Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Price is Right Recaps!

TPiR Recap - 11/10/2023 (TPiR Season 52 Veterans' Day Special)

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width: 40px; height: 20px; text-align: center; vertical-align: center; padding: 6px; font-weight: bold; margin-top: 6px; } .cliffTurn { height: 200px; width: 100%; } /* Any Number */ .anyNumber { text-align: center; font-family: "7SegmentRegular", Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; color: white; background-color: #FFC; vertical-align: central; } .anyNumber td { background-color: black; width: 40px; } .anyNumber th { background-color: red; font-family: "Arial Black", Gadget, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } Episode #0365L
Aired – 11/10/2023; Taped – 9/26/2023
Models: Devin Goda, Rachel Reynolds
Microphone Handoff: Rachel
First Four Contestant Seating: Left to Right
First IUFB: Trip to Arizona (RT coach to Phoenix, AZ, then to Scottsdale in a rental car, 3n in a 1BR suite @ Bespoke Inn Scottsdale, daily breakfast); ARP: $3,612 (Devin) FRANK JOHN JEAN MICHAEL 7000 2500 2700 2000
The winner is...

Jean is playing Grand Game for a chance to win up to $10,000! The target price is... $6.50 Jean starts out at $1.00: $1.00 The items are:
* Kleenex facial tissues (10 ct)
* Shamrock Farms protein shake (12 fl oz)
* Swedish Fish mini (28.8 oz)
* Cheetos Baked (7.63 oz)
* Aspercreme with Lidocaine (2.5 fl oz)
* Tiger Sauce Original (5 fl oz) Pick 1: Kleenex $1.49 $1 Pick 2: Hot sauce $4.99 $100.00 Pick 3: Cheetos $3.99 $1,000.00 Pick 4: Protein shake $2.99 $10,000.00 WIN (ARP of the candy: $8.99, ARP of the pain relief: $9.98) Second IUFB: TV (65" 4K QLED smart TV; streaming Blu-Ray player, 5 military-themed movies); ARP: $1,895 (Rachel) FRANK JOHN JUDITH MICHAEL 1268 1726 1725 2250
The winner is...

John is playing Do The Math for a home bar (Two-toned 78" bar with solid wood top, mixing surface, sliding doors, storage, wine rack; 2 barstools, glass and stainless steel mixing set) (Rachel) and a billiards table (Golden West Billiards: tournament-quality pool table with genuine leather pockets, sure shot cushions, deluxe accessory kit; cue stick carrying case) (Devin). ± $826 = BAR SET BILLIARDS John believes it is + $826 = BAR SET BILLIARDS + $826 = $3,174 $4,000 WIN (Total winnings: $8,000) Third IUFB: Designer sunglasses (Ray-Ban: titanium rose gold aviators, white & gold aviators, silver & blue gradient aviators, classic black aviators); ARP: $1,060 (Overhead) FRANK JERNIE JUDITH MICHAEL 800 1100 950 1101
The winner is...

Judith is playing LUCKY $EVEN for a 2023 Lincoln Corsair (2L, 8-speed AT, FWD, equipment group 101A, cargo area protector, roadside assistance kit) (Devin). First number is...
$ 4 Remaining: $7 Guess: 5
$ 4 3 Remaining: $5 Guess: 6
$ 4 3 6 Remaining: $5 Guess: 7
$ 4 3 6 2 Remaining: $0 LOSS (ARP: $43,625) SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Judith $1,060 35 55 .90 *SHOWCASE* John $9,895 10 60 .70 Jean $13,612 50 90 1.40 OVER Fourth IUFB: Workout package (Core Home Fitness: Adjustable dumbell set and glute drive set); ARP: $700 (Devin) FRANK JERNIE TAYLOR RAE MICHAEL 695 480 550 560
The winner is...

Frank is playing Flip Flop for a trip to Alaska (RT coach to Fairbanks, AK, 5n @ Aurora Villa, $400 amenities credit, ice fishing expedition, hots springs and northern lights tour for 2) (Rachel). 86 54 Frank FLOPS to 86 45 ARP be... 86 45 WIN Fifth IUFB: Grill (Kenyan Grills: stainless steel tabletop electric grill); ARP: $949 (Rachel) PHILLIP JERNIE TAYLOR RAE MICHAEL 450 455 600 456
The winner is...

