Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Price is Right Recaps!

TPiR Recap - 12/21/2023 (TPiR Season 52 Holiday Week: Day 4)

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Roadgeek Adam:
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} .sbsDisplayArea { background-color: #4ca49a; width: 50px; height: 32px; line-height: 32px; color: #0ff; font-size: 24px; text-align: center; float: left; text-shadow: 0 0 5px #0ff; } Episode #0413L (TPiR Season 52 Holiday Week – Day IV)
Aired – 12/21/2023; Taped – 11/13/2023
Models: Manuela Arbelaez, Rachel Reynolds
Microphone Handoff: Manuela
First Four Contestant Seating: Left to Right
First IUFB: VR Ski Fitness Machine (Cardio ski machine with VR and biometric training; 2 ski poles, VR headset, protective floor mat, heart rate monitor with chest strap, 3 sculpting bands); ARP: $813 (Rachel) ZAMARA SCOTT KITTY ANITRA 550 1000 1400 1200
The winner is...

Zamara, from San Diego, California, is playing Hi-Lo for a trip to Iceland (RT Coach to Reykjavik, IC for a 6n stay in a bubble room at Buubble Hotel + daily breakfast, rental car; ARP: $7,899) (Manuela). Grocery items:
* Nabisco Barnum"s Animals Crackers (8oz)
* Tree Top 100% Pure Pressed Honeycrisp Apple Cider (1gal)
* Boar"s Head Pumpkin Pie Dessert Hummus (8oz)
* Woolite Pet Stain & Odor Remover (22oz)
* El Guapo Canela Molida Ground Cinnamon (1oz)
* Robitussin Honey DM Maximum Strength Cough Medicine (8oz) $14.99 $6.99 $4.99 COUGH RELIEF PET STAIN REMOVER HUMMUS $3.79 $1.99 $8.99 ANIMAL CRACKERS CINNAMON APPLE CIDER LOSS Second IUFB: Sewing Machine (Bernina: B335 sewing machine); ARP: $1,899 (Rachel) MONICA SCOTT KITTY ANITRA 608 700 615 775
The winner is...

Anitra is playing One Right Price for:
* Pool Table (Golden West Billiards: solid maple pool table + deluxe accessory package) (Manuela)
* Television (86in 4K UHD smart television with AI processor) (Rachel) The right price is $4,745. She picks the pool table... POOL TABLE   TELEVISION $4745     $4745   $3000 WIN     This is the fourth day of Pet Adoption Week here at The Price is Right. Today we have Brandon McMillan for the 3rd time this week with Bob Barker, a 2yo poodle mix. (Could not confirm if it belonged to Raquel Ochmonek.) Third IUFB: Designer Coats and Boots Package (Ugg: puffer jacket, boots for him; trucker jacket, boots for her; puffer and parka with 2 sets if waterproof dog boots); ARP: $1,127 (Manuela) MONICA SCOTT KITTY THOMAS 1600 1000 1601 1450
The winner is...

Scott is playing 3 Strikes for a 2023 Kia EV6 Light Long Range (77.4kw battery, 225hp electric motor, DC fast charge port, RWD, cargo tray with luggage board) (Rachel). Balls: 0 3 4 7 9 Pick 1: 4
Guess: 1st $ 4 Pick 2: X
Guess: n/a $ 4 X Pick 3: 3
Guess: 3rd $ 4 3 X Pick 4: 0
Guess: 5th $ 4 3 0 X Pick 5: X
Guess: n/a $ 4 3 0 X X Pick 6: 9
Guess: 4th $ 4 3 9 0 X X Pick 6: X
Guess: n/a $ 4 7 3 9 0 X X X LOSS SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Zamara $813 10 95 1.05 OVER Scott $1,127 65 STAY .65 Anitra $9,644 35 65 1.00 *$1,000!* Contestant Winnings Spin 1 TOTAL RESULT Anitra $10,644 65 .65 *SHOWCASE* Fourth IUFB: Countertop Appliances (Wolf Gourmet: blender, 2 slice toaster); ARP: $1,358 (Manuela and Rachel on CHUGGS) MONICA BRIANNE KITTY THOMAS 551 550 400 513
The winner is...

Monica is playing Easy As 1-2-3 for:
* Trip to Rhode Island (RT Coach to Providence, RI for a 5n stay at NYLO Providence Warwick Hotel, Tapestry Collection by Hilton + all meals, $1000 amenities credit, ice skating with rentals) (Manuela)
* Trip to Colorado (RT Coach to Denver, CO for a 5n stay in a deluxe room at Hotel Teatro + all meals, $500 amenities credit, snowshoe tour, Christmas market tour) (Manula and Rachel)
* Trip to Arizona (RT Coach to Flagstaff, AZ then to Sedona for a 5n stay in a 2br creek view home at Junipine Resort + dinner, festival of lights visit with lunch) (Rachel) 3 RHODE ISLAND $8365* 2 COLORADO $7492 1 ARIZONA $6325* (The Arizona one got stuck trying to reveal it. Rachel slammed on the button multiple times. It did fall down, just badly. Then it happened again on the Rhode Island podium, with Manuela slamming the button. Same problem.) Fifth IUFB: Typewriter (Freewrite: smart typewriter with wifi); ARP: $649 (Rachel) BILL BRIANNE KITTY THOMAS 550 551 500 555
The winner is...

