Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Price is Right Recaps!

TPiR Recap - 9/29/2023

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Aired – 9/29/2023; Taped – 7/31/2023
Models: Devin Goda, Rachel Reynolds
Microphone Handoff: Rachel
First Four Contestant Seating: Left to Right
First IUFB: Television (75in 4K QLED smart television with streaming media player (Roku)); ARP: $2,299 (Devin) RACHEL EDWIN JACOB PADMA 975 1800 800 976
The winner is...

Edwin, the San Fernando Valley, is playing SIDE BY SIDE for a trip to Playa del Carmen (RT Coach to Cancun, MX then to Playa del Carmen for a 6n stay in a 1br accommodation at Acanto Playa del Carmen, Trademark Collection by Wyndham + daily breakfast, private RT airport transportation, Chichen Itza tour) (Rachel). The ARP is either $7693 or $9376. SIDE BY SIDE 76 93 Edwin sets the price to $9376. SIDE BY SIDE 76 93 93 76 WI N! Second IUFB: Beverage Center (Danby: 4.7cuft french door beverage center with 61 can capacity); ARP: $1,950 (Rachel) RACHEL DESIREE JACOB PADMA 2 1700 1400 1
The winner is...

Desiree, who mugs Drew, is playing Punch-a-Bunch for a chance to win up to $25,000! Item #1 (Muscle Therapy Device) (Rachel): $39
Correct! Item #2 (Luvele Yogurt Maker): $150
Correct! Item #3 (Wireless Projector): $200
Correct! Item #4 (Flat Iron): $99

Desiree has 4 punches $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4 $ $ $ $ 1 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 $ $ $ $ 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
* $250Throws it back.
* $100Throws it back.
* $1000Throws it back.
* $250LOSS (Total Winnings: $800) Third IUFB: Lawn Care Package (Worx: chainsaw, hedge trimmer, leaf blower, 8-in-1 yard cart); ARP: $980 (Devin) RACHEL MATTHEW JACOB PADMA 1002 850 1000 1001
The winner is...

Matthew is playing Any Number for random cash, smartphone (Google: Pixel 7 Pro with 128GB memory, 6.7in QHD display; leather case) (Devin) or a 2023 Deep Pearl Blue Nissan Altima S (2.5L engine, CVT, FWD, splash guards) (Rachel). The first number of the car is a... CAR 2 SMARTPHONE PIGGY BANK Matthew guesses a 6. CAR 2 6 SMARTPHONE PIGGY BANK Matthew guesses a 3. CAR 2 6 3 SMARTPHONE PIGGY BANK Matthew guesses a 5. CAR 2 6 3 SMARTPHONE 5 PIGGY BANK Matthew guesses a 9. CAR 2 6 3 SMARTPHONE 9 5 PIGGY BANK Matthew guesses a 2. CAR 2 6 3 SMARTPHONE 9 5 PIGGY BANK 2 Matthew guesses a 0. CAR 2 6 3 0 SMARTPHONE 9 5 PIGGY BANK 2 Matthew guesses a 4. CAR 2 6 3 0 SMARTPHONE 9 5 4 PIGGY BANK 2 LOSS. Board was: CAR 2 6 8 3 0 SMARTPHONE 9 5 4 PIGGY BANK 7. 1 2 SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Matthew $1,930 40 30 .70 Desiree $2,750 80 STAY .80 Edwin $11,675 85 – .85 *SHOWCASE* Fourth IUFB: Collection of Designer Bags (Coach: 2 totes, backpack, structured backpack, messenger bag); ARP: $2,565 (Rachel) RACHEL SABRINA JACOB PADMA 1801 1800 1400 1700
The winner is...

Rachel is playing One Wrong Price for:
* Electric Bicycle (Onyx: 36 volt e-bike with aluminum frame; helmet) (Devin)
* Sewing Machine (Bernette Swiss Design: b77 sewing machine and serger) (Rachel)
* Laptop (Microsoft: 15in Surface laptop with 8GB RAM, 256GB removable SSD (Rachel) $2909 $3734 $807 ELECTRIC BICYCLE SEWING MACHINE LAPTOP Rachel picks the laptop... $2909 $3734 $807 $2909 $3734 $1300     WIN Fifth IUFB: Pair of Patio Heaters (FireSense: powder coated stainless steel patio heaters); ARP: $1,220 (Rachel) JOHN SABRINA JACOB PADMA 1200 1500 750 900
The winner is...

