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Offline imhomerjay

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Re: More News
« Reply #135 on: August 28, 2008, 12:56:12 PM »
I'm no tv expert, but did the OJ trial really affect the New Price is Right that much? I can't remember even one episode being preempted in my area. I understand that some people did like the show, and that's completely fine, but I think it is also fair to say that the overwhelming reason the show went off the air as quickly as it did is that viewers just didn't like it.

There was plenty of industry coverage at the time of how, broadly speaking, the OJ trial hurt syndication; newer shows, in particular, bore a bigger brunt because the "habit" factor never kicked in for them, whereas the established shows (your Oprahs, Wheel, Jeopardy, etc.) rebounded much better. 

Much as many folks want to say it failed because it was different, that ignores the one-season-and-done run of the 1985 syndicated version among many other factors.

No one scenario applys universally to all markets, but when you take into account the multiple strikes against it (regardless of format, regardless of host), including some bad time slots in major markets (weekends, overnights or in killer slots vs. syndicated giants), weaker stations in some markets, bad lead ins in some markets, OJ in some markets, and then you factor in Price saturation (some shows just don't work with/need dual daytime/syndie runs), it's entirely plausible a clone of the daytime version with Bob himself might have fared little, if any, better.  There first big hit game show after the Wheel/Jeopardy steamroller started didn't come until Hollywood Squares, and that had the backing of the CBS station group to give it a leg up. 

That viewers didn't go to the show is obvious; the reasons, much as many people may think they know a single cause, are far less clear than only "it was different."   

I make no secret of my admiration for the 1994 version not because I thought it was better than the daytime show,  but because, to me, it was a re-imagining in the same way the 1972 premiere re-thought the previous version.  I did like the set better, but sets don't make or break a show in my taste.  As for Doug Davidson, I felt he was genuinely enthusiastic about players winning--something that by that point seemed, to me, to be not be so genuine with Bob anymore.  That he wasn't in the Barker-Eubanks-Woolery mold was a new twist as well.  He had the misfortune of running concurrent to Bob--a scenario that probably would have made the criticism of Drew harsher as well.   

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Re: More News
« Reply #136 on: August 28, 2008, 02:24:26 PM »
Quote from: CBSpromoman
My turn on the soapbox:

Not trying to step on anyone's toes and I mean no offense to anyone...but if you seriously think the answer to all three questions is a big "yes," please re-read them and really take the time to THINK about your answer.  Let's say 'Price' was canceled.  Does that really affect your welfare in the grand scheme of things?  Seriously.  I've been a fan of the show since before many of you were even born.  It has always been a big tradition in my life.  But you know, things change and we have to deal with it.

One of the best friends I've ever had is moving to the other side of the country in six days.  I'm sure I'll see him again some day...I may even work up the nerve to fly out there some time.  But he's not going to be here in town so we can catch lunch.  He's not going to be around so we can hang out.  Sure, he'll still be a phone call or an email away, but it won't be the same.  The grief -- yeah, actual grief..who would have thought -- I feel over seeing him and his family move so far away is about a thousand times more intense a feeling than what I felt when Barker signed off for the last time and about a million times more intense a feeling than what I felt about the possibility of a video wall or a purple wheel.

My point in bringing that up is this:  I'm a LF&T.  Always have been.  But folks, 'Price' is a television show: if this show is more important -- really more important -- to you than your family or your friends, or your job, or the rest of your life, then I urge you to stop and rethink things.  Your priorities are out of whack.  And I mean that in the nicest way possible, because even though we always find new things to disagree about, we're all united for the same reason here, and we ought to be able to be a little honest with each other once in a while.

I'll miss 'Price' when it goes away...and I hope that won't be for many more years to come.  But one day it'll happen.  And it's not going to be the day my whole world ends.  I genuinely hope for all of you, those I've gotten to know well over the years and those I've never had an exchange with at all, that it isn't the day yours ends, either.

Now that I think about it, I'd like a turn on the soapbox, too. I was going to blow it off. I then changed my mind and had a far more hostile post ready to go. But, I'll try this instead...

