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The TALK Is Right / Giving The Show Another Chance
« Last post by TPIRFan1995 on Today at 07:16:46 PM »
A thought occurred to me and I've been thinking about it ever since the article with Drew saying that he could possibly host TPIR for the rest of his life. You know how some people stopped watching after Roger was terminated or the mess of a season that was 37? Call me an optomist and the king of positivity and wishful thinking, but now that Drew is out of that going through the motions phase, Mike Richards is gone, the show has become stable and because of Drew's having 17 seasons under his belt, would those people give the show another chance to warm them over? Speaking for myself only, I've never chosen to stop watching the show. If they somehow turn in on and after the hour still don't approve of what they see, they're more than welcome to stick with 35 years worth of memories with Bob.
The TALK Is Right / Re: Thoughts about Plinko...
« Last post by gamesurf on Today at 05:51:36 PM »
For example, if a player wins all 5 chips, before the first chip is dropped, the center spot is $10,000.

If the first chip lands in it, it stays at $10,000.  If it lands in anything other than the center spot, the center spot would increase to $20,000 for chip #2, and if the center spot is not hit then it increases to $30,000 for chip #3 and so on...

I’m not too wild about the idea. It has the effect of making people root against hitting the center slot early on in favor of building a big jackpot.

More money doesn’t always translate to more exciting TV. See Shell Game.

During the past couple of years in my life, I have begun to experience some mobility issues with respect to steps, curbs and other inclines that are not a ramp, and it got me to thinking, if I ever appeared on the show and Plinko was the game, I don't know if I'd be able to make it up those stairs too easily.

Has the show considered possibly making Plinko a bit more user friendly in the future?  Also I often wondered if somebody has vertigo or a fear of heights and Plinko came up and the contestant would be unable to go to the top of the board for those reasons, would the show and/or CBS Standards & Practices allow the contestant to have a proxy?

I am sure accommodations could be made. Maybe a model could drop the chip according to the contestant’s instructions. “Move it to the left… no, your left… right a bit… THERE. Drop it!”
Did anyone notice the gap of silence between the 4th & 5th digit in One Away?  They really made dramatic at the end there.
Out In Left Field / Re: Ryan Morris Game Control Software
« Last post by Flerbert419 on Today at 05:06:37 PM »
You've made 4 posts on this board all about this request. Seems like you're best looking elsewhere.
The TALK Is Right / Re: Thoughts about Plinko...
« Last post by Flerbert419 on Today at 05:03:30 PM »
I can understand the allure of the game as the chip goes down the board and when it flirts with the center space how that can prove rather exciting.  That said, I came up with the following idea to make a $50,000 win possible.

Fun idea, but unfortunately this also changes the maximum amount to $54,000 so even a center slot hit wouldn't count as a win.
The TALK Is Right / Re: Thoughts about Plinko...
« Last post by JayC on Today at 04:27:37 PM »
I could see the progressive center slot value idea as a one-time thing for a special episode or in primetime. It would've been better instead of the all Plinko show to celebrate the game's 30th anniversary.

As far as people with mobility issues, they would wait until after the game or another game requiring mobility (like Race Game) is played to call this person down if selected. I can't imagine they would ever drastically alter the game so that the stairs weren't required. If it ever did happen that someone who couldn't climb the stairs or had vertigo or a debilitating fear of heights were to come on stage when Plinko was played, I suppose they would either stop tape and use a different game or they would allow the contestant to have someone else drop the chips (either someone they came with or the model on stage for the game).
Out In Left Field / Re: Ryan Morris Game Control Software
« Last post by holein1isawesome on Today at 03:55:26 PM »
Not sure. I was wondering that myself, but it's possible that he cannot distribute them for legal reasons or something like that. But you never know.
The TALK Is Right / Re: Thoughts about Plinko...
« Last post by C8 on Today at 11:53:12 AM »
My idea, which I know will never happen, and will no doubt be unpopular here, is to have the center slot be progressive.

...I actually kind of like that idea.
The TALK Is Right / Thoughts about Plinko...
« Last post by tpirfansince1972 on Today at 08:33:22 AM »
This idea occurred to me this morning and I wanted to share it with you all.

While Plinko seems to be the most beloved pricing game on the show by many, I know several of us here have a certain amount of disdain for the game.

On at least one occasion I seem to recall an older woman won all 5 chips, having played the pricing portion of the game perfectly, and all five chips ended up in the 0 slot.  That was quite an unfortunate incident.  I seem to recall too that after the break, Bob joked by saying something like he wanted to give the woman a Plinko chip as a souvenir but she ended up throwing it at him instead.  It's a fuzzy memory at best and I could be wrong, but I seem to recall something like that happening.

I can understand the allure of the game as the chip goes down the board and when it flirts with the center space how that can prove rather exciting.  That said, I came up with the following idea to make a $50,000 win possible.

My idea, which I know will never happen, and will no doubt be unpopular here, is to have the center slot be progressive.

For example, if a player wins all 5 chips, before the first chip is dropped, the center spot is $10,000.

If the first chip lands in it, it stays at $10,000.  If it lands in anything other than the center spot, the center spot would increase to $20,000 for chip #2, and if the center spot is not hit then it increases to $30,000 for chip #3 and so on...

During the past couple of years in my life, I have begun to experience some mobility issues with respect to steps, curbs and other inclines that are not a ramp, and it got me to thinking, if I ever appeared on the show and Plinko was the game, I don't know if I'd be able to make it up those stairs too easily.

Has the show considered possibly making Plinko a bit more user friendly in the future?  Also I often wondered if somebody has vertigo or a fear of heights and Plinko came up and the contestant would be unable to go to the top of the board for those reasons, would the show and/or CBS Standards & Practices allow the contestant to have a proxy?
The TALK Is Right / Re: How would you update Check Game to be modern?
« Last post by JT on Today at 07:11:25 AM »
To be completely candid, I think the reason is that Drew explains the concept much better than Bob ever did. Watching the Barker Era channel now, it almost seems like Bob was being deliberately obtuse in repeatedly saying "which, when added to the price of the prize..." and refusing to elaborate because he thought it was funny when they didn't get it.
You hit the nail on the head SamJ93.  Bob's explanation and the words "which when added" is just awkward and I think that tripped up the majority of contestants unfamiliar with this game.  Drew's explanation is not as polished but it gets the job done: We're gonna put the price of the prize here and then you write the check and we'll put that here and if the total is $8,000-$9,000 you win the prize and the money.  (Not an exact quote.)   Check Game is actually one of my favorite pricing games and I agree Bob kept it on the show because of the contestant "content" that he could generate from it!
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