Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Price is Right Recaps!

TPiR Recap - 5/3/2024

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Roadgeek Adam:
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text-align: center; } #orpBoard .tag { background-color:#FF6; color: #000; text-align: center; } .anyNumber { text-align: center; font-family: "7SegmentRegular", Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; color: white; background-color: #FFC; vertical-align: central; } .anyNumber td { background-color: black; width: 40px; } .anyNumber th { background-color: red; font-family: "Arial Black", Gadget, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } Episode #0605L
Aired – 5/3/2024; Taped – 3/XX/2024
Models: Manuela Arbelaez, Rachel Reynolds
Microphone Handoff: Manuela
First Four Contestant Seating: Left to Right
First IUFB: Headphones (2 premium noise-canceling headphones); ARP: $1,998 (Overhead) ASHLEY CHRISTOPHER CHERYL RICHARD 200 85 250 450
The winner is...

  Richard, from Los Angeles, California, is playing Let "Em Roll for a 2024 Kia K-5 GT-Line (1.6L engine, 8-speed AT, FWD, premium package; ARP: $28,815) (Rachel). Richard will guess the prices of these items:
* TreeTop Honeycrisp Apple Cider (1gal)
* Joyva Sesame Tahini (15oz)
* Ticonderoga No. 2 Pencils (24ct) The price of the cider is...
$8.99 * * CIDER TAHINI PENCILS Richard guesses the tahini is more...
$8.99 $11.99 * CIDER TAHINI PENCILS Richard guesses the pencils are less...
$8.99 $11.99 $5.99 CIDER TAHINI PENCILS Richard has 3 rolls. Roll 1: 1,000 1,000 1,000 CAR CAR Roll 2: 1,000 1,000 CAR CAR CAR Roll 3: 500 CAR CAR CAR CAR LOSS Second IUFB: Golf Clubs (Strata: 10 clubs, stand bags, 3 head covers, glove, 9 practice balls); ARP: $543 (Manuela) ASHLEY CHRISTOPHER CHERYL GREGORY 721 500 1300 600
The winner is...

Christopher, from Hollywood, California, is playing Freeze Frame for a trip to Cape Cod (RT Coach to Brewster, MA for a 5n stay in a mansion wing guest room at Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club + daily breakfast and golf lessons for 2) (Rachel). $9852   64 33   45     98 26     52   71 10   Third IUFB: Firepit Table (Leisuremod: aluminum propane firepit table with lid, crystal accent stones; 2 rattan chairs with cushions); ARP: $1,348 (Rachel) ASHLEY JENNIFER CHERYL GREGORY 1000 1100 750 1900
The winner is...

Jennifer is playing Swap Meet. Swap Laptop Computer (12.4in laptop with 256GB storage; Ultimaker: 3D printer) (Manuela) for one of:
* Knife & Butcher Block Package (Folded Steel: 5 knvies, roll, block, cutting board, apron, care kit; John Boos: slatted shelf butcher block; chef"s knife, peeler) (Rachel)
* Washer and Dryer (LG: ThinQ washer and electric dryer; laundry storeter, dryer ball) (Rachel)
* Designer Bags (Ralph Lauren: shoulder bag, satchel, crossbody camera bag, coin pouch) (George) Jennifer picks the washer and dryer. $3850 $2623 LAPTOP KNIVES WASHER/DRYER BAGS LOSS   $3850 $3850 $2623 $1919 LAPTOP KNIVES WASHER/DRYER BAGS SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Cristopher $543 10 50 .60 Jennifer $1,348 85 STAY .85 *SHOWCASE* Richard $2,498 5 60 .65 Fourth IUFB: Pair of Action Cameras (GoPro: pair of cameras); ARP: $900 (Manuela) ASHLEY ANDREW CHERYL GREGORY 800 550 650 888
The winner is...

Gregory, a New York City Subway train operator since August 2018, is playing PLINKO! for a chance to win $50,000!. Drew gives him a free Plinko chip. $ Chip #1 (Magicfly Compact Sewing Machine):
4 8 He picks 4... $ WIN!
$41 Chip #2 (Revlon 2-in-1 Hot Air Brush):
3 0 He picks 0... WIN!
$60 $ Chip #3 (Pancake Batter Dispenser):
7 5 He picks 5... WIN!
$25 $ Chip #4 (8 Handmade Slate Stone Coasters):
1 2 He picks 2... 1 6 Andrew drops the first chip...         $           1
0 5
0 1
0 0 10
0 0 1
0 5
0 1
0 $10,000 Andrew drops the second chip...             $       1
0 5
0 1
0 0 10
0 0 1
0 5
0 1
0 $11,000 Andrew drops the third chip...               $     1
0 5
0 1
0 0 10
0 0 1
0 5
0 1
0 $11,500 Andrew drops the fourth chip...           $         1
0 5
0 1
0 0 10
0 0 1
0 5
0 1
0 $11,500 LOSS (Total Winnings: $11,626) Fifth IUFB: Television (75in 4K HDR LED smart television); ARP: $1,500 (Rachel) ASHLEY ANDREW CHERYL KATHLEEN 1100 1299 2200 2400
The winner is...