Promoman, and everyone else discussing priorities, perspective and cooler heads are absolutely right here.

A month ago, I would've been worked up beyond all belief. In fact, I was. Then I ended up getting my priorities re-arranged in the most painful way possible. It's a little hard to get worked up, or scream "THE SKY IS FALLING!", or feeling like the world is about to end over a game show after that.

A month ago, I was steamed over Roger's firing, and the rumors (or future plans) for the show. Now? Quite frankly, the only thing I'm upset over is that Roger poured 36 years of his heart and soul into the show, only to be rewarded with a boot to the ass that has "Fremantle North America" written on the sole. Roger deserved better, and I feel for him, definitely.

But purple wheels? New door/turntable patterns? They didn't change the giant price tag to match? 3 Strikes is no longer one of the big three?! A little hard to run around, screaming and waving your hands over that when there is an enormous hole in your heart and void in your life because of a REAL person.

Did Bob's farewell hurt? Yeah. And, of course, I miss seeing him host the show. But I would go through that hurt 1,000,000 times if it meant August 9th, as I know it, never happened. Because, not only is that pain not even 1/1,000,000th as bad as the pain I've lived with for the last two weeks, but Bob is still with us. Still capable of smelling the roses. Still able to pet his dogs. Still a physical part of this world.

Truth be told, for many years, I thought of how fun it would be to sit down and have lunch with Bob, and ask him all sorts of questions about the show and his career. Now? The first question I would ask him is "How have you coped with the pain of losing Dorothy Jo over the last 27 years?", followed by "How do you keep going? Was it TPIR? Is it finding something different everyday? Is it carrying on her spirit with your animal rights work? Or, is it something as dark and morbid as thinking each day brings you closer to dying, and being reunited with her?" I doubt I'd even discuss the show with him if that ever happened, because times like this make you realize a game show is not the end-all, be-all of planet Earth.

The more I have thought about it over the last two weeks, the more I have realized what made my eight trips to LA special wasn't Vipers and Cadillacs and DSW's. It was the people. It was TALKING to Roger. It was having my two notable moments with Bob (the first being stumping him over the meme on my blog about "Bidding on Bob's pants"). It was making a difference (even a small one) in Chuck Dukas' life. It was congratulating people who had their big moment, and thanking a contestant who works with Alzheimer's patients for doing her part to help those poor people. It was hearing the wit and wisdom of Stan Blits, and getting reactions out of Kathy, or Jeff, or even Marty. It was getting laughs out of Rich when I'd tell him he was 22 during his warmups.

Because, ultimately, people should mean more than changing the prize distribution in Punch A Bunch, or making Check Game harder.

<clipped a bunch of inflammatory stuff at the poster's request - I'm leaving the rest in because I really do think it's all good stuff - Army>

Some things are more important than a television show, folks.  If you can't grasp that, then I'm afraid you're going to be in for a rough, rough life.  (And I'm older than most of you, so you'll just have to trust me on that.)  Sometimes, it's okay to turn the TV off and go live your life.

Preach on, Brother Promoman.

TV can be great, and TV can be fun, but there is more to life than TV - yes, even TPIR. If the biggest worry in your world today is what happened in that meeting, well, I'm sorry to say your priorities are out of whack, and when that wakeup call comes, it's really not going to be pleasant.

There are things in this world more important than changing Barker's Markers.

There are things in this world more important than who might host the show in season 38.

There are things in this world more important than what's going on with Wheel Of Fortune.

And, yes, there are things in this world more important than poor Bill Rafferty being underappreciated for Blockbusters.

Just like how at this moment, I could genuinely care less about Madonna's plastic surgery and baseball players and crummy album. I could care less about football and Steven Jackson's holdout. I could care less about Dark Knight. You know why? Because one day, you wake up and realize, in the immortal words of Dennis DeYoung, that it's "all just a bunch of BS."
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 09:13:05 PM by PriceFanArmadillo »
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Offline dh027

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Re: More News
« Reply #137 on: August 28, 2008, 03:17:02 PM »
OK, I think a little perspective is needed here (and yes, here's my turn at the soapbox).