Taylor Rae is playing Cliffhangers for a camper (22' Forest River Wolf Den 16EV trailer with 1 queen and 2 bunk beds, shower, microwave, mini-fridge, dinette, Bryce Canyon decor, 12' awning); ARP: $27,064 (Devin). Small prizes:
* Ocoopa rechargeable hand warmer
* Philips Norelco OneBlade trimmer & shaver
* Hamilton Beach blender Taylor Rae bids $25 on the hand warmer...                                                   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25                                                     The ARP is... $29 Taylor Rae bids $35 on the trimmer...                                                   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25                                                     The ARP is... $38 Taylor Rae bids $40 on the blender...                                                   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25                                                     The ARP is... $40 WIN (Total winnings: $27,171) Michael has been entrenched the whole show. Will he make it out? Sixth IUFB: Turntable package (Semi-automatic direct drive turntable with high precision stable rotation, built-in phono equalizer and cartridge, auto-lifter function; 6 rock vinyls); ARP: $1,481 (Rachel) PHILLIP JERNIE CYNTHIA MICHAEL 950 951 500 700
The winner is...

Michael is forced to stay in the barracks, while Jernie is playing Any Number for random cash, a laptop (256 GB, 12.4" touch screen, HD camera; stand riser with cooling fans, 4 USB hubs) (Devin), or a Ford Bronco Sport Big Bend (1.5L, 8-speed AT, AWD, PFP) (Rachel). SUV 3 MEDIUM PIGGY BANK Jernie guesses a 7. SUV 3 7 MEDIUM PIGGY BANK Jernie guesses a 4. SUV 3 4 7 MEDIUM PIGGY BANK Jernie guesses a 2. SUV 3 2 4 7 MEDIUM PIGGY BANK Jernie guesses a 5. SUV 3 2 4 7 MEDIUM PIGGY BANK 5 Jernie guesses a 6. SUV 3 2 4 7 MEDIUM 6 PIGGY BANK 5 Jernie guesses an 8. SUV 3 2 4 7 MEDIUM 8 6 PIGGY BANK 5 Jernie guesses a 3. SUV 3 3 2 4 7 MEDIUM 8 6 PIGGY BANK 5 WIN (ARP of the laptop: $860, ARP of the piggy bank: $5.19) SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Frank $9,345 15 55 .70 Taylor Rae $28,120 75 stay .75 Jernie $34,728 60 35 .95 *SHOWCASE* THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Jernie has the honors... SC1 - Judith BE AT EASE
* Hot tub (Cal Spas: 35 soothing jets, touch control panels, contoured bench seating for 6) (Rachel)
* E-bike (Dohenybike: 750W motor, 28MPH top speed, 3-point fold and go system, thumb throttle, integrated taillight with turn signals; smart helmet) (Devin)
* 2023 Chevy Equinox LS (1.5L, 6-speed AT, FWD, convenience package) (Rachel) Bid: $33,050 SC2 - Jernie ENJOY AMERICA'S BEAUTY
* Trip to Montana (RT to Kalispell, MT, then to Whitefish in a rental car, 5n in a cabin @ Clydesdale Outpost, horseback riding experience and guided Glacier National Park hike for 2) (Devin)
* Trip to Daytona Beach (RT to Daytona Beach, FL, 5n in a 2BR villa @ Grand Seas by Exploria Resorts, daily breakfast, sunset cruise for 2) (Rachel)
* 15' Bayliner Element M15 (Seats 5, 50HP, FX package; trailer) (Devin) Bid: $25,500 Judith $33,050 HOT TUB/SUV $37,328 $4,278 HOT TUB/SUV *WIN*
$38,388 Jernie $25,500 TRIPS/BOAT $39,715 $14,215 TRIPS/BOAT Results: 5 out of 6
Winnings: $134,088
Biggest Winner: Judith This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by WhammyPower788 and Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.

On Lucky $even: Unfortunately, the contestant zigged when she should have zagged. But it was a guess.

What a fantastic start in Any Number. Then, it got worrisome (and I'm glad Drew literally pointed that out at the board). But in the end, a great win!

While no one is going to say 5 every time (at least for the most part), I felt that Lucky $even was favorable today.  Tough luck indeed, but a great show nonetheless.  Regardless of the outcomes, the Veterans Day shows are always special for me

If the L7 price was 43645 or 43675 (definitely expecting a high digit 4th with no repeat 4 or 3 likely), it'd be a slam dunk win. I guess they didn't mind it getting lost.

Recap now posted.


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