Andrew is playing One Right Price for:
* Skee-Ball Machine (Skee-Ball: premium machine, 6 balls; courtesy of Game Room Guys) (Manuela)
* Pilates Reformer (Balanced Body: pilates reformer with cushioning, sitting box, footbar) (Rachel) The right price is $3,495. He picks the skee-ball machine... SKEE-BALL MACHINE   PILATES REFORMER $3495     $4499   $3495 LOSS     Oh, we meet again, double-wide limo. We had a double-wide on Wednesday and nearly had a 2nd one on Thursday. Now Ashley and Cheryl are both limo bait and a trip to Bartow, West Virginia is inevitable for one of them. Sixth IUFB: Trip to Oregon Wine Country (RT Coach to Bedford, OR then to Central Point for a 4n stay in a suite at Hummingbird Estate + daily breakfast, wine tasting); ARP: $3,275 (Manuela) ASHLEY COURTNEY CHERYL KATHLEEN 2801 1800 2500 2800
The winner is...

Ashley is playing Any Number for random cash, a telescope (Celestron: OmniXLT 120 telescope with 3 astronomy books) (Rachel) or a 2024 Toyota Corolla LE (2L engine, CVT, FWD, cargo tote, cargo net envelope) (Manuela). The first number of the car is a... CAR 2 TELESCOPE PIGGY BANK Ashley guesses a 4. CAR 2 4 TELESCOPE PIGGY BANK Ashley guesses a 3. CAR 2 3 4 TELESCOPE PIGGY BANK Ashley guesses a 5. CAR 2 3 4 TELESCOPE PIGGY BANK 5. Ashley guesses a 6. CAR 2 3 4 TELESCOPE 6 PIGGY BANK 5. Ashley guesses a 1. CAR 2 3 1 4 TELESCOPE 6 PIGGY BANK 5. Ashley guesses a 8. CAR 2 3 1 4 TELESCOPE 8 6 PIGGY BANK 5. Ashley guesses a 7. CAR 2 3 1 4 TELESCOPE 8 7 6 PIGGY BANK 5. LOSS. Board was: CAR 2 3 1 0 4 TELESCOPE 8 7 6 PIGGY BANK 5. 9 2 SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Andrew $1,500 60 STAY .60 Ashley $4,151 60 70 1.30 OVER Gregory $12,526 10 85 .95 *SHOWCASE* THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Gregory has the honors... SC1 - Jennifer BREATH OF FRESH AIR
* Hot Tub (CalSpas: Tropical hot tub with 35 jets, touch control panels, contoured bench seating for 6) (Rachel)
* Pair of Motorscooters (Vespa: Primavera 50 in green and grey with 50cc engine, CVT, 2 helmets) (Rachel)
* Trip to Greece (RT Coach to Santorini, GR for a 6n stay in a cave pool suite at Astarte Suites Hotel + daily breakfast, yacht cruise with 5 course dinner) (Manuela) Bid: $22,818 SC2 - Gregory CINCO DE MAYO
* Trip to Mexico (RT Coach to Puerto Vallarta, NX then to Nuevo Vallarta for a 6n stay in a junior suite at Wyndham Alltra Vallarta + RT prviate transfrers, museum admission) (Rachel)
* Kitchen (4-door Energy Star-certified french door fridge; smart dishwasher, slide in electric range, over the range microwave; tortilla press, cabal pan, taco holders) (Manuela)
* 2024 Bayliner Element M15 (50HP engine, MX package, trailer; 25qt portable cooler) Bid: $27,777 Jennifer $22,818 HOTTUB/GREECE $35,578 $12,760 HOTTUB/GREECE Gregory $27,777 MEXICO/BOAT $38,697 $10,920 MEXICO/BOAT *WIN*
$51,223 Results: 0 out of 6 (Plinko center slot hit)
Winnings: $61,263
Biggest Winner: Gregory This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.

Gregory's speech after Plinko was revealed was one of the best things I've heard this season.
Once he said I don't know if this gonna air , the producers were probably like , yeah , we airing this.

Gregory is in the running for contestant of the season.

Those 4 Contestant's Row bids to open up the show. I would bet that we never see all the bids that low again.

Roadgeek Adam:
Recap posted.


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