No, game shows are not as important and family and friends and truly the things that mean the most in life.  However, for a lot of us here, present company included, game shows are a sort of coping mechanism.  When life starts to weigh on me a little bit too heavily, I surround myself with game shows.  Game shows are my comfort food for the soul. 

Is it the end of the world if TPIR ceases to exist tomorrow?  Absolutely not.  Would I take it extremely hard if it did cease to exist?  Absolutely.  Let's face it, I have literally grown up with the show.  I was born in July of 1973.  My first childhood memory is me in front of the TV watching The Price is Right (I kid you not). 

So, yeah, I would take it hard.  I, on the other hand, know it is just a television show, and would get over it eventually.  You can't fault people, especially here, for having strong emotions about the show.  I don't think either side should criticize the other here. 

I believe it is all right to have a healthy love of the show as long as you really know what is important in life.  Family should always come before a tevevision show.  But, after a long and trying day, it is good and healthy to have an outlet. is my outlet.  Thank you Marc and John for everything you do.

(gets off soapbox)

Offline Axl

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Re: More News
« Reply #138 on: August 28, 2008, 03:36:15 PM »
Names changed to protect the innocent - CGJ

So someone finally names a legitimate source for something, giving out information that is not-at-all a secret to anyone who's been to a recent taping, and his name suddenly has to be redacted?  If this is the nature of all information that's been posted lately from "anonymous" sources whose names must be protected at all costs, I'm even more skeptical than more.

Offline tnpir4000

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Re: More News
« Reply #139 on: August 28, 2008, 03:42:24 PM »
If everyone else gets their turn on the soapbox, here's my turn:

Madonna, sorry to hear about your loss, but I don't appreciate being singled out in your tirade.  There's a multitude of things I want to go off about, but I'll just focus on one:

It seems like lately all I'm seeing are negative posts, from people either airing their dirty laundry, or else cheaply saying "Get a life."  Statements being made by people are being taken out of their original context, and tempers seem to be running hot.  It's almost like we have our own never-ending Presidential campaign going on here, with constant bickering and mudslinging.

Whatever happened to this being a forum dedicated to the discussion and exploration of our favorite show, TPiR?  Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that what's brought us all together in the first place?  I know I can't be alone in feeling this way, so may I simply say the following perfectly candidly:

Cut the crap, folks, it's turning the atmosphere around here into something about as far from "fun" as you can get.  Let's all stop flaming each other, stop bickering about things that don't matter, and return to the topic at hand.  If you must air something, reserve it for OILF so it doesn't interfere with on-topic discussion.  Let the flood of "Get a life" posts cease and decist; we all love TPiR, and some of us obsess over the minutae more than others.  In the same way as a lack of experience shouldn't discount good judgement, a lack of knowledge about specifics shouldn't be cause not to show someone proper respect.

Was I any less of an LFAT when I didn't know how Squeeze Play was operated?  Was I any less of an LFAT before I knew the REAL name for Cue #30?  Was I any less of an LFAT before I realized how they got that cool ring to work in Magic #?

Of course not.  Nor was I any more of an LFAT when I perfected my virtual Studio 33 replica, or when I got on a first-name basis with the likes of Kirk Smith or Bente Christenson.

The only thing AFAIC that makes me an LFAT is that I can follow along with the show and I know how to play each game.  So what if I know the ins and outs to all the "what if" situations to each game--why?  Because I read it here, in the pages of our many discussions.  So what if I know the stats for how often each game has been played, or when a show might air again--it's because of Steve Gavazzi and Joe Capitano that I know that.  So what if I know what the back of Lucky $even looks like, or that the reverse side of each of the Big Doors is numbered in sequence to make it easier to set them up.

In short, the LFATs aren't the ones who have the answers to those questions, it's the people who HAVE those questions, and who ask them.  I give major kudos to Gavazzi for his fantastic work on the FAQ, as well as to those who maintain the site itself, without which we wouldn't know half of what we know.  But in the end, like CBS' viewers make their existence possible, I give credit to all the LFATs who come here wanting to expand their knowledge and sound off with their peers.

