Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Price is Right Recaps!

TPiR Recap - 10/13/2023


Roadgeek Adam:
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} .gridlockOrange div { background-color: #f90; } .gridlockOrange .lit { background-color: #fc3; } Episode #0325L
Aired – 10/13/2023; Taped – 8/22/2023
Models: Alexis Gaube, Rachel Reynolds
Microphone Handoff: Rachel
First Four Contestant Seating: Left to Right
First IUFB: Television (50in 4K smart television with AI power); ARP: $950 (Alexis) DARRIN LILY IMAN CRAIG 600 400 650 1500
The winner is...

  Iman is playing Coming or Going for a trip to Tulum (RT Coach to Cancun, MX then to Tulum for a 6n stay in a tree house at Ajal Tulum Tree House + daily breakfast, RT airport transportation to Cenote Escondido Park) (Rachel). 7 2 1 9 1 2 7 COMING -or- GOING Iman sets the price to: 7 2 1 9 COMING -or- GOING

ARP: $9,127. LOSS Second IUFB: Home Safe and Watch (Cube safe with tamper safe door belts and internal light; Vortic Watch Company: one-a-kind watch); ARP: $2,990 (Alexis) DARRIN LILY RUBY CRAIG 1000 1001 1200 950
The winner is...

Ruby is playing LUCKY $EVEN for a 2023 Chevrolet TrailBlazer 1LT (1.3L turbo engine, CVT, FWD, all-weather floor liners, interior cleaning kit) (Rachel). First number is...
$ 2 Remaining: $7 Guess: 4
$ 2 6 Remaining: $5 Guess: 5
$ 2 6 2 Remaining: $2 Guess: 7
$ 2 6 2 8 Remaining: $1 Guess: 3
$ 2 6 2 8 9 Remaining: $0. LOSS Third IUFB: Massage Chair (Kahuna Chair: SL track massage chair); ARP: $2,600 (Rachel) DARRIN LILY HAIRO CRAIG 2550 2551 2500 2100
The winner is...

Lily is playing To the Penny for up to $25,000 in cash! Lily must price these five grocery items:
* Pioneer Country Gravy (2.75oz)
* Bush"s Black Beans (26.5oz)
* Rana Maine Lobster Ravioli (8oz)
* Madhava Organic Agave Sweetener (17oz)
* Neuro-Q Sleep Now Minty Oil Strips (30ct)           $1,500 GRAVY MIX $1.59 $3.99 Lily picks $1.59.           $1,500 GRAVY MIX $1.59 $3.99           $3,000 BEANS $0.99 $2.19 $3.29 Lily picks $2.19.           $3,000 BEANS $0.99 $2.19 $3.29 Lily spends two pennies to get back in the game picks $3.29.           $3,000 BEANS $0.99 $2.19 $3.29           $6,000 RAVIOLI $4.49 $6.99 $8.49 $9.99 Lily picks $8.49.           $6,000 RAVIOLI $4.49 $6.99 $8.49 $9.99 Lily spends two pennies to get back in the game and spends the last penny to eliminate a price.           $6,000 RAVIOLI $4.49 $6.99 $8.49 $9.99 Lily picks $6.99.           $6,000 RAVIOLI $4.49 $6.99 $8.49 $9.99           $12,000 SWEETENER $5.99 $7.49 $8.99 $10.39 $11.49 She bails with $6,000.           $12,000 SWEETENER $5.99 $7.49 $8.99 $10.39 $11.49 SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Iman $950 65 90 1.55 OVER Ruby $2,990 15 40 .55 Lily $8,600 75 – .75 *SHOWCASE* Fourth IUFB: Potting Bench (Outdoor potting station with trellis, set of garden tools with a leather belt, tool pouch; watering can); ARP: $713 (Rachel) DARRIN CHERRY ANN HAIRO CRAIG 801 700 800 549
The winner is...

