Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Season 49

TPiR Recap - 6/16/2021

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Roadgeek Adam:
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text-align: center; font-weight: bold; width: 100px; display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 520px; border-radius: 50%; padding: 5px; color: #fff; } .timeARParea { margin-top: -10px; background-color: #ccc; width: 75%; } .timeARParea .timeCol:first-child { padding-left: 4%; } .timeARParea .timeItem { width: 66%; display: inline-block; margin: 3px 0; } .timeARP { width: 33%; background-color: #fff; color: #060; display: inline-block; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; } Episode #9483K
Aired – 6/16/2021; Taped – 5/3/2021
Models: Manuela Arbelaez, Rachel Reynolds
Microphone Handoff: N/A (due to COVID19)
First Four Contestant Seating: 3, 1, 4, 2
First IUFB: Pair of Cameras (Olympus: Tough underwater cameras with built-in wifi); ARP: $900 (Overhead) JEREMY STEPHEN JHOANNA KRISTIE 1200 685 1650 1
The winner is...

Stephen, a stockroom supervisor at an aerosapce company is playing SIDE BY SIDE for a trip to Miami (RT Coach to Miami, FL for a 6n stay at JW Marriott Marquis Miami + private RT airport transportation + daily breakfast, one lunch, scuba diving excursion, South Beach food tour) (Manuela). The ARP is either $5671 or $7156. SIDE BY SIDE 56 71 Stephen sets the price to $5671. SIDE BY SIDE 56 71 71 56 LO SS Second IUFB: Firepit (Starfire Direct: French garden inspired firepit with push-button ignition, flame monitoring system, burner cover, tank cover, wind guard, protective fabric cover); ARP: $3,796 (Rachel) JEREMY SHERLETT JHOANNA KRISTIE 1550 3700 1200 1549
The winner is...

Sherlett is playing Spelling Bee for a 2021 Kia Rio S Hatchback (1.6L engine, IVT, FWD; ARP: $17,955) (Manuela). Free picks: 8 5 1) Opolar Desktop Fan (Rachel) Guess: $27 56 Diff: $29 No Card 2) Conair Women's Electric Razor Guess: $45 37 Diff: $8 23 3) Vertold 12-in-1 Hammer Multitool Guess: $32 22 Diff: $10 7 $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ C C $$ $$ C C $$ C C C LOSS (Total Winnings: $59) Third IUFB: Headphone Package (Audio-Technica: wireless over-ear, in-ear and noise canceling headphones); ARP: $547 (Manuela) JEREMY SCOTT JHOANNA KRISTIE 800 625 750 545
The winner is...

Kristie, who met Drew in a bar in 1997, is playing Swap Meet. Swap Pair of Tablets (Apple: 64GB iPad Air; 128GB iPad Pro; 2 cases) (Rachel) for one of:
* Designer Accessories (Versace: 2 leather handbags, leather chain wallet, champagne-tone metal watch with butterfly buckle) (Manuela)
* Gaming Table (ECI Furniture: solid pine wood game table with flipover design, 4 cupholders; 4 stools) (Manuela)
* Electric Bicycle (Buzz: pedal-assisted e-bike with 350w motor, 36volt lithium ion battery) (George) Kristie picks the bike. $1499 $1499 TABLETS ACCESSORIES GAME TABLE E-BIKE WIN   $1499 $3700 $2950 $1499 TABLETS ACCESSORIES GAME TABLE E-BIKE SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Stephen $900 45 85 1.30 OVER Sherlett $3,851 20 30 .50 *SHOWCASE* Kristie $10,195 10 25 .35 Fourth IUFB: Home Sauna (Solid hemlock wood sauna, 4 towels, bucket with ladle); ARP: $1,747 (Manuela) JEREMY SCOTT JHOANNA KAYLA 2500 1588 2000 3500
The winner is...

Scott is playing That's Too Much for a 2021 Toyota CHR LE Crossover (2L engine, CVT, FWD, blackout emblem overlays, mudguards, RBP, spider cargo net, carpted floor and cargo mats, paint/fabric protection) (Rachel). $20,495 $21,840 $22,325 $23,982 $25,740 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ARP: $23,744 LOSS $20,495 $21,840 $22,325 $23,982 $25,740 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Fifth IUFB: Coffee and Tea Package (Cuisinart: espresso maker, 14cup coffee maker; 1500w cordless electric kettle, coffee grinder; poortable reclaimed wood and concrete kitchen island); ARP: $1,130 (Rachel) JEREMY VICTOR JHOANNA KAYLA 700 1099 1100 1
The winner is...