Now please, folks, treat the newcomers and those asking questions the way you were treated when you were still that newbie with 5, 50, or even 500 posts--everyone's got the right to ask questions.

It's what makes life good.

I'm getting off the soapbox now.  Thanks for your time.

So someone finally names a legitimate source for something, giving out information that is not-at-all a secret to anyone who's been to a recent taping, and his name suddenly has to be redacted?  If this is the nature of all information that's been posted lately from "anonymous" sources whose names must be protected at all costs, I'm even more skeptical than more.

Now, to get this train back on track.  Actually, John's decision to remove the names makes good sense if the source is a contestant, who is either friends with or otherwise associated with someone working on the show.  Such things like that could very very easily get people in trouble at the show, especially right now.  Think about all the times you read in the paper:  "The official spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to release the information."  This is one of those times. 
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 09:08:05 PM by ClockGameJohn »
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Offline Todd

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Re: More News
« Reply #140 on: August 28, 2008, 03:43:43 PM »
So someone finally names a legitimate source for something, giving out information that is not-at-all a secret to anyone who's been to a recent taping, and his name suddenly has to be redacted?  If this is the nature of all information that's been posted lately from "anonymous" sources whose names must be protected at all costs, I'm even more skeptical than more.

Why, because they're not allowed to name their sources? Tell me, when have you ever heard a person say "My sources named So-and-So and So-and-So have informed me that..."? The fact of he matter is, you almost never hear anyone name their sources, to protect them.
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Offline PriceFanArmadillo

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Re: More News
« Reply #141 on: August 28, 2008, 03:46:16 PM »
Not to be outdone, after taking the time and setting aside my fears to write an open, meaningful post about what has been going on (and to thank the few people who had kind words for me in June), which of course got no replies because it's nowhere near as important as Gwen Stefani's kid or changing Millionaire, I get IM'd within 24 hours of making that post. Another user, upset over 3 Strikes' changes and the possibility of it being retired.

Boy, I really feel like a jerk now.  I saw that post, and was really moved by it.  I was honestly going to reply, but I couldn't think of anything that was really worthy, so I kind of put it aside because I was at work and had other things to do.  I had every intention of coming back to it, but when no one replied, it fell off the page and completely slipped my mind.  I'm really sorry, and now I feel like a total a** about the whole thing.

I hear everything you're saying, and wholeheartedly agree with most of it, and I'd really like to make a longer reply...but I'm at work right now, as well, and can't spare the time to put down everything I want.  Remind me to come back to this tonight or tomorrow.
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Re: More News
« Reply #142 on: August 28, 2008, 03:48:49 PM »
You're not,

I liked him too, he reminded me of Ray Combs at times.  I just attributed and of his screw-ups to the fact that he was new. 

Who knows how much better he might've gotten if that stupid "bleepin-bloopin" O.J. TRIAL hadn't messed up the TV landscape for the syndicated market that year.

I really liked Davidson too. It gave a fresh appearance to TPiR. I would not be against a entire TPiR 94 Boxset - but I know better than to expect it at all.

Offline Axl

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Re: More News
« Reply #143 on: August 28, 2008, 03:51:13 PM »
Tell me, when have you ever heard a person say "My sources named So-and-So and So-and-So have informed me that..."?

Well, they don't usually use the term "my sources" under that circumstance, but yeah, every time someone has ever said "Roger told me..." or "Stan mentioned at a book signing..." they are naming their source.

My question is, why does a TPiR "civilian," if you will, getting information by attending a taping deserve protection, especially when the original poster (who called him "my friend") felt he was not in need of such protection in the first place?

Offline tnpir4000

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Re: More News
« Reply #144 on: August 28, 2008, 04:00:01 PM »
I'll field this one.  And the answer may surprise you.

