Studio 46 - Non-TPiR Discussion > Out In Left Field

Card Sharks (Bill Rafferty) Prize Cards


I've often wondered why the 1986-1989 CBS edition of Card Sharks with Bob Eubanks never used the prize cards in the decks of the main game like the 1986-1987 syndicated series with Bill Rafferty did. The prize cards consisted of trips to various destinations, jewelry, furniture, appliances, cash ($500, $1000, $5000), etc.

Maybe they wanted the prize cards exclusive to the nighttime show to make it more exciting, but after it was canceled in 1987, they could have (and should have) included them on the CBS daytime show.

Syndicated versions of shows tended to be higher budget than their daytime counterparts, so that's probably why they were only on the Rafferty version.


--- Quote from: SuperMatch93 on March 09, 2023, 11:19:33 PM ---Syndicated versions of shows tended to be higher budget than their daytime counterparts, so that's probably why they were only on the Rafferty version.

--- End quote ---

While that's certainly a possibility, the prizes themselves that were on the prize cards were no more costly than what would be offered on the daytime Price Is Right. It was the cards that, at least for the first half of the run, were far more expensive.



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