Thomas is playing That"s Too Much for a 2024 Mazda CX-5 S Preferred (2.5L engine, 6-speed AT, AWD, roof rails, frameless auto dimming mirrors, alloy brake pedal, roadside assistance kit) (Manuela). $27,204 $28,419 $29,653 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ARP: $33,316 LOSS $27,204 $28,419 $29,653 $30,934 $32,297 $33,648 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Kitty, who is not Kittly Carlisle incarnate, is still here. The limousines have been busy this week. Kitty needs to avoid a trip to Schell, Maryland. No gas out there though. Sixth IUFB: Telescope (Vespera: smart digital telescope with tripod; backpack); ARP: $1,668 (Manuela) BILL BRIANNE KITTY CASSANDRA 851 1200 1201 850
The winner is...

Kitty escapes and is playing SIDE BY SIDE for a trailer and camping package (Modular cargo utility trailer with camp conversion; smokeless firepit with 2 chairs, 57oz cooler, string lights, 2 rechargable headlamps) (Rachel). The ARP is either $9781 or $8197. SIDE BY SIDE 97 81 Kitty sets the price to $9781. SIDE BY SIDE 97 81 81 97 LO SS SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Thomas $649 10 95 1.05 OVER Kitty $1,668 45 60 1.05 OVER Monica $23,540 50 – .50 *SHOWCASE* THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Monica has the honors... SC1 - Anitra SPARKLE
* Designer Jewelry (Helen Ficalora: 14kt gold snowflake mini charm, baby stud earrings, 2 stacking rings) (Rachel)
* Home Bar (Bdi: Stained solid wood bar with storage space, drawer for utensils; Drinkmate: soda and sparkling water making bundle with 14pc accessories) (Rachel)
* 2023 Bayliner Element M15 (50HP engine, MX package, trailer) (Manuela) Bid: $35,877 SC2 - Monica HOLIDAY BREAK
* Chaise (Overstuffed chaise longue with throw blanket; industrial design bookshelf with 10 books) (Rachel)
* Trip to Cabo San Lucas (RT Coach to Los Cabos for a 6n stay in an inifnity king room with ocean view at Corazon Cabo Resort and Spa, a Noble House Resort + daily breakfast) (Manuela)
* 2023 Volkswagen Tiguan SE (2L engine, 8-speed AT, FWD) (Rachel) Bid: $38,960 Anitra $35,877 HOMEBAR/BOAT $28,561 HOMEBAR/BOAT Monica $38,960 CABO/SUV $43,431 $4,471 CABO/SUV *WIN*
$66,971 Results: 2 out of 6
Winnings: $81,872
Biggest Winner: Monica This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.

Three Strikes was the kind of cliffhanger (no pun intended) they probably would like to see every time as far as maximum entertainment value

Well, the ending wasn't too great, but it was a nailbiter to the end

I hate that for Scott, I really do.

Taping Report:

        It is weird that they worked the schedule where today's episode aired after the one where I was selected.  This is the 3pm show that taped on 11/13/2023.  I was afforded the opportunity to be able to attend this taping due to Tris and Henry (from the Holiday Singles Primetime special). Here are some things that I will tell you about this taping.  First, the banter in Hi Lo went longer than what was shown on the episode today.  While the show had been off for 3 weeks prior to taping these Holiday week episodes, Drew was actually watching some old Barker episodes and seeing how he did the tease.  It was too bad that did not play out yesterday in Golden Road because during the 1st break, Drew exclaims that he Barkered the heck out of the reveal.

       1 Right Price was very easy and Anitra was a very nice lady to talk to.  Now, onto 3 Strikes.  To confirm, Scott had only placed one number wrong.  It was the 7 and Scott thought it was in the 3rd position.  Otherwise, he played a pretty darn good game of Strikes. Scott and I talked after the taping and he reached into the bag and felt both balls.  Unfortunately, he pulled the wrong one out of the bag.  While, he says that decision will haunt him forever (just like $2000 for the $1999 fireplace), he was very grateful for the opportunity.  I told Scott that he made it very exciting and he had nothing to be ashamed about.  He indeed is an expert on game shows and I gave him an invite to our website. 

       I had to do a double take during Eazy.  I was like, wait a minute?  Eazy for 3 trips?  Has that every happened in the history of the show and I am seeing this in person?  Now, after being chat, I can confirm that.  The playing lasted a lot longer in studio.  Both Rachel and Manuela both took a long time trying to reveal the 1st and 3rd trips' prices.  They really struggled. 

GRWHAMMY the 2nd:
At the very least, this 3 Strikes playing was better than the previous one as we didn't have a complete wipeout


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