As many of you know, I work at an Army base in North Carolina.  The environment herre is actually pretty similar to what's going on at TPiR right now--a transition phase, a lot of people on edge due to concerns about their jobs.  I've seen the following happen:

A staff meeting takes place, where new details to be kept within a small circle but that pertain to a much larger circle are disclosed.  One of the attendees of the meeting discloses those details to someone not authorized to know.  That person then tells someone else, who repeats the information to the wrong person in the higher ranks.  And because we've all played the Telephone Game, we all know that each time information is relayed by a person, it's changed slightly.  So what the higher-ranking person hears might be different than what was said at the initial meeting--meaning one of two things happens:

1.  Either it's different enough that he gets upset and takes that to his superiors, and trouble comes down the pipe because it turns into a "he said, she said" game, and the person who leaked the info gets in trouble.
2.  The ranking official gets really upset, and he passes his displeasure down to this subordinates, who themselves pass it to the leaker, who gets in trouble for violating confidentiality.  That's something that's taken very seriously, and when breached, it's a huge problem.

So, to apply this to TPiR:

Something gets decided (possibly tentatively) about Season 37.  That information is requested to be kept inside a small circle of people.  But then one of those people then mentions it to a friend, who then names their source in a public forum like us.  Then we take that tentative decision as absolute fact, creating a misconception about the show, which could cause problems down the line.  The production company then changes their mind about something--and the information leaked is suddenly false.  But it's still out in public hands, and now the production company gets wind that their tentative decision was revealed prematurely, violating confidentiality rules.  Because they take confidentiality so seriously, they get mad, and the person who leaked the information gets in big trouble, possibly fired.  Meanwhile, intra-office trust is shattered, and they beef up security to prevent further information from leaking out.

And what if one of the people was an actual contestant on the show?  They risk forfeiture of their prizes I'm pretty sure, and I don't think any of us wants to see THAT happen.

By removing the name, John's taking action to make sure none of that happens.  Sure, they'll get suspicious, but without a target nothing's actionable, and therefore our insider is shielded and can continue to clandestinely send us nuggets of information as they come.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 04:07:09 PM by tnpir4000 »
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Offline Madonna

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Re: More News
« Reply #145 on: August 28, 2008, 04:56:47 PM »
My apologies. I'm grieving, I'm miserable, I haven't had any alcohol in six days, and I'm barely eating. All it takes is the right song or the right words or the right picture to trigger a 2-3 hour crying fit.

I guess I needed to blow off steam.

I'd remove my post myself, but can't. The next moderator who reads it, please feel free to do so.
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Offline rob01234

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Re: More News
« Reply #146 on: August 28, 2008, 05:06:49 PM »
personally i think u guys r now blowing this whole thing way out of proportion.  So is a staff meeting.  We don't know the specifics about it, so i think that at this point in time we should just calm down.  bottom line, it's a meeting between drew syd, fingers, etc. to discuss changes on the show. we should wait until we get confirmation of these changes (if any).  Rest assured, at least tpir will begin season 37.
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Offline wrikent3500

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Re: More News
« Reply #147 on: August 28, 2008, 05:24:23 PM »
Something tells me that Syd Vinnage maybe walking the plank on this one...
It`s likely that CBS and Fremantlemedia have seen what the whole Dobokowitz situation has tuned out to be a fiasco and guess who might be on the hook for it...just a hunch.
Maybe someone at Fremantlemedia finally got around to lookng on youtube and came across doug davidson...
Nuff said ppl ;)

Offline mrbrown2195

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Re: More News
« Reply #148 on: August 28, 2008, 05:41:12 PM »
bottom line, it's a meeting between drew syd, fingers, etc. to discuss changes on the show.

All the important parties (except the Producer?) are meeting this Friday to discuss the options.
This leads me to believe Fingers isn't being included, and if previous posts by the folks "in the know" on this site are accurate, Drew will not be there either.
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Offline rob01234

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Re: More News
« Reply #149 on: August 28, 2008, 06:03:18 PM »
then that's a good sign, is it not?  this could mean that the meeting doesn't concern drew's job or finger's job.
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