Studio 41 - Play Along > Host Your Own!

9821's The Price is Right Episode 1 - Something... interesting?

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Hello all! I'm throwing my hat into the ring and hosting my own episode of The Price is Right! Ever since this section was rebooted, we've had tributes back to the early 1970s, wacky setups, and lovely half-hour and hour shows.

Well, I think it's time for a slight change of pace. Besides Contestant's Row, I tried to change with the formula a little bit, including:

* My lineup is going to consist of two original(!!) games, a third game heavily inspired from another game show, and a retired game! That's right; four games!
* The Showcase Showdown is replaced with The Price Gift Exchange! I will line up our four winners in order of winnings, and then reveal one prize at a time. The Top Winner can decide if they want to bid on the item or pass it to the contestant to the right. Then, after a contestant bids, the next item is revealed, and the process repeats until all four contestants bid on different items. Whoever's the closest without going over gets to keep their item and play in the Showcase!
* The Showcase will play similarly to TNPiR '94, where the contestant randomly chooses a range in which they guess the value of their showcase, from $6,000 to $15,000. However, they also get to choose between one of two themes, and can give up half of their range for the price of one of the items!
* More cowbell!
So, with that in mind, who's ready to play?

If you want to get contestant priority, I've got just the prompt for you!

I wanted to create a HYO ever since it came back. In fact, I've been working on and off this script since July 10th. This script is now like 8% of what that original script is. Let's say I could go back in time and give myself friendly advice from today, March 24th. What is the one piece of advice I should give myself?

Participation in the prompt isn't required, but is recommended. I plan to start the show at around 9:00 PM EST, on March 27th, but will adjust the date if necessary.

Also, the nitty gritty:

* I'll PM you when you get called on down, when you make it on stage, and if you make it to the Showcase.
* Deadlines are 24 hours, but you don't officially get penalized until after I say so. So, if you miss a deadline but preform the action before I call you for it, you are fine.
* Missing your chance on Contestants' Row will be an automatic pass on your first offense and an ejection on your second.
* Missing your chance at the start of a pricing game will result in you being swapped with the next-closest player during that IUFB, and you will have to earn your way back onto the stage. Missing a deadline after you've given an action will result in an automatic loss.
* If you forget to place a bid during the Gift Exchange, if it is your first warning, the prize will automatically be passed. If it is not your first warning OR if you cannot pass, you will be replaced with some stuck on Contestants' Row.
* If you forget to bid on the Showcase, you will be replaced with the second place person from the Gift Exchange.
* Audience, don't help during the IUFBs, but feel free to chime in anytime else!
* Have fun, and feel free to ask any questions, before or during the game!

Oh boy, excited to try this new recipe!

--- Quote from: TPIRfan#9821 on March 24, 2020, 08:38:40 PM ---I wanted to create a HYO ever since it came back. In fact, I've been working on and off this script since July 10th. This script is now like 8% of what that original script is. Let's say I could go back in time and give myself friendly advice from today, March 24th. What is the one piece of advice I should give myself?

--- End quote ---

Narrowing it down to one piece of advice is difficult, but if you could only do one:

Anything you were planning on doing in 2020, make sure you do it before the end of February.

If at first you don’t succeed, then skydiving definitely isn’t for you.

The best piece of advice? Help control the pet population; have your pets spayed or neutered!

I'll play!

I'm intrigued.

"Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy but socially dead."


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