Johanna is playing One Right Price for:
* Television (65in UHD smart OLED television) (Manuela)
* Fitness Machine (Lagree Fitness: exercise machine with accessories) (Rachel) The right price is $3,500. She picks the ... TELEVISION   FITNESS MACHINE     $3500 $3500   $1970     LOSS Well, we knew this was coming. Jeremy is still here after being the second one called down. Now the limo is waiting. Can he escape a hike to Public Landing, Maryland? He bids third here. Sixth IUFB: Designer Jewelry (Helen Ficalora: 14ct yellow gold collection with a charm with a medium fine chain, three emerald stacking rings, pair of hoop earrings); ARP: $1,630 (Manuela) JEREMY VICTOR COURTNEY KAYLA 2100 2101 1750 725
The winner is...

Kayla is playing Time is Money for a chance to win $20,000 in cash! The grocery items today:
* Old El Paso Cheese Soft Tortilla Bowls (8ct)
* Hefty Ultra Strong Blackout Trash Bags (40ct)
* Stonyfield Organic Kids Strawberry Banana Yogurt (3.5oz)
* IcyHot Max No Mess Pain Relief Applicator (2.5oz)
* Napoleon Tomato Paste (4.56oz) YOGURT TORTILLAS TOMATO PASTE TRASH BAGS PAIN RELIEF $0—$2.99 $3—$5.99 $6 ↑ $20,000 Is she right? *BUZZ!* YOGURT TOMATO PASTE TORTILLAS TRASH BAGS PAIN RELIEF $0—$2.99 $3—$5.99 $6 ↑ $16,992 WIN ARPs: $0—$2.99 $3—$5.99 $6 ↑ YOGURT$1.69 TORTILLAS$3.49 TOMATO PASTE$3.99 PAIN RELIEF$7.99 TRASH BAGS$8.49 SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Jhoanna $1,130 20 85 1.05 OVER Scott $1,747 95 STAY .95 *SHOWCASE* Kayla $18,622 75 60 1.35 OVER Kayla decided to shoutout Justin Bieber in her shoutouts. THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Sherlett has the honors... SC1 - Scott STRETCH YOUR LEGS FOR A HIKE
* Hiking Boots and a trip to North Carolina (LL Bean: His and her leather hiking shoes; RT Coach to Asheville, NC for a 6n stay in a king suite at Bunn House + daily breakfast, hiking tour for 2) (Rachel)
* Sneakers and a trip to Seattle (APL: His and her low-top sneakers; RT Coach to Seattle, WA for a 5n stay in a 2br luxury property courtesy of Seattle Vacation Home + daily breakfast, half-day guided sightseeing tour) (Manuela)
* Sandals and a trip to Costa Rica (Men's and Women's sandals; RT Coach to San Jose, CR then to Puntarenas for a 6n stay in a 2br beachfront villa with private splash pool at Espadilla Ocean Club + private RT airport transfers) (Rachel) Bid: $17,550 SC2 - Sherlett HIGH TECH
* Smart Kitchen Appliances (Over the range microwve, wifi enabled range, dishwasher with third rack, side by side fridge with touchscreen) (Rachel)
* Desktop Computer (27in desktop computer with 32GB RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HD; digital pen) (Rachel)
* 2021 Hyundai Accent SEL (1.6L engine, IVT, FWD< RBA) (Manuela) Bid: $27,500 Scott $17,550 TRIPS $24,549 $6,999 TRIPS *WIN*
$26,296 Sherlett $27,500 KITCHEN/CAR $26,461 KITCHEN/CAR Results: 2 out of 6
Winnings: $60,994
Biggest Winner: Scott This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.

Nate Powalie:
I think the pairs of shoes in the showcase is what threw everyone off for bidding.

Drew: “You might have 4 Cs for all we know.”  Guess what? She did. Wow. Horrible luck in Spelling Bee.

What a “Come on Down” from Scott! In a way, it was good that he had all that space. I liked him; happy he won his showcase.

Nice win in Swap Meet.

I would have won in That’s Too Much!

Time Is Money! One of my favorite games! $16,992 won (Yes!), but… the contestant’s hesitation and checking with the audience cost her money.


--- Quote from: GameShowKid on June 16, 2021, 01:44:29 PM ---Time Is Money! One of my favorite games! $16,992 won (Yes!), but… the contestant’s hesitation and checking with the audience cost her money.

--- End quote ---

Aw, got pre-empted in the Pacific time zone right after the first price reveal in Swap Meet for coverage of Biden's press conference.

Roadgeek Adam:
Recap posted.


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