Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Season 49

TPiR Recap - 6/22/2021

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Roadgeek Adam:
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} .panMissing { background-color: #F60; font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; color: white; font-size: 8px; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; } Episode #9492K
Aired – 6/22/2021; Taped – 5/11/2021
Models: James O'Halloran, Rachel Reynolds
Microphone Handoff: N/A (due to COVID19)
First Four Contestant Seating: 1, 4, 3, 2
First IUFB: Television (55in smart 4K OLED television with Roku streaming stick); ARP: $1,850 (James) JESSICA JOHN KIMYA LEONARD 1250 1299 1300 1301
The winner is...

Leonard is playing That's Too Much for a 2021 Jeep Renegade Jeepster Sport 4x2 (2.4L engine, 9-speed AT) (Rachel). $21,060 $22,229 $23,500 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ARP: $26,240 LOSS $21,060 $22,229 $23,500 $24,921 $26,649 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Second IUFB: Designer Luggage (Samsonite: 4 hardside spinner suitcases; backpack with USB port); ARP: $1,292 (James and Rachel on CHUGGS) JESSICA JOHN KIMYA PRISCILLA 1300 750 1301 1000
The winner is...

Priscilla is playing BARGAIN GAME for:
* Trip to Chicago (RT Coach to Chicago, IL for a 6n stay at Hotel Audrey + daily breakfast, private sightseeing tour for 2) (Rachel)
* Trip to Key West (RT Coach to Key West, FL for a 6n stay in a premium oceanview room at 24 North Hotel Key West + sunset catamaran cruise for 2) (Rachel) She picks the Key West trip. ITEM PRICE TAG ARP DIFFERENCE CHICAGO $2358 $3558 $1200 KEY WEST $2902 $4902 $2000 Third IUFB: Range (Bosch: 5-burner range with cast iron grates, warming drawer); ARP: $2,299 (Rachel) JESSICA JOHN KIMYA EVAN 850 1300 851 1200
The winner is...

John is playing Bullseye for a new exercise equipment, fitness training and juice for a year (Core Home Fitness: HIIT ROWER; adjustable dummbells and glute drive with resistance bands; Fyt: 6 months of personal training; Suja Juice: year's worth of juices; ARP: $5,150) (James). Grocery items:

* Old English Lemon Oil Furniture Polish (16oz)
* HappyBaby Organics Bananas, Pineapple, Avocado & Granola Baby Food (4oz)
* Johnson & Johnson Band-Aid Tru-Stay Plastic Bandages (60ct)
* Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls (7.3oz)
* Sweet Baby Ray's Honey Chipotle Barbecue Sauce (18oz) Pick 1: BABY FOOD 7 x $1.99 = $13.93 MISS Pick 2: BARBECUE SAUCE 3 x $2.69 = $8.07 HIT Pick 3: CINNAMON ROLLS 4 x $2.29 = $9.16 HIT Hidden Bullseye? BARBECUE SAUCE SORRY CINNAMON ROLLS WIN SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Leonard $1,850 55 10 .65 John $7,449 60 85 1.45 OVER Priscilla $9,752 35 40 .75 *SHOWCASE* Fourth IUFB: Pair of Infusers (Levo: 2 infusion makers; 2 wooden oil diffusers); ARP: $647 (James) JESSICA JAQUENETTE KIMYA EVAN 1 325 500 501
The winner is...

Evan is playing PICK A NUMBER for a new bathroom (Ariel Bath: double-sink vanity, 1 toilet, jetted tub with 2 headrests; fully-loaded steam shower with 20 jets) (Rachel). The price of the bathroom is $4323, $6323, $8323:           $ Pick
Number 3 2 3 4 6 8       Evan picks 8   8       $ 8 3 2 3 4 6         WIN Fifth IUFB: Pair of Smartphones (Apple: 128GB iPhone 12 and 128GB iPhone 12 Pro Max); ARP: $2,098 (Overhead) JESSICA JAQUENETTE KIMYA OLIVIA 1850 1400 1851 1399
The winner is...

