Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Price is Right Recaps!

TPiR Recap - 11/1/2023

(1/3) > >>

Roadgeek Adam:
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} Episode #0353L
Aired – 11/1/2023; Taped – 8/28/2023
Models: Devin Goda, Amber Lancaster
Microphone Handoff: Amber
First Four Contestant Seating: Left to Right
First IUFB: Collection of Roller Skates (C7 Skates: 4 pairs of roller skates (2 for her, 2 for him); 4 4pks of wheels, 8 extra stoppers); ARP: $560 (Devin) CHRISTINE D. SAMIYAH RAVEN CHRISTINE M. 375 250 195 251
The winner is...

Christine D. is playing Most Expen$ive for: 1. Home Office (Uplift Desk: bamboo desk with 1touch operation; 8pc organizer set, lamp, underdesk hammock, cabinet, standing board, chair; Microsoft: 15in Surface with touchscreen, 8GB RAM, 256GB removable SSD) (Devin).
2. Pizza Oven (Outdoor stainless steel fire oven with accessories) (Amber).
3. Designer Shoes (Coach: booties, leather sandals, slingback pumps, 2 pairs of lowtop sneakers) (George). Guess: 3. 1 2 3 $3414 $2150 $1195     LOSS Second IUFB: Smart Home Package (Learning thermostat, carbon monoxide alarm, 4 cameras, smart doorbell with camera, tablet display hub); ARP: $1,437 (Amber) WALSH SAMIYAH RAVEN CHRISTINE M. 732 1200 850 900
The winner is...

Samiyah is playing Card Game for a 2023 Nissan Kicks SR (1.6L engine, CVT, FWD, premium package, splash guards, 17in black alloy wheels, illuminated kick plates, auto dimming rearview mirror, virtual key) (Devin). (Drew starts uttering like a carnival barker.) The starting price is $20,000. The target range is $2,000 Samiyah draws a 4♦. $20,400 Samiyah draws a 4♥. $20,800 Samiyah draws a 6♠. $21,400 Samiyah draws a 5♠. $21,900 Samiyah stops at $21,900 ARP is $27,175 For a difference of $1,300 For a result of LOSS Third IUFB: Air Hockey Table (Professional style aluminimum rail hockey table with electronic scoring; courtesy of Game Room Guys); ARP: $2,799 (Amber v. Devin) WALSH ALLISON RAVEN CHRISTINE M. 701 700 595 1200
The winner is...

Christine M., whose son was on the show 12 years ago and stunk apparently, is playing SECRET X for a trip to Finland (RT Coach to Rovaniemi, FI for a 6n stay in a premium all glass apartment with private sauna and outdoor hot springs spa at Glass Resort + daily breakfast and dinner; ARP: $16,422) (Amber). Christine places the free X... The small prizes are:
* Hot Glue Gun (Devin)
* Smart Percussive Therapy Massager   ?     ?     ? X $35$60 Glue Gun
$35$60 $35 X ?     ?     ? X  $130 $299 MUSCLE MASSAGER
$130 $299 $299 X ?     ?   X ?  X The secret X is revealed... X       X   X   X WIN (Total Winnings: $16,756) SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Christine D. $560 60 STAY .60 Samiyah $1,437 100 – 1.00 *$1,000!* Christine M. $19,555 80 60 .85 OVER Contestant Winnings Spin 1 TOTAL RESULT Samiyah $2,437 10 .10 *SHOWCASE* Fourth IUFB: Fitness Watch (Garmin: watch with LED flashlight, 10d battery life); ARP: $1,000 (Devin) WALSH ALLISON RAVEN HANNAH 975 1200 1000 800 CLANGERS! $500!!
The winner is...

Raven, marking a first four sweep and $500 richer, is playing SIDE BY SIDE for a home gym (Inspire Fitrness: multi-station home gym with 3mo digital fitness membership; courtesy of Centr; Brio: bottomless water cooler, foam roller, JBL: bluetooth speaker) (Amber). The ARP is either $9368 or $6893. SIDE BY SIDE 93 68 Raven sets the price to $6,893. SIDE BY SIDE 93 68 68 93 WI N! Fifth IUFB: Pair of Patio Heaters (FireSense: powder-coated stainless steel flame heaters); ARP: $1,220 (Amber) WALSH ALLISON TERRY HANNAH 1100 1301 1300 1200
The winner is...

