Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Season 50

TPiR Recap - 4/25/2022 (TPiR at Night: Rachel Brosnahan)

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Roadgeek Adam:
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Aired – 4/25/2022; Taped – 12/6/2022
Models: Manuela Arbelaez, James O'Halloran
Microphone Handoff: Manuela
First Four Contestant Seating: Left to Right
First IUFB: Home Bar and Turntable Package (2 stools, back bar, home bar; U-Turn Audio: walnut turntable with 6 albums); ARP: $6,364 (James) LINDSEY NORMAN LENORA YACHICA 755 1000 1450 1452
The winner is...

Here playing for charity is Rachel Brosnahan of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, raising funds for Covenant House. Yachica is playing SWITCH? for:
* Trip to Paris (RT Coach to Paris, FR for a 6n stay at Hotel Balmoral Paris Champs Elysses + daily breakfast & dinner, rpviate Louvre tour) (Manuela)
* Trip to Finland (RT Coach to Roma Niemi, FI for a 6n stay in an all-glass spart with sauna + daily breakfast and 3 course-dinners) (James) These prices are either correct or need to be switched: PARIS   FINLAND $7762   $9247 SWITCH?   SWITCH? Yachica chooses to switch... PARIS   FINLAND $9247   $7762 $9247 WIN $7762 Second IUFB: Designer Accessories (Versace: Leather tote and crossbody, printed shoulder bag); ARP: $3,695 (Manuela) LINDSEY NORMAN LENORA HANS 3995 4200 4250 2144
The winner is...

Hans, common game show contestant Hans von Walter, is playing Money Game for a 2022 Mini Cooper S (1.5L engine, 7-speed AT, FWD, valve stem caps) (James). MONEY GAME     31 50 61     14 85 96     30 73 32     F 7 R Hans picks [32] – [$$] 32   31 50 61     14 85 96     30 73 $$     F 7 R Hans picks [30] – [$$] 32   31 50 61 30   14 85 96     $$ 73 $$     F 7 R Hans picks [31] – [F] 32   F 50 61 30   14 85 96     $$ 73 $$     31 7 R Hans picks [14] – [$$] 32   F 50 61 30   $$ 85 96 14   $$ 73 $$     31 7 R Hans picks [96] – [$$] 32   F 50 61 30   $$ 85 $$ 14   $$ 73 $$ 96   31 7 R LOSS (Total Winnings: $172; ARP: $31,785) Third IUFB: Cookware and Cutlery (Viking Culinary: 7pc cookware set; 15pc knife block set); ARP: $3,000 (Manuela) LINDSEY NORMAN LENORA VALERIE 1900 600 625 1200
The winner is...

Lindsey is playing Punch-a-Bunch for a chance to win up to $25,000! Item #1 (Misting Fan) (Manuela): $70
Correct! Item #2 (Kleem Organics Cleaner Kit): $25
Correct! Item #3 (Breville 5spd Blender): $99
Correct! Item #4 (Taco Tuesday Taco Bowl Maker): $85
Correct! Lindsey has 4 punches $ $ $ $ $ $ 1 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 $ 4 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
* $500Throws it back.
* $2500Throws it back.
* $500Throws it back.
* $100LOSS (Total Winnings: $426) SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Lindsey $3,426 95 STAY .95 Hans $3,867 95 STAY .95 *SHOWCASE* Yachica $23,373 60 15 .75 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 TOTAL RESULT Lindsey $3,426 25 .25 Hans $3,867 60 .60 *SHOWCASE* Fourth IUFB: Elliptical Trainer (Bowflex: Max Trainer elliptical with 12mo digital platform); ARP: $2,799 (Manuela) JIBRI NORMAN LENORA VALERIE 2400 3200 4375 3100
The winner is...

Jibri is playing BALANCE GAME for a new backyard (Masters Spas: 8.2 Twilight hot tub with designated seats; rattan wicker basket chairs; FireSense: pair of patio heaters) (James). Bags: $115, $6000, $10000, $12000 Drew places $115 on the the scale. Jibri places $6000, $10000: 16115 Manuela places the bag on the scale... $115 $6000 $10000 BACKYARD ARP: 16115 Result: WIN Fifth IUFB: Podcast Package and Desktop Computer (Logitech: 13pc podcast bundle; webcam and live stereaming tool kit; Apple: 24in iMac with 16GB RAM, 2TB HD, HD camera); ARP: $4,058 (Manuela) WILLIAM NORMAN LENORA VALERIE 4995 3800 6000 1
The winner is...