Cherry Ann, from Toronto, Ontario, is playing One Wrong Price for:
* All Terrian Scooter (Cycleboard: all-terrain electric scooter with 1800watt mtoor, 5s-peed modes) (Alexis)
* Desktop Computer (Dell: all-in-one touchscreen computer with 16GB memory, 512GB SSD, wireless keyboard and mouse, mousepad) (Rachel)
* Cookware (Smithey Ironware: grill pan, 2 skillets, dutch oven, skillet) $4335 $3221 $1265 SCOOTER COMPUTER COOKWARE Cherry Ann picks the computer... $4335 $3221 $1265 $2599 $3221 $1261   LOSS   Fifth IUFB: Home Gym (Adjustable dummbells, stand with media rack; 2mo digital membership, bench, kettlebell, self cleaning water bottle); ARP: $1,224 (Alexis) DARRIN MAKAYLA HAIRO CRAIG 701 700 1101 1750
The winner is...

Hairo is playing SECRET X for a trip to Florence (RT Coach to Florence, IT for a 6 stay in a superior double room at Villa Campestri Olive Oil Resort + daily breakfast, pasta making class; ARP: $9,240) (Rachel). Hairo places the free X... The small prizes are:
* 4-in-1 Glass Mandoline Slicer
* Magicfly Mini Sewing Machine X ?     ?     ?   $110$205 Mandoline
$110$205 $110 X ?     ?     ? X  $24 $50 Sewing Machine
$24 $50 $50 X ? X    ?     ?  X The secret X is revealed... X   X    X        X WIN (Total Winnings: $9,400) Well, it"s double-wide time for the limo today. Darrin and Craig are still here. Only one can escape, and neither has the advantage of bidding 4th. Makayla has that. Now, can one avoid the trip to George"s Creek, Maryland? Sixth IUFB: Trio of Arcade Game Machines (Arcade 1Up: football edition, 14 iconic game one, anniversary edition with 12 games); ARP: $1,547 (Rachel) DARRIN MAKAYLA SANDRA CRAIG 1500 2501 2750 1400
The winner is...

Craig departs while Darrin, a four year Marine Corps member, escapes and is playing Gridlock for a 2023 Mitsubishi Outlander Sport 2.0ES (2L engine, CVT, AWD, carbon grille, cargo package) (Alexis) Darrin is given the first number, which is 2. $2 $2 48 71 59 36 04 85 Darrin selects 59 as the second and third numbers of the car. $2 48 71 36 04 85 $2 59 That is not correct, but he gets one more chance. Darrin selects 71 as the second and third numbers of the car. $27,1 48 59 36 04 85 $2 71 That is correct! Now, Darrin selects 36 as the fourth and fifth numbers in the car. $27,1 48 59 04 85 $2 71 36 LOSS (ARP: $27,185) SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Cherry Ann $713 40 30 .70 *SHOWCASE* Darrin $1,547 45 90 1.35 OVER Hairo $10,624 30 100 1.30 OVER THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Lily has the honors... SC1 - Cherry Ann CASUAL FRIDAY
* Designer Jeans and Sunglasses (Michael Kors: 6 pairs of denim jeans, 2 pairs of aviators, single rectangle frame, metal frame, square frame, irregular frame sunglasses) (Rachel)
* Trip to Palm Springs (RT Private Car to Palm Desert, CA for a 3n stay in a resort view room at JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort and Spa + daily breakfast) (Rachel)
* 2023 Bayliner Element M15 (50HP engine, MX package, trailer) (Alexis) Bid: $26,500 SC2 - Lily TALK OF THE TOWN
* Pauir of Smartphones (Google: 256GB Pixel phones with 6.3in gorilla glass displays) (Rachel)
* Backyard (Furniture of America: wicker sectional, 6 pillows, awning) (Alexis)
* 2023 Nissan Kicks SR (1.6L engine, CVT, FWD, premium package, 17in black alloy wheels, splash guards) (Rachel) Bid: $33,000 Cherry Ann $26,500 TRIP/BOAT $27,880 $1,380 TRIP/BOAT *WIN*
$28,593 Lily $33,000 SUV $30,952 SUV Results: 1 out of 6 (with 1 bailout)
Winnings: $53,304
Biggest Winner: Cherry Ann This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.