Hannah is playing Now or Then for a new hot tub (Beachcomber: 340 LEEP with alabaster facing, 5 seats, cooling bench; ARP: $11,731) (Devin). The THEN date is AUGUST 2013. Grocery items:
* Planters Deluxe Roasted Whole Cashews (8.5oz) - marked $7.99
* Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner (22floz) - marked $4.89
* Tyson Buffalo-Stylye Chicken Strips (25oz) - marked $11.49
* Jell-O (of Le Roy, New York) Chocolate Pudding Cups (4ct) - marked $3.79
* Tang Orange/Naranja Drink Mix (20oz) - marked $5.99
* Rohto Cooling Eye Drops (0.4floz) - marked $8.99 $7.99 $4.89 $11.49 $3.79 $5.99 $8.99 Hannah picks pudding. She believes the $3.79 price is NOW.NOW $7.99 $4.89 $11.49 NOW $5.99 $8.99 Hannah picks chicken. She believes the $11.49 price is NOW.NOW $7.99 $4.89 NOW NOW $5.99 $8.99 Hannah picks the drink mix. She believes the $5.99 price is NOW.NOW $7.99 $4.89 NOW NOW NOW $8.99 WIN Sixth IUFB: Pair of Binoculars and Monocular (Waterproof binoculars, minocular with harness); ARP: $741 (Overhead) WALSH ALLISON TERRY HELEN 1400 700 1 850
The winner is...

Allison is playing Ten Chances for:
* Grain Dispenser (Grain dispenser with bubble top) (Devin)
* Chess Table (Solid mango wood chess table with chess set) (Devin)
* 2023 Kia Forte LXS (2L engine, IVT, FWD, cargo tray) (Amber) PRIZE DISPENSER
3560 CAR
ARP 50 630 GUESS 30 35 50 350 650 360 560 530 356 365   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9* 10                     LOSS Drew, clearly aware of the 0 rule, bangs the #9 button with his head. Also after guess 9, the board operation was slow to move it to button 10. SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Allison $776 30 55 .85 *SHOWCASE* Raven $8,393 5 50 .55 Hannah $12,951 20 55 .75 THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Samiyah has the honors... SC1 - Allison ADVENTURES FIT FOR FALL
* Trip to Portugal (RT Coach to Lisbon, PO for a 6n stay in a suite at Corpon Santo, Lisbon Historical Hotel + all meals, daily spa treatments, private full-day tour, food and wine tasting for 2) (Amber)
* Camping Equipment (Springbar: 4-person tent, 2 lightweight sleeping bags; smokeless fire pit with stand) (Devin)
* 2023 Kawasaki Vulcan S (649cc engine, 6-speed transmission; helmet) (Amber) Bid: $23,000 SC2 - Samiyah STEP IN THE FUTURE
* Personal Robot (Self-balancing, 2 wheel scooter) (Amber)
* Television (75in 4K QLED smart television with remote mic) (Amber)
* 2023 Mazda CX-5 S Select (2.5L engine, 6-speed AT, AWD, roof rack, side rails) (Devin) Bid: $29,000 Allison $23,000 TRIP/CYCLE $23,670 $670 TRIP/CYCLE *WIN*
$24,461 Samiyah $29,000 SUV $35,300 $6,300 SUV Results: 3 out of 6
Winnings: $68,357
Biggest Winner: Allison This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.

Drew's reactions the few times Allison didn't end her 10 Chances guesses in 0 were priceless.


--- Quote from: LiteBulb88 on November 01, 2023, 03:43:36 PM ---Drew's reactions the few times Allison didn't end her 10 Chances guesses in 0 were priceless.

--- End quote ---
I agree, so many people don't know the zero rule. Also, for any future contestants playing, in Card Game, never stop until you're at least $5,000 over the starting bid, here's why: If the ARP of the car is $25,000 or less with a starting bid of $20,000, you could draw the $5,000 card and win without having to draw a single card from the standard deck because you're already within the needed range of the ARP of the car to win, meaning if the starting bid is $20,000, don't stop before you at least get to $25,000, and if the starting bid is $25,000, don't stop before reaching $30,000, and so on.

Brutal playings of the two car games today. At least Drew was able to make 10 Chances funny by his reactions. I'm not a fan of Card Game because it's basically a Showcase if you really think about it. The original Card Game made it actually matter what cards you pick thanks to the low limit cards. Of course, everyone seems to stop ultra-early anyway, so it's not any easier.

I think an issue is people tend to get so worried when they draw several cards.  That's understandable, but it would be nice if the players paid attention to the value of the cards that they are drawing.  Even with higher numbers, I didn't feel that it was enough


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