Norman is playing Any Number for random cash, a camera package (Instax: instant camera with printer, smartphone printer, 12pk film, 2 acryllic frames) (James) or a 2022 Apex Acura ILX A-Spec (2.4L engine, 8-speed AT, FWD, cargo hook, paint/fabric protection) (Manuela). CAR 3 CAMERA PACKAGE PIGGY BANK Norman picks 7. CAR 3 7 CAMERA PACKAGE PIGGY BANK Norman picks 8. CAR 3 7 CAMERA PACKAGE PIGGY BANK 8. Norman picks 9. CAR 3 7 9 CAMERA PACKAGE PIGGY BANK 8. Norman picks 6. CAR 3 7 9 CAMERA PACKAGE PIGGY BANK 8. 6 Norman picks 2. CAR 3 2 7 9 CAMERA PACKAGE PIGGY BANK 8. 6 Norman picks 0. CAR 3 2 7 9 CAMERA PACKAGE 0 PIGGY BANK 8. 6 Norman picks 3. CAR 3 2 7 9 CAMERA PACKAGE 0 PIGGY BANK 8. 3 6 LOSS. Board was: CAR 3 2 7 4 9 CAMERA PACKAGE 5 1 0 PIGGY BANK 8. 3 6 This was anti-climactic, but Lenora is still here. She needs to get some luck on her side as she bids 2nd. Will she avoid the long trip to Perryville, Maryland? Sixth IUFB: Designer Luggage (Tumi: 3 durable hardside suitcases); ARP: $2,450 (Manuela and James) WILLIAM DEBRA LENORA VALERIE 800 1100 2100 1250
The winner is...

Lenora escapes and is playing Hi-Lo for 50 Flights to Wherever You Want (50th Anniversary celebration with 50 domestic flights of your choice; ARP: $10,000) (James). Grocery items:
* Amy's Cheddar Cheese Burrito
* Arm & Hammer Baking Soda (1lb)
* Meyer's Clean Day Detergent
* Claussen Kosher Dill Pickles (32oz)
* Hershey's Chocolate Syrup (64oz)
* Dermoplast First Aid Bacterial Spray $18.99 $4.99 $7.99 SOAP PICKLES SPRAY $2.99 $1.19 $3.29 BURRITO BAKING SODA SYRUP WIN SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Rachel $43,730 80 – .80 *$8,000* Norman $4,066.36 10 45 .55 Lenora $12,450 15 65 .80 *SHOWCASE* Jibri $18,914 20 90 1.10 OVER THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Lenora has the honors... SC1 - Lenora KICKING THINGS UP A NOTCH
* Designer Sneakers (Gucci: 2 pairs of leather sneakers for him; leather sneakers and canvas sneakers for her) (James and Manuela)
* 2022 Black Denim Harley-Davidson Iron 883 (883cc engine, 5-speed transmission) (Manuela)
* 2022 Snowflake White Pearl Mazda CX30 Select (2.5L engine, 6-speed AT, AWD) (James) Bid: $48,000 SC2 - Hans A RACHEL BROSNAHAN SHOWCASE
* Living Room (Allform: Modual sectional with coffee table, 2 side tables; 55in 4K LED television) (James)
* Trip to Catskills (RT Coach to Albany, NY then to Saugerties for a 5n stay at Diamond Mills Hotel and Tavern) (Rachel)
* 2022 Nepallo 22 Pontoon Boat (10ft BT, 90HP motor, trailer; courtesy of Overton's) (Manuela) Bid: $28,251 Lenora $48,000 CYCLE/CAR $39,739 CYCLE/CAR Hans $28,251 CATSKILLS/BOAT $61,403 $33,152 CATSKILLS/BOAT *WIN*
$65,270 Results: 3 out of 6
Winnings: $127,499.36
Celebrity Winnings: $51,730
Biggest Winner: Hans This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.

Sucks for Lindsey and her $100.  Perfect pricing in Punch, but it just wasn't meant to be.  IMO, it was a coinflip for whether to keep $2500 with two punches left.  I wouldn't fault her for keeping it, but I didn't have a problem with her going on.  She won a very nice prize to get up on stage, more than that $2,500.  Tough luck happens.

Hans backdoored, I guess.  Nice to see this guy win anyway.  Not a great start with Money Game; IMO the lack of good luck to start helped doom him.

I suspect Hans has done his research. For the first two digits in Money Game, he avoided the middle possibility which is what you should almost always do on the daytime show. Unfortunately, it backfired here, as this is a prime time show and they probably wanted the car won. Then his -251 showcase ending gave him away as someone who knows their TPiR strategy.

Otherwise, nothing terribly exciting about this primetime episode, except for wondering how 50 domestic flights only cost $10,000. That's $200/flight, which is way less than the average price per flight these days.

Roadgeek Adam:

--- Quote from: LiteBulb88 on April 25, 2022, 10:49:39 PM ---I suspect Hans has done his research. For the first two digits in Money Game, he avoided the middle possibility which is what you should almost always do on the daytime show. Unfortunately, it backfired here, as this is a prime time show and they probably wanted the car won. Then his -251 showcase ending gave him away as someone who knows their TPiR strategy.

Otherwise, nothing terribly exciting about this primetime episode, except for wondering how 50 domestic flights only cost $10,000. That's $200/flight, which is way less than the average price per flight these days.

--- End quote ---

This is Hans von Walter's 7th game show. He is incredibly intelligent.

I fully believe the 50 flights thing is $10,000 in cash, which is fine.


--- Quote from: Roadgeek Adam on April 25, 2022, 10:55:17 PM ---I fully believe the 50 flights thing is $10,000 in cash, which is fine.

--- End quote ---

Either that or possibly a Delta voucher like the live show gives out instead of trips.


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