Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Season 51

TPiR Recap - 11/22/2022

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Roadgeek Adam:
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vertical-align: central; } .anyNumber td { background-color: black; width: 40px; } .anyNumber th { background-color: red; font-family: "Arial Black", Gadget, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } /* HI LO */ .hiloBoard { background-color: #09F; text-align: center; } .hiloPrice td { background-color: #FF0; color: #000; font-weight: bold; width: 75px; } .hiloItem td { margin-bottom: 6px; width: 75px; } Episode #9992K
Aired – 11/22/2022; Taped – 10/3/2022
Models: Rachel Reynolds
Microphone Handoff: Rachel
First Four Contestant Seating: Left to Right
First IUFB: Designer Sunglasses (Coach: 6 pairs of sunglasses); ARP: $1,077 (Overhead) SIMONE RONA JERRY ERIN 667 1100 1299 1000
The winner is...

Erin is playing PLINKO! for a chance to win $50,000!. Drew gives her a free Plinko chip. $ Chip #1 (Lamo: Pair of Boots) (Rachel):
3 5 She picks 5... WIN!
$65 $ Chip #2 (Electric Toothbrushes):
5 0 She picks 0... WIN!
$90 $ Chip #3 (Ceramic Flat Iron):
4 1 She picks 1... 4 7 Chip #4 (Jump-starter and Power Unit):
8 3 She picks 8... $ WIN!
$85 Erin drops the first chip...     $               1
0 5
0 1
0 0 10
0 0 1
0 5
0 1
0 $1,000 Erin drops the second chip...           $         1
0 5
0 1
0 0 10
0 0 1
0 5
0 1
0 $1,000 Erin drops the third chip...   $                 1
0 5
0 1
0 0 10
0 0 1
0 5
0 1
0 $1,500 Erin drops the fourth chip...       $             1
0 5
0 1
0 0 10
0 0 1
0 5
0 1
0 $1,500 LOSS (Total Winnings: $1,740) Second IUFB: Desktop Computer (21.5in all-in-one computer with 8GB RAM, 1TB HD; standing corner desk); ARP: $920 (Rachel) SIMONE RONA JERRY JUSTIN 875 910 960 950
The winner is...

Rona is playing SIDE BY SIDE for a trip to Nashville (RT Coach to Nashville, TN for a 5n stay in a deluxe room at Union Station Nashville Yards + backstage Grand Old Opry tour) (Rachel). The ARP is either $6583 or $8365. SIDE BY SIDE 65 83 Rona sets the price to $6583. SIDE BY SIDE 65 83 65 83 WI N! Third IUFB: Smartphone (256GB foldable smartphone); ARP: $1,800 (Rachel) SIMONE CONNIE JERRY JUSTIN 1100 999 1299 1500
The winner is...

Justin is playing That's Too Much for a 2022 Kings Red Metallic Volkswagen Taos SE (1.5L engine, 8-speed AT, FWD, black wheel package, panoramic sunroof) (Rachel). $25,941 $27,130 $28,394 $29,640 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ARP: $32,210 LOSS $25,941 $27,130 $28,394 $29,640 $31,035 $32,531 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Justin $1,800 85 STAY .85 Erin $2,817 55 55 1.10 OVER Rona $7,503 80 10 .90 *SHOWCASE* Fourth IUFB: Snow Package (Yukon Charlies: 2 snowshoes, 4 sleds, 4 trekking poles, 4 travel bags); ARP: $1,234 (Rachel) SIMONE CONNIE JERRY EVAN 1200 1 2 1362
The winner is...

Simone is playing Shopping Spree for:
* Television (70in LED 4K smart UHD television) (RAchel)
* Designer Accessories (Gucci: wallet, card case, perfume, leather belt, scarf, hat) (Rachel)
* Air Hockey Table (Game Room Guys: Aluminum rail air hockey table) (George)
* Countertop Appliances (Wolf Gourmet: cast iron grill and countertop oven) (George) Simone can win all four prizes if she spends at least $7,500 by picking three of the items. Simone chooses the accessories. $  $3933$7,500$
$ $3,567 TELEVISION ACCESSORIES $ $ AIR HOCKEY APPLIANCES Simone chooses the television. $  $3183$7,500$
$750 $3,567 TELEVISION ACCESSORIES $ $ AIR HOCKEY APPLIANCES Simone chooses the air hockey table. $  $484$7,500$
$750 $3,567 TELEVISION ACCESSORIES $2,699 $ AIR HOCKEY APPLIANCES LOSS (ARP of the appliances: $1,768) Fifth IUFB: Smart Home Lock and Safe Package (Yale Home: door lock, cabinet lock, alarmed safe); ARP: $508 (Rachel) ADRIENNE CONNIE JERRY EVAN 649 499 599 500
The winner is...