Kimya is playing 1/2-Off for a chance to win $10,000! Inside one of these boxes in $10,000! The rest have nothing. Kimya can eliminate some of the boxes by guessing which item is half-off it's ARP. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 AIR
CHILLER She picks the air fryer... $120 $60 $40 COFFEE
CHILLER Correct! Half of the boxes are elminated... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ROLLER
GAME She picks the skates... $52 $26 $30 BOARD
GAME Correct! Half of the boxes are elminated... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 WIFI
MIXER She picks the router... $80 $80 $75 SOUP
MIXER Wrong! None of the boxes are elminated... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Box picked: 13 Inside the box:   Money inside box: 5 LOSS (Total Winnings: $242) Jessica is still here. She was the first called down. She threw away at least one bid earlier today. Now she needs to avoid a slow trip to Berlin, Maryland. Sixth IUFB: Designer Clothing and Accessories (Public Rec: His and her sweatshirts, jackets, joggers, shrit, hats, backpacks and weekender bags); ARP: $1,380 (James and Rachel pretending to be mannequins) JESSICA JAQUENETTE MICHAEL OLIVIA 1400 1250 1200 999
The winner is...

Jessica is over painfully. Jacquenette is playing Ten Chances for a foot massager (Foot massager with fleece-lined foot pockets) (Rachel), laptop computer (Acer: 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD) (Rachel), and a 2021 Hyundai Accent SEL (1.6L engine, IVT, FWD, RBA, carpeted floor mats) (James). PRIZE Massager
805 Laptop
3709 CAR ARP 50 730 GUESS 80 50 790 970 930 793 397 709 370 730   1
LOSS SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Jessica $2,160 30 100 1.30 OVER Kimya $2,340 30 65 .95 *SHOWCASE* Evan $8,970 50 75 1.25 OVER THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Priscilla has the honors... SC1 - Kimya BLAST
* ATV (Honda: Fourtrax Rancher with 420cc engine, 5-speed MT with reverse, electric start) (Rachel)
* Trip to Alaska (RT Coach to Anchorage, AK then to Palmer for a 5n stay in a fully furnished suite at Abby's Place + daily breakfast, $250 amenities credit, floatplane glacier experience for 2) (Rachel)
* 2021 Bayliner Element M15 (50HP motor, EX package with BT, AMFM stereo, smartphone engine monitoring system, trailer, 2 pairs of water skis, tow rope) (James) Bid: $32,500 SC2 - Priscilla AWESOME PRIZES WITH YOUR BEST SHOT
* Digital Camera (Nikon: 24.2MP D5600 DSLR camera with 18-55mm and 70-300mm lens) (Rachel)
* Game Room (Golden West Billiards: Western maple pool table with deluxe accessory package; Pop-A-Shot: dual-hoop basketball game with 9 extra balls) (James)
* 2021 Kia Soul LX (2L engine, IVT, FWD) (Rachel) Bid: $24,500 Kimya $32,500 ALASKA/BOAT $29,717 ALASKA/BOAT Priscilla $24,500 ROOM/CAR $27,612 $3,112 ROOM/CAR *WIN*
$37,364 Results: 3 out of 6
Winnings: $60,133
Biggest Winner: Priscilla This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.

9-speed automatic transmission! 😊   Too bad the Jeep wasn’t won in That’s Too Much.

Lucky second-chance win in Bullseye.

I also picked 13 in ½ Off.

10 Chances! One of my favorite games! Arghh! The contestant was playing SO well, with her first 5 guesses ending in zero. Then she went way off track, and then back to ending in zero for the win of the second prize. Why??

That's too Much: Figured the Contestant would be under when they stopped
Bargain Game: Distance Rule really helped ngl
Bullseye: Got Real Lucky on the Hidden Bullseye
Pick a Number: At least we can somewhat price that damn Bathroom now
1/2 Off: Just was unlucky with the Boxes
10 Chances: I can not even begin to think on how many Chances were wasted solely on the contestant not figuring out 730 quick enough


--- Quote from: JarodJGames on June 22, 2021, 02:03:25 PM ---Pick a Number: At least we can somewhat price that damn Bathroom now

--- End quote ---

...really? We already knew it was around $8-9k, and if you actually did the work, you could have done the math and figured it out the last time it showed up. Take a showcase worth $31,324, take away a $17,955 Kia Rio S Hatchback, and subtract a $5,046 kitchen. What number do you get?

1/2 Off was easy with the first two SP pairs, but once I heard "soup maker", I knew it was the $150 one that's popped up a few times this season.

I don't know why it was staged that way, but Drew being out of frame when Jacquenette was on her ninth chance made me chuckle. Part of me felt "yeah, she's doomed" vibes from his absence.

Nate Powalie:
Looks like the contestant forgot about the 0 rule in Ten Chances... that's not the first time that's happened this season, though.


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