Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Price is Right Recaps!

TPiR Recap - 4/22/2024 (Earth Day Special)

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} .buckRow1 { padding-left: 8px; margin-bottom: 5px; } .buckRow2 { padding-right: 8px; margin-top: 5px; } Episode #0591L (TPiR Season 52 Earth Day Special)
Aired – 4/22/2024; Taped – 3/5/2024
Models: Amber Lancaster, James O"Halloran
Microphone Handoff: Amber
First Four Contestant Seating: Left to Right
First IUFB: Behno New York: 2 mini bags, 1 medium bag with knot details; ARP: $1330 (James) JOHN JOYCE JOSUÉ KATHLEEN 1376 1500 900 1501
The winner is...

Josué, from Olympia, WA, is playing Cliffhangers for a trip to Monument Valley (RT to Moab, UT, then to Monument Valley in a rental car, 5n in a premium cabin at The View Hotel, daily meals, $1000 trading post shopping credit, guided tour of Monument Valley, national park passes for 2); ARP: $9,087 (Amber). Small prizes:
* Filtering water pitcher
* 3pk reusable silicone sandwich bags
* Compost caddy Josué bids $27 on the water pitcher...                                                   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25                                                     The ARP is... $23 Josué bids $16 on the sandwich bags...                                                   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25                                                     The ARP is... $37 Josué bids $39 on the compost caddy...                                                     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25                                                     The ARP is... $50 LOSS (Total winnings: $60) Second IUFB: 2 lithium ion solar backup power stations with 6hr charge time, 2 100W foldable solar panels; ARP: $2596 (James) JOHN JOYCE MICHELLE KATHLEEN 1100 1501 1595 2000
The winner is...

Kathleen is playing Most Expen$ive for:
* 75" 4K QLED smart TV with solar-charging remote, 4k streaming Blu-Ray player with 3 earth-centric Blu-Rays, remote control holder (James)
* Vanity dresser table with clear glass top and cabinet, 360° rotating lighted mirror, padded stool; Laduora: Pair of red light hair stimulation devices; 4 serum pods (Amber)
* Piaggio One Active electric scooter (2KW motor, 50mi range; helmet) (George) Guess: 3. 1 2 3 $3010 $2000 $4974     WIN Third IUFB: Pilates reformer (tall cario rebounder, adjustable resistance, foldable frame), 2 hand-loomed raw cotton yoga mats, 2 yoga blocks, bolster, breath work pillow, meditation pillow; ARP: $2120 (Amber) JOHN JOYCE MICHELLE BILLIE 2000 1500 2700 1300
The winner is...

John is playing Pocket Change for a 2023 Hyundai Eleantra HEV Blue (1.6L hybrid, 6-speed AT, FWD, mud guards, alloy wheel locks, cargo net, cargo tray) (James). Number pool: 2 4 5 6 7 9
Guess 7 Car ARP 2 7       Car Price  25¢ Card Picked 19 4 2 7        50¢ 5 2 7        75¢ 6 2 7 6      75¢ 2 4 2 7 6 4    75¢ 15 9 2 7 6 4   $1.00 5 2 7 6 4 5 $1.00 12 Change Card 10¢ 25¢ 5¢ 75¢ Change Total  .35  .60  .65 1.40 WIN SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Josué $1,390 30 15 .45 Kathleen $12,580 40 50 .90 *SHOWCASE* John $29,765 65 45 1.10 OVER Fourth IUFB: 1TB Xbox Series S, 3 wireless controllers, 2TB expansion card; ARP: $835 (Amber) GLEN JOYCE MICHELLE BILLIE 650 600 750 751
The winner is...

Billie is playing Double Prices for a trip to Vietnam (RT to Da Nang, VD, 6n in a deluxe balcony river room @ Little Oasis, daily breakfast, 1 dinner, private RT transfers) (James). $10,705 $ $7894 $10,705 $10,705 WIN Fifth IUFB: Nonstick cookware (Our Place: pan with steamer basket, mini pan, large and mini pot, large and mini cast iron pan, 5pc nesting oven ware set, 3pc knife set, 4 spatulas, spoon, 5 lids); bonus $100 award from Eggland's Best; ARP: $1240 (James) GLEN JOYCE MICHELLE LINNEA 1255 1300 1 1250
The winner is...

