Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Price is Right Recaps!

TPiR Recap - 10/10/2023

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Roadgeek Adam:
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Aired – 10/10/2023; Taped – 8/9/2023
Models: Manuela Arbelaez, James O"Halloran
Microphone Handoff: Michael
First Four Contestant Seating: Left to Right
First IUFB: Elliptical Machine (Body-Solid: Best Fitness E2 elliptical with 5in digital display); ARP: $2,185 (James) TYRONE BRIANA CHARLES STEPHANIE 1499 750 1199 1500
The winner is...

Stephanie is playing PLINKO! for a chance to win $50,000!. Drew gives her a free Plinko chip. $ Chip #1 (Smart Air Quality Monitor) (Manuela):
7 6 She picks 7... $ WIN!
$70 Chip #2 (Titanium Curling Wand):
2 9 She picks 9... WIN!
$69 $ Chip #3 (Glazed Stoneware Bowl):
4 0 She picks 0... 4 8 Chip #4 (Dish Cleaning Set):
3 5 She picks 5... WIN!
$15 $ Stephanie drops the first chip...             $       1
0 5
0 1
0 0 10
0 0 1
0 5
0 1
0 $1,000 Stephanie drops the second chip...       $             1
0 5
0 1
0 0 10
0 0 1
0 5
0 1
0 $1,000 Stephanie drops the third chip...       $             1
0 5
0 1
0 0 10
0 0 1
0 5
0 1
0 $1,000 Stephanie drops the fourth chip...             $       1
0 5
0 1
0 0 10
0 0 1
0 5
0 1
0 $2,000 LOSS (Total Winnings: $2,154) Second IUFB: Laptop Computer (Dell: XPS 15in laptop with 16GB memory, 512GB HD); ARP: $1,979 (Overhead) TYRONE BRIANA CHARLES JENNIFER 1550 2100 1 1500
The winner is...

Tyrone, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is playing One Right Price for:
* Trip to Vermont (RT Coach to Burlington, VT then to Stowe for a 5n stay at Brass Lantern Inn + daily breakfast and dinner, $500 amenities, Green Mountain guided hike) (James)
* Trip to Utah (RT Coach to Moab, UT for a 5n stay in a suite at the Aarchway Inn + daily breakfast, Arches and Canyonlands adventure for 2) (Manuela) The right price is $9,008. He picks Vermont... VERMONT   UTAH $9008     $9008   $7795 WIN     Third IUFB: Designer Bags (Furla: tote, top-handle bag, bucket bag tote, shopping bag tote, mini bag); ARP: $2,470 (Manuela) JED BRIANA CHARLES JENNIFER 2000 2100 3010 2125
The winner is...

Jennifer is playing That"s Too Much for a 2023 Radiant Red Honda Accord LX (1.5L engine, CVT, FWD, all-weather floor mats) (James). $22,855 $24,160 $25,460 $26,732 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ARP: $29,030 LOSS $22,855 $24,160 $25,460 $26,732 $28,020 $29,350 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Jennifer $2,470 20 5 .25 Stephanie $4,339 75 STAY .75 *SHOWCASE* Tyrone $18,782 40 90 1.30 OVER Fourth IUFB: Telescope (Sky-Watcher: 102mm optical tube telescope with built-in wifi); ARP: $680 (James) JED BRIANA CHARLES KIMBERLY 800 500 701 700
The winner is...

Briana is playing Bonkers for a new kitchen (French door fridge, wifi enabled electric range, dishwasher, microwave with glass control, egg timer, countertop ice maker, smart composter) (Manuela) .         3 4 6 5         First guess:     3 4 6 5             BUZZ! (0:20) Second guess:   3 4 6 5       5 7 2 9 WIN! (0:12) Fifth IUFB: Pickleball Package (Gamma Sports: net, 4 paddles, 2 backpacks, tournament-grade balls); ARP: $1,220 () JED CARLA CHARLES KIMBERLY 501 768 600 500
The winner is...

Carla is playing Flip Flop for a trip to Barbados (RT Coach to Barbados for a 6n stay in an ocean deluxe room at Little Arches Boutique Hotel + $500 amenities credit, private half-day excursion for 2) (James). 86 29 Carla FLOPS to 86 92 ARP be... 86 92 WIN It"s Charles birthday. He just hasn"t been very lucky. He bids 2nd here. There"s a cake in his limousine though if he misses out. Better than nothing for a trip to Nikep, Maryland. Sixth IUFB: Television (65in 4K QLED smart television; soundbar with wireless subwoofer); ARP: $1,650 (James) JED ANTONIO CHARLES KIMBERLY 1 2000 2700 2701
The winner is...

