0 7
9 1 6 4 8
0 3 2 5 6
8 9 7 8 2
5 1 3 9 0 9? EROO! $149 $225 ALARM
CLOCK $149 $225 $149
7? EROO! $29 $60 HAIR
STYLER $29 $60 $60
2? *bells* 2 5 8 2  
3 4 5 0 7
9 1 6 4 8
0 3 2 5 6
8 9 7 8 2
5 1 3 9 0 0? *bells* 2 5 8 2 0
3 4 5 0 7
9 1 6 4 8
0 3 2 5 6
8 9 7 8 2
5 1 3 9 0 WIN (Total Winnings: $26,029) SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Luis $1,892 45 55 1.00 *$1,000!* Krizia $8,359 70 15 .85 Kenya $27,048 30 80 1.10 OVER Contestant Winnings Spin 1 TOTAL RESULT Luis $2,892 85 .85 *SHOWCASE* THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Luis has the honors... SC1 - Jimmy DEEP DIVE
* Trip to Hawaii (RT Coach to Honolulu, HI for a 5n stay at the Hyatt Place Waikiki Beach + daily breakfast, submarine experience for 2) (Manuela)
* Desktop Computer (27in all-in-one computer with 12GB memory, 512GB hard drive) (James)
* 2022 Bayliner Element M15 (50HpP engine, EX package with BT, AMFM stereo, trailer) (Manuela) Bid: $19500 SC2 - Luis SEEING IS BELIEVING
* Designer Ring (Ring Come True: Diamond and moissanite ring with 14ct white gold, 3 rows of lab diamonds) (Manuela)
* Kitchen (Over the range microwave, electric range, dishwasher, French door fridge; courtesy of (Manuela)
* 2022 Ruby Flare Pearl Toyota Corolla LE (1.8L engine, CVT, carpet mat package) (James) Bid: $26,777 Jimmy $19,500 HAWAII/BOAT $31,989 $12,489 HAWAII/BOAT Luis $26,777 KITCHEN/CAR $30,347 $3,570 KITCHEN/CAR *WIN*
$33,239 Results: 2 out of 6 (with 1 bailout)
Winnings: $83,735
Biggest Winner: Luis This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.

Pay the Rent had 3 solutions:

Lasagna (3.99) < Soda + Cashews (0.99 + 7.99 = 8.98) < Oatmeal + Detergent (4.59 + 5.99 = 10.58) < Sunscreen (10.99)
Oatmeal (4.59) < Soda + Cashews (0.99 + 7.99 = 8.98) < Lasagna + Detergent (3.99 + 5.99 = 9.98) < Sunscreen (10.99)
Detergent (5.99) < Lasagna + Oatmeal (3.99 + 4.59 = 8.58) < Soda + Cashews (0.99 + 7.99 = 8.98) < Sunscreen (10.99)

Otherwise, it was a very nice win in Pathfinder!


--- Quote from: LiteBulb88 on September 28, 2022, 02:38:59 PM ---Pay the Rent had 3 solutions:

Lasagna (3.99) < Soda + Cashews (0.99 + 7.99 = 8.98) < Oatmeal + Detergent (4.59 + 5.99 = 10.58) < Sunscreen (10.99)
Oatmeal (4.59) < Soda + Cashews (0.99 + 7.99 = 8.98) < Lasagna + Detergent (3.99 + 5.99 = 9.98) < Sunscreen (10.99)
Detergent (5.99) < Lasagna + Oatmeal (3.99 + 4.59 = 8.58) < Soda + Cashews (0.99 + 7.99 = 8.98) < Sunscreen (10.99)

Otherwise, it was a very nice win in Pathfinder!

--- End quote ---

Yeah, Pathfinder was about the solo highlight of the show (though $12,000 cash given away in cash is never not a bad thing).  Very nicely played.  Halfway toward perfection, Kenya left a decent margin for error.  Wasn't necessary with perfect pricing for the SPs she had to guess on to get back into the game.

I guess fitness equipment is better than nothing, but not a great playing at all in Card Game.  It became apparent that Denise wasn't going to win when she was on the verge of quitting around the $16,000 level.  Oh well; it would've been no good even with the max $5,000 range

Roadgeek Adam:
Recap posted.

My DVR didn't record it - presumably, it thought it was a repeat, although I'm pretty sure it gets its data from the same source as TitanTV, which says it was a new episode.


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