Michelle is playing Clock GAME for an air purification bundle (Danby: air purifier with HEPA and UV filters, portable air conditioner that cools spaces up to 300 sq ft) (Amber) and speakers (Sonos: soundbar and sub mini speaker) (Amber). If they win both of those, they also win a home office (BDI: wood top desk with keyboard drawer and wire management, file pedestal with locking wheels, ergonomic chair); 24" desktop computer (8GB, 256GB; stand, mouse, keyboard), MomRemedy: 1 year of home cleaning products, Kuli Kuli: 2 years of superfood snacks (James) Michelle will bid on the air purifier and air conditioner ($620): Bid Response $1500 Lower $1200 Lower $1100 Lower $950 Lower $800 Lower $870 Lower $500 Higher $525 Higher $575 Higher $600 Higher $675 Lower $650 Lower $625 Lower $601 Higher $615 Higher $620 Correct! Time left: 9 seconds. Michelle will bid on the speakers ($708): Bid Response $500 Higher $600 Higher $700 Higher $800 Lower $675 Lower $725 Lower $710 Lower $700 MRRRRP LOSS Sixth IUFB: Pelican: Kayak; paddle with antislip coating; ARP: $655 (James) GLEN JOYCE CODY LINNEA 775 776 1 750
The winner is...

Cody, who skipped class, is playing Pass the Buck for a 2023 Kia Nero Wind in Runway Red (64.8KW battery, 201HP motor, FWD); ARP: $41,320 (Amber). 1) Seventh Generation unbleached paper towels (120 sheets) 2.99   2.99 ARP: $3.99 2) Earth's Best organic honey-flavored graham sticks (5.3 oz) 4.49 $ 5.49 ARP: $4.49 3) Field Roast plant-based breakfast sausages (9.31 oz) 8.99 $ 9.99 ARP: $8.99 4) Repurpose tall kitchen waste bags (12 ct) 5.49 5.49 ARP: $6.49 Cody chooses number 3. 1 2 $5,000 4 5 6 LOSS SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Michelle $1,960 45 50 .95 *SHOWCASE* Cody $5,655 30 45 .75 Billie $11,540 65 65 1.30 OVER THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Kathleen has the honors... SC1 - Michelle MAKE EVERY DAY EARTH DAY
* Appliances (WiFi-enabled HE washer, electric 7.4 cu ft dryer, black stainless steel smart dishwasher) (Amber)
* Pair of self-watering planters (Amber)
* 2023 Mini Cooper SE elecrtric hard top (181HP, AT, FWD, 114 mi range, signature trim, Napa leather steering wheel, universal garage door opener) (James) Bid: $33,550 SC2 - Kathleen EXPLORE THE PLANET
* Alaskan Cruise (Coach LA to Juneau, AK; UnCruise Adventures: 7n all-inclusive fjords and glaciers adventure cruise in a 2-person cabin, all meals, excursions, adventure equipment, transfers; Coach Ketchikan to LA) (James)
* Trip to Belize (RT to Belize City, BZ, then to Corozol Bay in a rental car, 6n in a bridal suite @ Crimson Orchid Inn, daily breakfast, zipline experience for 2) (James)
* Trip to the Maldives (RT to the Maldives, 6n in a beach villa @ Holiday Inn Kandooma Maldives, daily breakfast and dinner, $200 amenities credit, return speedboat transfers, snorkeling excusrion for 2) (Amber) Bid: $25,650 Michelle $33,550 ELECTRIC CAR $39,345 $5,795 ELECTRIC CAR *WIN*
$41,305 Kathleen $25,650 TRIPS $37,299 $11,649 TRIPS Results: 3 out of 6
Winnings: $91,615
Biggest Winner: Michelle This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.

For those who didn't know, this was our own thatvhstapeguy!


first player ever to see the $2.75 tag in Pocket Change

wins anyway

Congrats, VHS! Enjoy your car-shaped check!

Congrats on your spinning star and big win, John! I liked how gamesurf was in the audience trying to get you to pick the envelopes on the side by opening his arms like Superman :-D.

