Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Price is Right Recaps!

TPiR Recap - 4/26/2024

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Roadgeek Adam:
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font-size: 8px; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; } Episode #0595L
Aired – 4/26/2024; Taped – 3/7/2024
Models: Amber Lancaster, James O"Halloran
Microphone Handoff: Amber
First Four Contestant Seating: Left to Right
First IUFB: Designer Jewelry (Helen Ficalora: chain, diamond stud earrings, 4 stacking rings); ARP: $1,815 (Overhead) LESLIE MEHRAUN SHERRY JULIA 499 900 1100 500
The winner is...

Sherry is playing Flip Flop for a trip to Nashville (RT Coach to Nashville, TN for a 5n stay in a standard guest room at Margaritaville Hotel Nashville + daily dinner, $400 amenities credit, 2 tickets to Grand Ole Opry) (James) 86 47 Sherry FLIPS to 68 47 ARP be... 68 47 WIN Second IUFB: Television (75in 4K QLED smart television with 3D surround sound; streaming media player); ARP: $2,239 (Amber) LESLIE MEHRAUN SARAH JULIA 750 901 850 900
The winner is...

Mehraun is playing Grand Game for a chance to win up to $10,000! The target price is... $7.50 Mehraun starts out at $1.00: $1.00 The items are:
* Biotene Dry Mouth Fresh Mint Oral Rinse (16oz)
* Menu del Sol Beef Taquitos (20ct)
* SC Johnson Windex Original Glass Cleaner (67.6oz)
* Muir Glen Organic Tomato Sauce (15oz)
* MotrinIB Liquid Gels (20ct)
* Ghost Tropical Mango Energy Drink (16oz) Pick 1: Energy Drink $2.99 $10.00 Pick 2: Tomato Sauce $3.99 $100.00 Pick 4: Glass Cleaner $8.99 $100.00 LOSS (ARP of the taquitos: $5.29; ARP of the pain relief: $5.99; ARP of the oral rinse: $10.99) Third IUFB: Steam Shower (Walk-in tempered glass steam shower with nickel trim, mood lighting, temperature control); ARP: $3,447 (Amber) LESLIE EDWARD SARAH JULIA 1 2500 3000 2250
The winner is...

Sarah, a flight attendant from Washington DC, is playing Card Game for a 2024 Hyundai Kona SEL (2L engine, CVT, AWD) (James). The starting price is $20,000. The target range is $1,000 Sarah draws a 4♦. $20,400 Sarah draws a 2♥. $20,600 Sarah draws a 5♣. $21,100 Sarah draws a 4♥. $21,500 Sarah draws a 6♥. $22,100 Sarah draws a J♥. $23,100 Sarah draws a 7♣. $23,800 Sarah stops at $23,800 ARP is $28,285 For a difference of $4,485 For a result of LOSS SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Mehraun $2,339 20 20 .40 Sarah $3,447 25 30 .55 Sherry $8,662 25 60 .85 *SHOWCASE* Fourth IUFB: Ping Pong Table (INdoor ping pong table with 4 paddles, 6 balls); ARP: $2,743 (James v. Amber) LESLIE EDWARD PATTIE JULIA 2200 1800 750 2800
The winner is...

Leslie, from Michigan, is playing Shopping Spree for:
* Exercise Equipment (Body-Solid: R300 endurance rower; mountain climber) (James)
* Range with Bakeware (Gas range; 10pc nonstick bakeware set) (James)
* Pair of Guitars (6-string u-shaped guitar, satin finish bass guitar, case; Fender: 100watt combo app) (Amber)
* Laptop Computer (Apple: 16in MacBook Pro with M2 pro chip, 16GB memory, 512GB SSD storage) (Amber) Leslie can win all four prizes if she spends at least $7,500 by picking three of the items. Leslie chooses the guitars. $  $3,935$7,500$
$ $ EXERCISERS RANGE $3,565 $ GUITARS LAPTOP Leslie chooses the laptop. $  $1,436$7,500$
$ $ EXERCISERS RANGE $3,565 $2,499 GUITARS LAPTOP Leslie chooses the exercis equipment. $  WIN$7,500$
$1,692 $ EXERCISERS RANGE $3,565 $2,499 GUITARS LAPTOP ARP of the range and bakeware: $919 Fifth IUFB: Telescope and Binoculars (Celestron: StarSense Explorer DX telescope with 7 eyepieces, 7 filters, smartphone dock, mount, tripod, flashlight, map, finderscope, lens, power bank, binoculars with case; ARP: $876 (James) MIGUEL EDWARD PATTIE JULIA 1 1350 1500 1400
The winner is...

