Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion => The Price WAS Right => Barker Era => Topic started by: Teddy on October 22, 2018, 02:26:07 PM

Title: February 24, 1994
Post by: Teddy on October 22, 2018, 02:26:07 PM
First Four: Leslie, Larry, Cambria, Tomas

IUFB1: Cocktail Suit
Tomas: $450
Cambria: $850*
Larry: $550
Leslie: $450 $425
ARP: $1600

PG1: Switch?--Played for Trips to Banff and Boston

Banff: $3,338?
Boston: $3,961?

Cambria decides to switch

ARP of Banff: $3,338
ARP of Boston: $3,961


Second Calldown: Annemarie

IUFB2: Chandelier
Annemarie: $3200
Larry: $600
Leslie: $1200*
Tomas: $1600
ARP: $1347

PG2: Punch-a-Bunch

SP1: Scrabble, wrong price--$20 (guesses lower, ARP: $10)
SP2: Bread Oven, wrong price--$160 (guesses lower, ARP: $120)
SP3: Child's Computer Game, wrong price--$82 (guesses lower, ARP: $60)
SP4: Blood Pressure Monitor, wrong price--$43 (guesses higher, ARP: $80)

Leslie wins four punches on the punchboard

First punch: $500, continues
Second punch: $100, continues
Third punch: $250, continues
Fourth punch: $250


Third Calldown: Price

IUFB3: Gas Range (winner also receives a Roll-o-Matic Performer Broom)
Price: $750
Tomas: $825
Annemarie: $675*
Larry: $500
ARP: $719

PG3: 3 Strikes--Played for a Mercury Grand Marquis

Numbers in price: 2, 4, 5, 7, 9

Unknown draw: X, YER OUT! (and no numbers have been lit up!)

ARP: $24,795


Annemarie: unknown
Leslie: .70
Cambria: 1.00

Cambria: .90

Cambria is going to the Showcase, with $1,000 in her pocket!

Fourth Calldown: Melvin

IUFB4: Dinette Set (winner also receives Centrum Jr. Vitamins)
Melvin: $801
Larry: $820
Price: $821*
Tomas: $798
ARP: $1322

PG4: Make Your Move--Played for a Travel Organizer, Flatware and Camping Trailer


Price's guesses: 407189267

Correct solution: 407189267


Fifth Calldown: Cynthia

IUFB5: Camcorder
Cynthia: $900
Tomas: $1000
Melvin: $805
Larry: $1001*
ARP: $1100

PG5: Hole in One--Played for a Dodge Spirit ($14,353)

GP1: Nytol
GP2: Clorox Clean-Up
GP3: Ginsana
GP4: Surf Detergent
GP5: Enforcers Drain Care
GP6: Sue Bee Honey

Order of flags: Honey, Extract, Cleaner, Sleep Aid, Drain Care, Detergent
ARPs: $2.59, $14.95, $1.89 (others are not revealed)

Bob's inspiration putt: Perfect!

Larry's first putt: Wide Left (but it's Hole in One...or Two!)
Larry's second putt: Skips over hole


The losing sound is MRRRRRRRRP!

What will become of Tomas at the end of this One-Bid?

Sixth Calldown: Anastasia

IUFB6: His & Hers Sports Watches
Anastasia: $550
Cynthia: $622
Tomas: $700
Melvin: $701*
ARP: $1190

Sadly for Tomas, he'll be in the FFBC.

PG6: Pick-a-Number--Played for a Spa

Price: $6,72?

Possible numbers: 0, 5, 8

Melvin picks 5

ARP: $6,720


Larry: .80
Melvin: .25+.85=OVER
Price: .55+.95=OVER

Larry is going to the Showcase!

Top Winner: Leslie
Runner-Up: Larry

Bedroom Group, Picnic Basket, Boat
Leslie passes to Larry, who bids $14,500

Stuffed Animals, Las Vegas, Eagle Talon
Leslie bids $16,500

ARP of Leslie's Showcase: $18,336 (Difference: $1,836)
ARP of Larry's Showcase: $15,112 (Difference: $612)

Larry wins his Showcase, and takes home $16,212 in cash and prizes!