Evan is playing Hi-Lo for a trip to Vietnam (RT Coach to Ho Chi Minh City, VI for a 6n stay in an executive suite at Parkroyal Saigon + daily breakfast, RT airport transfers, 2 3hr spa treatments, poolside dinner, private city tour with driver; ARP: $8,136) (Rachel). Grocery items:
* Little Trees Black Ice Air Freshener (1ct)
* Red Bull Energy Drink (4ct)
* Breyers Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream
* Texas Pete Hot Sauce
* Thai Kitchen Life Coconut Milk
* Blue Buffalo Training Dog Treats $7.99 $13.49 $5.99 ENERGY DRINKS DOG TREATS ICE CREAM $1.09 $4.29 $3.79 AIR FRESHENER MILK HOT SAUCE WIN Well, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry is still here here here. Now he bids 4th. Now he needs to avoid a limo trip, with functional power steering, to West River, Maryland. He has a good chance. Sixth IUFB: Washer and Dryer (LG: washing machine with 14 programs; gas dryer with 5 temp settings); ARP: $2,798 (Rachel) ADRIENNE CONNIE JERRY KEITH 2000 1500 2001 1100
The winner is...

Jerry escapes and is playing Any Number for random cash, a new camera (Lumix: 16MP mirorrless camera with 128GB memory card) or a 2022 Hyundai Accent SE (1.6L engine, IVT, FWD, dual USB chargers, carpeted floor mats, cargo tray) (Rachel). CAR 1 CAMERA PIGGY BANK Jerry picks 8. CAR 1 8 CAMERA PIGGY BANK Jerry picks 5. CAR 1 8 CAMERA 5 PIGGY BANK Jerry picks 7. CAR 1 8 CAMERA 5 PIGGY BANK 7. Jerry picks 9. CAR 1 8 CAMERA 9 5 PIGGY BANK 7. Jerry picks 6. CAR 1 8 CAMERA 9 5 PIGGY BANK 7. 6 Jerry picks 3. CAR 1 8 CAMERA 9 5 PIGGY BANK 7. 3 6 LOSS. Board was: CAR 1 8 1 2 0 CAMERA 9 4 5 PIGGY BANK 7. 3 6 SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Simone $1,234 80 STAY .80 Jerry $2,805.36 90 STAY .90 *SHOWCASE* Evan $8,644 40 35 .75 THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Rona has the honors... SC1 - Rona CHILLY
* Hot Tub (Master Spas: 8.2 Twilight Spa with 44 jets, ergonomic therapy seats) (Rachel)
* Trip to Hawaii (RT Coach to Honolulu, HI for a 5n stay in a king room at the Shoreline Hotel Waikiki + daily breakfast) (Rachel)
* 2023 Machine Grey Mazda CX-5 Premium (2.5L engine, 6-speed AT, AWD) (Rachel) Bid: $32,000 SC2 - Jerry FULL OF ZEST
* Treadmill (Bowflex: 22in display console with 20% incline) (Rachel)
* Trio of Recreational Vehicles (Kayo: Storm 180 ATV with 177cc engine, CVT, electric start; K4 offroad motorcycle with 250cc engine, 5-speed MT, electric start; Vespa: Primavera 50 with 50cc engine, CVT) (Rachel)
* Trip to Spain (RT Coach to Grenada, SP for a 6n stay in a junior suite at Hotel Casa 1800 Grenada + all meals, admission to Alhambra Palace, food tour) (Rachel) Bid: $25,500 Rona $32,000 HAWAII/SUV $58,354 $26,354 HAWAII/SUV Jerry $25,500 VEHICLES/SPAIN $28,393 $2,893 VEHICLES/SPAIN *WIN*
$31,198.36 Results: 2 out of 6
Winnings: $53,196.36
Biggest Winner: Jerry This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.

Highlight of the show definitely was that subtle Roger reference during OB5.

As Discord pointed out, the pattern these SCs are following this season has gotten very old already.

--- Code: ---Today, 12:02:49tpiradam: Some of these showcases are getting beyond ridiculous. It’s not fun watching people underbid their showcases by more than $10k so often
--- End code ---

I would have had zero chance on Shopping Spree.

The air hockey table was almost $2k more than the TV?  Just wow.

The TV trap worked in Shopping Spree; seeing a three-digit price in that game has meant a loss for the last 15 years now.

Jerry went high when he should have went low in Any Number, but was just right in the Showcase for some redemption!

Don’t forget tomorrow is a Thanksgiving special

Is it just Me or are there more VWs on the show lately?


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