Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Season 49

TPiR Recap - 6/9/2021

(1/2) > >>

Roadgeek Adam:
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} .doubleCrossPrize2Num1, .doubleCrossPrize2Num2, .doubleCrossPrize2Num3, .doubleCrossPrize2Num5, .doubleCrossPrize2Num6, .doubleCrossPrize2Num7 { font-size: 16px; font-family: Impact, Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; color: #666; position: relative; display: inline-block; left: -45px; top: -70px; align: center; width: 20px; margin: 0; } .doubleCrossPrize2Num2 { left: -44px; top: -85px; } .doubleCrossPrize2Num3 { left: -43px; top: -100px; } .doubleCrossPrize2Num5 { left: -17px; top: -127px; } .doubleCrossPrize2Num6 { left: -15px; top: -142px; } .doubleCrossPrize2Num7 { left: -13px; top: -157px; } .doubleCrossPrize1Select { color: #0F0; } .doubleCrossPrize2Select { color: #FF0; } .doubleCrossPrizeSelect { color: #FFF; } Episode #9473K
Aired – 6/9/2021; Taped – 5/2/2021
Models: Manuela Arbelaez, Rachel Reynolds
Microphone Handoff: N/A (due to COVID19)
First Four Contestant Seating: 1, 3, 4, 2
First IUFB: Trip to Santa Barbara (RT Rental Convertible to Santa Barbara, CA for a 3n stay in a king garden patio room at Hotel Indigo Santa Barbara + daily breakfast); ARP: $2,179 (Rachel and Manuela) JONATHAN SHARRON SHAKIRAH JUSTIN 1500 1750 1450 1
The winner is...

Sharron is playing One Wrong Price for:
* Air Hockey Table (Game Room Guys: Arcade style air hockey table with electronic scoring) (Manuela)
* Television (65in smart OLED UHD 4K television) (Manuela and Rachel)
* Tandem Kayak (Tandem kayak with 2 paddle seats, 2 paddles, paddle leashes) (Rachel) $2599 $3500 $1978 AIR HOCKEY TELEVISION KAYAK Sharron picks the television... $2599 $3500 $1978 $2599 $3500 $786   LOSS   Second IUFB: Cookware and Cutlery (Gunter Wilhelm: 2 nonstick pans, 3-piece cutlery set); ARP: $760 (Manuela) JONATHAN MALERIE SHAKIRAH JUSTIN 425 550 375 551
The winner is...

Justin is playing Card Game for a 2021 Hyundai Kona SE Crossover (2L engine, 6-speed MT, mudguards, RBA, FWD, wheel locks, auto armor) (Rachel). The starting price is $15,000. The target range is $1,000 Justin draws a 8♣. $15,800 Justin draws a 6♥. $16,400 Justin draws a 9♣. $17,300 Justin draws a 9♠. $18,200 Justin stops at $18,200 ARP is $22,436 For a difference of $4,236 For a result of LOSS Third IUFB: Designer Handbags and Shoes (Coach: hobo bag, 2 crossbody styles, 1 tote, ballet flats, stiletto sandals); ARP: $1,980 (Rachel) JONATHAN MALERIE SHAKIRAH ROBERT 2201 1550 2300 2200
The winner is...

Malerie is playing Grand Game for a chance to win up to $10,000! The target price is... $7.50 Malerie starts out at $1.00: $1.00 The items are:
* Benadryl Diphenhydramine HCI Antihistamine Allergy Ultratabs (24ct)
* Mariani Premium Mediterranean Apricots (6oz)
* Pompeian First Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil (32oz)
* Listerine Cool Mint PocketPaks (24ct)
* Snak Club Tajin Chili & Lime Crunchy Peanuts (10.5oz)
* Aveeno Fresh Greens Blend Conditioner (12oz) Pick 1: Breath Strips $2.59 $10.00 Pick 2: Apricots $3.99 $100.00 Pick 3: Allergy Relief $5.99 $1,000.00 Pick 4: Conditioner $8.99 $0 LOSS (ARP of the peanuts: $4.99; ARP of the olive oil: $13.49) SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Justin $760 70 STAY .70 Malerie $1,980 5 40 .45 Sharron $2,179 95 – .95 *SHOWCASE* Fourth IUFB: Desktop Computer (Acer: 19.5in desktop computer with 12GB RAM, 512GB SSD); ARP: $625 (Manuela) JONATHAN CAROL SHAKIRAH ROBERT 500 725 680 450
The winner is...

Jonathan, a photographer, is playing PICK A NUMBER for a new steam shower and massage chair and skin care products (Steam shower with 6 body massage jets, overhead LED lighting; Ogawa USA: AI Master Drive Chair with 26 programs, chromatherapy lighting, bluetooth speaker, tablet; PMD Beauty: 5 tools to hydrate, lip pumping treatment, serum, collagen sheet masks) (Rachel). The price of the relaxation set is $10837, $16837 or $18837:             $ 1 Pick
Number 8 3 7 0 6 8       Jonathan picks 6     6       $ 1 6 8 3 7 0   8       Fifth IUFB: Designer Jewelry (Helen Ficalora: 14ct gold pendant with chain, stud earrings with genuine diamonds, stacking ring); ARP: $1,434 (Rachel) MATTHEW CAROL SHAKIRAH ROBERT 1200 1250 1800 1350
The winner is...