Charles departs while Jed, from New York, New York, is playing HOLE IN ONE for a 2023 Toyota Corolla SE (2L engine, CVT, FWD, DEG, RBP, BEO; ARP: $26,813) (Manuela). Jed has a chance to putt next to the hole if he can place the following items in order from lowest to highest:
* Vlasic Dill Relish (10oz)
* Centrum for Women Multi-Vitamin (120ct)
* 5-Hour Energy Drink (1.93oz)
* Jose Ole Chimichanga (5oz)
* Mariani Pitted Prunes (32oz)
* Spot Shot Stain Remover (14oz) Jed puts the items in this order:           $500 CHIMICHANGAS RELISH ENERGY DRINK PRUNES CARPET CLEANER SUPPLEMENT The ARPs are:           $500 $1.50 $2.99 $4.29 $10.49 8.49 SUPPLEMENT Jed will putt from the 4th line. Drew attempts the inspiration putt...*SUCCESS* Jed attempts his putt...*SUCCESS* SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Briana $6,409 15 10 .25 Carla $9,912 5 50 .55 *SHOWCASE* Jed $28,463 45 100 1.45 OVER THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Carla has the honors... SC1 - Kimberly THRILL RIDE
* Trip to Switzerland (RT Coach to Zurich, SW then to Beatenberg for a 6n stay in a comfort maissonnette apartment at Dorint Bluemlisalp Beatenberg Interlaken + daily breakfast and dinner, $300 amenities credit, skydiving experience for 2) (James)
* Pair of VR Headsets (Metaquest: 256GB storage VR headsets, 4 controllers) (James)
* 2023 Kawasaki Vulcan S (649cc engine, 6-speed transmission, helmet) (Manuela) Bid: $25,143 SC2 - Carla TURN THEM ON
* Living Room (Elephant in a Box: modular sectional and ottoman; 54in fireplace insert with LED technology, crystal media background, automatic shutoff) (Manuela)
* Robot Vacuums (iRobot: vacuum and mopping robots) (Manuela)
* 2024 Fountain Blue Chevrolet Trax 1RS (1.2L engine, 6-speed AT, FWD) (James) Bid: $24,300 Kimberly $25,143 TRIP/CYCLE $24,329 TRIP/CYCLE Carla $24,300 ROOM/SUV $28,986 $4,686 ROOM/SUV *WIN*
$38,898 Results: 4 out of 6
Winnings: $99,361
Biggest Winner: Carla This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.

Very good show.  Didn't care for Plinko starting the show, but it wasn't a big deal either.

Very nice putting from Drew and the player in Hole.  TTM continues to be a total nightmare.

No APR in Hole in One (similar to Bonus).  As mentioned, I guess I'd have to wait, but I had a speculation that the APR was done away with.  People in attendance would know more, but it made for an interesting discussion at Discord

To me Plinko should always be played first. I don't like when they play it after a Pricing Game or two is won because it ruins a perfect showwhen it's played after a loss it doesn't bother me.

If Plinko showed up 3rd, it still wouldn't bother me.  If the take-home cash is reasonable (and if there's perfect pricing), that's fine.  Plus, there's no guarantee we're getting anymore winners.

For me, the outcome of other games vs. Plinko are irrelevant.  For the most part.  If someone drops a chip in the center slot, that's enough for me.  The outcome is still a positive one, regardless of what makes a show perfect.  I don't think a Plinko player winning $13,000 or something similar (if not more) cares about a "perfect show" and I think the staff definitely does not care.  It's all about outcomes, and people having a great time.

To be fair, if 5 people did win, and Plinko was sixth, I'd be like "Ah man!"  That I'll admit.  But at that point I'm simply rooting for a decent outcome since I know that the contestant isn't winning $50,000 (unless he or she does).  Plinko as the final game doesn't happen a ton, and by that time, 5 for 5 (or even 0 for 5) is very rare

Roadgeek Adam:
To me, you want energy for the first game to help build the show. Plinko immediately does that. Works first a lot.


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