Miguel is playing Pathfinder for a 2024 Honda Civic Sport (2L engine, CVT, FWD, first aid kit, trunk tray) (Amber). Small prizes:
* Zadro Countertop Towel Steamer
* Keurig Barista Bar with Frother
* Perriko Fridge Deodorizer 2        
7 9 0 2 4
8 1 3 6 7
3 5 2 4 9
0 8 6 5 2
9 7 1 3 6 6? *bells* 2 6      
7 9 0 2 4
8 1 3 6 7
3 5 2 4 9
0 8 6 5 2
9 7 1 3 6 8? *bells* 2 6 8    
7 9 0 2 4
8 1 3 6 7
3 5 2 4 9
0 8 6 5 2
9 7 1 3 6 7? EROO! $59 $90 TOWEL
STEAMER $59 $90 $90
$100 $140 BARISTA
BAR $100 $140 $140
0? *bells* 2 6 8 0  
7 9 0 2 4
8 1 3 6 7
3 5 2 4 9
0 8 6 5 2
9 7 1 3 6 9? EROO! $30 $65 FRIDGE
DEODORIZER $30 $65 $30
3? *bells* 2 6 8 0 3
7 9 0 2 4
8 1 3 6 7
3 5 2 4 9
0 8 6 5 2
9 7 1 3 6 WIN (Total Winnings; $26,973) Close call with the limo yesterday, considering yesterday"s had to bid 3rd. Today, Julia gets to bid 4th in her attempt to get out of here. Fame, West Virginia is not a place she wants to go. Sixth IUFB: Home Security Package (Wyze: 3 stationary cameras, 3 panning cameras, floodlight, garage door controller, video doorbell, lock, keypad); ARP: $537 (James) SHANTA EDWARD PATTIE JULIA 299 700 1000 800
The winner is...

Julia departs while Shanta is playing PICK A NUMBER + for a trip to Vienna (RT Coach to Vienna, AU for a 6n stay in a superior room at Hotel Kaiserhof Vienna + daily breakfast) (Amber). The price of the trip is $10193, $13193 or $17193:           $ 1 Pick
Number 1 9 3 0 3 7       Shanta picks 3     3       $ 1 3 1 9 3 0   7 W I N SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Leslie $11,418 65 STAY .65 Shanta $13,730 95 STAY .95 *SHOWCASE* Miguel $27,849 55 60 1.15 OVER THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Shanta has the honors... SC1 - Shanta GRASS WILL ALWAYS BE GREENER
* Backyard (Sequoia Outdoor Furniture: dining table, 6 matching chairs; Park & Sun Sports: outdoor volleyball set, street hockey goal, badminiton package, bocce ball set, accessories; set of solar powered string lights) (Amber)
* Golf Clubs (Strata: 6 clubs, stand bag, 2 covers for him; 11 clubs, stand bag, 4 covers for her) (James)
* Trip to Myrtle Beach (RT Coach to Myrtle Beach, SC for a 5n stay in an oceanview room at Hilton Myrtle Beach Resort + daily breakfast, round of golf) (James)
* Trip to Ireland (RT Coach to Cork, IR then to Tralee for a 6n stay in a classic double room at the Rose Hotel + all meals) (Amber) Bid: $33,850 SC2 - Sherry BOOK LOVER
* Reading Nook (Industrial design bookshelf with 5 shelves; 2pc chaise with matching ottoman, throw blanket, 6.8in eReader) (Amber)
* Designer Wardrobe (Michael Kors: stretch blazer, cotton shirt, 2 jeans, pair of jacquard and leather sneakers for him; crepe blazer, pants, cropped tank top, jumpsuit and faux suede boots for her) (Amber)
* 2024 Toyota Corolla Cross XLE (2L engine, CVT, FWD, convenience package, DEG, RBP) (James) Bid: $25,796 Shanta $33,850 TRIPS $25,291 TRIPS Sherry $25,796 SUV $34,415 $8,619 SUV *WIN*
$43,077 Results: 4 out of 6
Winnings: $101,860
Biggest Winner: Sherry This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.

I usually groan when I see Pathfinder, because I know it's going to be a loss. Then we get a contestant like the one today, and I remember why this game is so good. It may be difficult, but when it's won, it's so satisfying. Congratulations to Miguel on his win!

Card Game was such a forced loss (though some of that is at the foot of the contestants who should be thinking of the price at the start, not the number of draws). As soon as the contestant said “one more” on the second draw I knew we were in trouble because she was thinking of the number of draws, not the price. Drew was wise to say “you could take 10 more if you want.” That struck me as $28k SUV and and, wouldn’t you know, $28k.

The show didn't want Path won today , with the 4th digit being a 0 , but Miguel pull out the clutch win on it.

Roadgeek Adam:
Recap posted. Recapper dead tired.


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