Robert, an optician, is playing Five Price Tags for a 2021 Honda Civic LX (2L engine, CVT, FWD) (Manuela). SP 1: Professional Series 12cup Rice Cooker (Manuela) $67 Guess: FALSE $33
SP 2: Ember 12oz Smart Travel Mug (Rachel) $180 Guess: FALSE $180
SP 3: Jump Rope Set with Weights (Manuela) $44 Guess: TRUE $99
SP 4: Food Slicer (Rachel) $23 Guess: FALSE $42
$19,480 $22,005 $20,315 $23,549 $21,279 $19,480 WIN! $20,315 $23,549 $21,279 WIN (Total Winnings: $22,080) Welp, Shakirah was the only one who overbid last time up on the jewelry. The good news is it leaves her bidding 4th here. If she doesn't escape, she'll be the first to travel to Maryland as today's limo trip is Sinepuxent, Maryland. Sixth IUFB: Digital Camera (Canon: EOS R6 20MP mirrorless camera with CMOS sensor, 24-105mm lens); ARP: $2,899 (Overhead) MATTHEW CAROL SHAKIRAH CHRISTIANA 800 995 850 799
The winner is...

Shakirah departs while Carol is playing Double Cross for trip to Colorado (RT Coach to Denver, CO for a 5n stay in a deluxe room at Hotel Teatro + daily breakfast) (Rachel) and a trip to Texas (RT Coach to San Antonio, Texas for a 5n stay in a view room at the Hyatt Regency San Antonio Riverwalk + daily breakfast, brewery and distillery tour) (Rachel)   COLORADO   COLORADO   TEXAS   TEXAS 5 3 4 7 1 2 9 8 5 2 8 0 6 Carol sets the screens to:   COLORADO   COLORADO   TEXAS   TEXAS 5 3 4 7 1 2 9 8 5 2 8 0 6 ARPs: $4,712 and $5,278. WIN SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Carol $12,889 40 30 .70 Jonathan $17,462 65 65 1.30 OVER Robert $23,514 75 – .75 *SHOWCASE* THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Robert has the honors... SC1 - Sharron FIRST-HAND
* Pizza Oven (Bull: Stainless steel pizza oven) (Manuela)
* Trip to Washington DC (RT Coach to Washington DC for a 6n stay in a deluxe room at the Fairmont Washington DC Georgetown + daily breakfast, city landmark tour for 2) (Manuela)
* 2021 Mystic Blue Chevrolet Spark LS (1.4L engine, CVT, FWD) (Rachel) Bid: $24,527 SC2 - Robert FRESHEN THINGS UP
* Washer and Dryer (washing machine and gas dryer) (Manuela)
* Home Gym (Finer Form: stationary bike, 5-in-1 adjustable weight bench, multi-functional bench, treadclimber) (Rachel)
* 2021 SunTracker Party Barge 18 DLX (60HP engine, trailer) (Manuela) Bid: $24,000 Sharron $24,527 TRIP/CAR $27,481 $2,954 TRIP/CAR *WIN*
$29,660 Robert $24,000 PARTY BOAT $29,392 $5,392 PARTY BOAT Results: 3 out of 6
Winnings: $86,265
Biggest Winner: Sharron This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.

Once again the contestant underprices the auto in Card Game. I think there would be more wins if the starting bid was higher than $15,000. He did get a narrow range today though ($1,000).

Awesome win in Five Price Tags! First try! :-)

I noticed Drew didn’t put a mask on after signing off. A slow return…

FWIW, I would've won Card Game, I had a bid in my head of $21,500 for that car.

Mariobrosaa's Play-Along: 9 June 2021

One-Bid 1: $2,800 (Loss)
One Wrong Price: I pick the TV (Loss)

One-Bid 2: $500 (Loss)
Card Game: I stop anywhere between $24,500 and $25,400, preferably $24,600 (Loss)

One-Bid 3: $1,800 (Win - $1,980 + Malerie Doubler)
Grand Game: Breath strips, peanuts, conditioner (Loss - $100)

SCSD1 (Malerie): Loss

One-Bid 4: $1,000 (Loss)
Pick-a-Number: I pick 0 (Loss)

One-Bid 5: $1,400 (Win - $1,434 + Robert Doubler)
Five Price Tags: I only got SP2 right, so I have 1 pick. I pick $22,005 (Win - $22,185)

One-Bid 6: $620 (Loss)
Double Cross: I pick $4,712 for Colorado and $5,278 for Texas (Win - $9,990)

SCSD2 (Robert): Win

SC1: $24,251 - difference of $3,230 (Win - $27,481)
SC2 (Robert): $29,749 - over by $357 (Loss)

Total Score For This Episode: $88,869

Very tough One Wrong Price, neither of the three prices really stuck out as looking wrong.

I was quite surprised she went with the allergy medicine before the final pick in Grand Game, that had to be there as a trap. When it came down to the conditioner and the peanuts I thought she'd be right thinking the peanuts was the trap item, but it turned out the peanuts were quite below the target price.

Wow that was an expensive package in Pick a Number. Quite a spread between the first and second choices.

Woah, not 1, not 2, but 3 false SPs in 5PT! Double woah he won the car on the 1st try!


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