Holy crap. It happened. I was on The Price Is Right. I have wanted to do this for as long as I can remember. Where do I start?

Hayley picked the contestants for today. My mother (seen in the audience) gave me a huge interview boost, introducing herself as a second-generation fan, and myself as a third-generation fan. (It's true, my grandmother watched it from day one.) One of my earliest memories is of my mother screaming El Cheapo! at the TV. Funnily enough I had to kind of explain El Cheapo to Hayley as they don't seem to pull that trick anymore. She asked me my favorite game and I immediately said Clock. We got out of the interview room and I immediately realized the significance of that question. After we got loaded in the studio I made sure to keep the energy up, and danced to the music. I'm not usually someone to dance, and I think I look quite silly doing it, but I figured I should to keep up the energy, and I'm pretty sure I saw Hayley (and even a camera) pointed in my direction.

Show starts, first card drops, and it's me. Holy crap. I just got called first. Go down to CR, seems like an eternity for the other 3 to arrive. I figured Joyce would get picked, she was full of energy and has clearly found the fountain of youth. George has to read Drew's intro twice for some reason.

Drew says they're using special eco-friendly prizes, so I'm thinking "crap, none of this will have showed up on the show before." First IUFB I just pulled that number out of thin air, went over by $46. Neat. I figured that out when Drew pulled the "aw man" stall he does when someone goes over by an amount lower than sales tax. So Josué goes up to play Cliff, and I'm screaming 20/30/40 the whole time. I thought he had lost on the 2nd item, surprised when Hans stopped.

Second IUFB, in hindsight it's good that I didn't win this, because given the staging it was either a multiprizer or L7... and probably not L7 given they used the TT. Way off on this one. Drew was cracking jokes about the Andora products with the vanity.

Show goes to commercial and I turn to Joyce and ask if I am dreaming. Drew and George start talking about Bewitched, trying to remember Endora. Drew remembered that Agnes Moorehead was in Orson Welles's theatre troupe, what was that called? I pipe up "the Mercury Theatre." Drew looks at me like 'you are 20, how did you know that,' and he starts talking to me. He asks what I do, I say computer security, and he starts having a LOT of fun with that. He polled the audience and said "I'm just going to talk to John, if you don't mind," and the audience approved. He talked about his friendship with Steve Wozniak, how he once was introduced to Doug Englebart, the inventor of the mouse (though his name escaped him at the time), and his encounter with a couple very talented computer security wizards ("What can I do to secure my phone?" "Nothing"). He jokingly asked what my mother's maiden name was just before the show came back from break.

Show comes back, Billie comes on down. I figured she would get picked, I saw her dancing a lot. gamesurf wants me to bid $700 but I instead saw his signaling $2000 trying to get Billie to go over, so I bid $2000. I immediately thought that was not going to go well, but then Drew says "two thousand" and I immediately knew I had won. I started going up the wrong way but I caught myself. The new CR doesn't seem to have arrows for the direction anymore.

I get up to Drew, and I can see Pocket from behind the GPT. I immediately think I'm screwed. I actually muttered to myself "FORK," perhaps becoming the first contestant to ever fork his own game. There are a lot of games I wouldn't trust myself to play, Pocket is one of them.

The vane display in Pocket needs dusting very badly. It does operate so fast that you can barely see it in motion.

There is a bin on the back of the stand next to Drew where the "used" cards go; I had to laugh when Drew tossed one of the low value cards in frustration and the card missed the bin and landed in front of Door 2.

I know how the game works but Drew has to explain the rules, then we start playing the game. I figured out the 7, then gamesurf was suggesting I go from lowest to highest, and picking the cards on the edges -- though unless Drew was rearranging envelopes, that last one I picked on the bottom won the game. In hindsight I probably should have skipped the 5 while trying for the 3rd digit, and then avoided the 9, as there were no weird options on the car, but oh well, I WON anyway.

It wasn't until a couple weeks ago that I discovered the .75 card hadn't been found since February 2020. I did immediately confirm after the show that the $2.75 had never actually been seen; I'm pretty happy with all the little statistics I managed to set while pulling apart what I think was a fairly difficult setup.