Roadgeek Adam:
Recap posted.

We actually had two known Wheel alumni this week. Craig from this show faced the puzzle board on 4/9/2010, and Jed from Tuesday's show on 11/10/2009 (coincidentally, both shows were from the same season of Wheel).

This episode had a weird start and you'd never know it. I was at this show, along with the shows airing 10/11, 10/12, 10/17 and 10/19.

To start, Thetrismix and I were seated on the front row to the left of Contestant's Row, which is a thrill in itself, but even more of one in this new space since the stage is now right there with no stairs.

So, we were in line with someone and she had a good interview in our group and just knew that this would be her day. She could feel it and saw signs in everything. It was further amplified as we entered the studio and she saw a nametag with her name on it on the floor just outside the stage. Crazy because it was a somewhat unique name (Iman) and it wasn't from a previous visit she had made to the studio.

Speaking of Iman, let's just go over the opening of this show. Every time I've been to the show, the opening has been the one thing that goes off mostly without a hitch. George may get a name pronunciation wrong, but there's a card for everyone to see. They see their name, they jump up and come on down. Drew comes out and we're off and running. I think once they redid a first four call down after the first break and there has been a hold after the reveal of the first IUFB ARP and the start of the first game, but it's generally one place where nothing weird happens. Not today...

So, when Iman was called down, she stood up and clear as day mouthed "What the f***?" I saw it and immediately started laughing and thinking "please let this stay in." Alas, as she came on down, they stopped the music and asked her to go back to her seat and do it again. Problem is, she would stand up before George would say her name. After two tries, she finally gets the timing right and we continue with the opening.

That is until Drew is introduced. He comes out the door, we all stand up and he makes it about halfway to Rachel when he takes off his glasses, looks at them, turns around and walks back to Door 2 and knocks on it for them to open it back up. Apparently, he was wore his reading glasses out and had to go back to get his show glasses. Finally, we reintroduce him and the show goes on. But Drew's got one more edit point to insert into the already wild opening. As the bidding starts on the first IUFB, Drew gets to Iman and says "Iman, how the f*** are you?" I was ready to roll on the floor laughing.

Very sad that Iman proceeded to go up on stage and not listen to us on a slam dunk Coming or Going setup. Guess we should've mentioned the general rule, although of course we had no idea that Coming or Going would be played that day.

To the Penny took a very long time by the end. Lily took a long time deliberating on the price of the ravioli and then whether or not to still go for it or stop with $3K. It became agonizing after a while. With no SCSD to break things up anymore, it was fun to go right into a One Wrong Price that also took time to make a decision. I think I wanted her to go with the scooter and Tris wanted her to take the computer. At one point, she went computer, went to scooter, and then finally settled on computer. We were just like "end this now!"

At some point, either between Games 3-4 or 4-5, Drew came out to audience to talk and talked to me and Tris since we were right there. So, we got to tell him about oursleves and that we played game shows online and were Superfans. Drew talks about the special and everything. So now, there's a target on our backs...we think.

Weird stop down during X. Before Drew goes into playing the game he stops things and walks up to Chris to talk about something. We have no idea what the problem was, but after a couple of minutes they have George reread the prize copy including the ARP which he apparently omitted the first time he read it.

Fast forward to the last IUFB. We were trying so hard to get Craig up onstage. We took note of his shirt and had looked up the recap for his previous episode and saw how he had done. So, it's his last chance and he looked STRAIGHT at us and then went with a completely different price. This made Drew left and commented "these two guys behind Craig were at the Superfan show and he looked at them and said something completely different. Hope that works out for him." I am very sad this was cut. For what it's worth, I was pretty spot on with how much the cabinets cost, while Tris would've been too low. So, who knows?

Overall, this was definitely the wildest and noteworthiest of the three shows we had seen up to this point. Thursday was definitely a better show though. The whole day was wild and fun because we had a chance immediately following this taping to attend a taping of Person, Place or Thing and watch a few episodes get filmed and meet Melissa Peterman. Just a lot of energy from sunrise to sunset.


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