John is playing Grocery Game for a new outdoor kitchen (Challenger Designs: outdoor kitchen with Dometic: 32in built-in-gas grill; maple chopping block; ARP: $9,375) (Devin). Items:

* Late July Party Size Organic Sea Salt & Lime Tortilla Chips (14.75oz)
* Crystal Geyser Natural Alpine Spring Water (1.5L)
* Ocean Spray Craisins Dried Cranberries (6oz)
* Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits (8ct)
* Land O"Lakes Rich and Creamy Heavy Whipping Cream (1pt) John picks 3 whipping cream. ARP of one: $4.99 x3 for a total of: 1 4 9 7 John picks 3 water. ARP of one: $1.29 Total: 1 8 8 4 John picks 1 craisin. ARP of one: $3.49 x2 makes it: 2 2 3 3 LOSS The blue run really made this anticlimactic, but it"s replaced by a red run, which results in Jacob and PADMA being both limo bait. Jacob in the worse situation. At least one is headed for Dawson, Maryland, but it could be both. Sixth IUFB: Table Tennis Set (Tournament size solid wood table tennis package, 2 paddles, 6 balls); ARP: $1,426 (Rachel v. Devin) JESSICA SABRINA JACOB PADMA 1430 1250 900 1
The winner is...

Double-wide! Sabrina is playing That"s Too Much for a 2023 Volkswagen Tiguan SE (2L engine, 8-speed AT, FWD) (Devin). $24,020 $25,230 $26,451 $27,748 $29,070 $30,456 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ARP: $31,575 LOSS $24,020 $25,230 $26,451 $27,748 $29,070 $30,456 $31,945 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT John $1,220 60 95 1.55 OVER Sabrina $1,426 15 10 .25 Rachel $10,508 95 – .95 *SHOWCASE* THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Edwin has the honors... SC1 - Rachel TUNE IN
* Musical Instruments (Royal blue drum set, cymbals, drum sticks and throne; digital keyboard with stand, bench) (Rachel)
* Home Gym (Bowflex: Xtreme 2 SE home gym; $1,200 gift card for personal trainers from Fyt; 25oz self-cleaning stainless steel water bottle) (Devin)
* 2023 Radiant Red Honda Accord LX (1.5L engine, CVT, FWD, SiriusXM subscription for 1 year) (Rachel) Bid: $26,251 SC2 - Edwin TURN OVER NEW LEAF
* Trip to Canadian Rockies (RT Coach to Calgary, AB then to Banff for a 6n stay in a premier queen room at Sunshine Mountain Lodge + dinner, daily breakfast, lift tickets, private ski lessons and rentals) (Rachel)
* Trip to Prague (RT Coach to Prague, CZ for a 6n stay at the Hotel Cube Prague + daily breakfast, castle walking tour for 2) (Devin)
* Trip to Italy (RT Coach to Tuscany, IT for a 6n stay in a Dante suite at Villa Michaela + daily breakfast, organic winery tasting tour for 2) (Devin) Bid: $24,751 Rachel $26,251 CAR $33,280 $7,029 CAR Edwin $24,751 TRIPS $29,377 $4,626 TRIPS *WIN*
$41,052 Results: 2 out of 6
Winnings: $58,886
Biggest Winner: Edwin This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.

We're a whole week into the season and haven't had a single showcase bid ending in -000 yet? I'll take some responsibility for that, I was definitely helping people bid non-standard endings, but perhaps the contestants are getting a little smarter as well?

Rachel was in the crowd for show one and was asked to stay. I don't remember if I gave her the thousands digit or just the ending. I think I gave her the whole bid but just went really low because I am terrified of making people go over. I was seated next to Edwin's family during the showcase showdown and showcases due to someone having to catch a flight, so I definitely had some influence on his bid, or at least what his family was yelling. I was really rooting for him to at least get to the showcase because he definitely deserved a big win. They were talking with me after the show. He’d been married 40 years, never took a honeymoon, and his wife hadn’t ever been out of the country. All that and he won nearly $40,000 worth of trips. One of the many many reasons why I love this show.

Roadgeek Adam:

--- Quote from: therealcu2010 on October 01, 2023, 05:23:48 PM ---I'm sure Adam will do the recap when he has time (if he hasn't already); for now, I'm sure you'd like to discuss the show that aired on Friday.

--- End quote ---

I did it Friday. I worked all day. Give me a few minutes

Roadgeek Adam:
Recap posted

When was the last time that someone won four trips in one session?


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