I guess I'm one of the few Pocket players to ditch the .25 card with Drew (at a taping the next day, I asked Jesse on the staff if I should have kept the card, and he unfortunately said no). Not sure why I did that, I think my brain quit working when confronted with the fact that I had won. I certainly think I looked VERY awkward and sounded very bad on TV, but I'm sure it's par for the course for everyone who has to watch me day in and day out.

Five things that didn't make air from my game:

* Drew also cracked a joke that I went to Benjamin Franklin Middle School (I did not), but Adam came over the speaker and advised Drew to hold while they checked out whether that comment was OK or not. During this stopdown, Drew lamented that you can't say certain things on TV, like you have to say tissues instead of Kleenex, and I mentioned Standards & Practices. For a second there I was worried that I had managed to cause a stopdown, but that was not the case. During the stopdown, George offered to read the prize copy again, I mentioned that I had heard about the wheel locks, and commented to Drew and Chris Donnan that they put options on cars to screw with people like me (despite the Elantra Hybrid having yet to appear on the show this season). George said "OK, Mr. Wheel Locks" and reread the car plug.
* George prefaced the reveal with "Well, John, this has a computer..."
* Between the .05 reveal and the .75 reveal, Drew tossed to Chris and explained that he's the guy who sets up the games, and that he knows where the good stuff is on the board. I did say hi to Chris.
* Drew got me GOOD with a fake on the .75 reveal after that, he hesitated and I thought I was about to get sunk, he said "Bad news, you're going to have to pay taxes on a brand new car!"
* After hugging James, which just happened on its own, I did climb in the car and wave to the camera.
As a PG3 player, I was actually pretty happy that the SCSDs are taped late now, because it meant I was in play longer. Chris Donnan explains the rules for the SCSD these days. I practically mouthed along with his explanation because it is practically Bob's old explanation. After that, I told the other two contestants that it was probably going to be one of them in the Showcase, I know the wheel is not kind to the LFATs lately. It was at this point I briefly talked with both Chris and Hayley. I told Chris "you were probably pretty happy I tried that 9," and he shrugged and said "we've been looking for some wins lately." Interesting take but I think he knows what he's doing. I completely forgot to ask whether he knows of FPG or GRECO. I'd love to get the chance to talk to him again someday.

Everything was going fine in the Showcase Showdown until Kathleen got the .90, then I really knew I was screwed. Said hello, went over by a dime, oh well. I'll try again in 10 years!

When Clock Game came around on the Turntable, the video switcher was sending the prize graphic to the display where the game's name is. Adam came over the speaker to tell Drew to "hold" and Drew complied by reducing his speaking rate to one word every two seconds before stopping entirely. They then reset the display and reshot the game intro. I could see the Clock ARP from the program monitor on the back of the "door frame" on the Turntable, so I was groaning when she came within $2 at the last second. Drew walked off the TT and deposited his microphone in a holder they have over there while saying "darnit!" under his breath. Drew wants everyone to win so badly and I love that.

During prize processing, the prize department informed me that BOTH the car and the pilates reformer will be paid in cash. The car I wasn't too surprised to get cash-in-lieu (and fine with, because I like my classic '92 Taurus a lot), but the fact that they can't even get an IUFB prize and have to pay it out as cash surprised me. Unfortunately, I didn't get to be in-person for the Showcases as you cannot enter or exit the studio while the show is going. Wouldn't have been much help anyway -- I was way under on both of these. Wasn't particularly interested in the trips, or appliances, maybe the Mini Cooper would have been more cash? Who knows?

Also during processing, Cody asked WHAT TIME the show is on. I said 11 ET/10 CT, same timeslot since April 1979. People slowly figured out I know this show backwards and forwards; at one point, a backstage staffer quipped "you're hired."

All in all this was unreal and I'm still not sure that it actually happened. At least I can put my license plate holder out on my bookshelf for now. I guess I'll get my posterboard framed when I bring my Check Game check in for framing (that one I bought on eBay the other day).

I figured immediately after the show that I would be the YouTube clip of the day, and sure enough, here we are.


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