Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Price is Right Recaps!

TPiR Recap - 4/10/2024

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Roadgeek Adam:
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font-size: 200px; font-weight: bold; position: relative; display: inline-block; line-height: 200px; color: #F00; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; top: -278px; left: 190px; } .mathWin { color: #0F0; } .holeFlag { background-color: red; font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive; text-align: center; width: 100px; height: 30px; line-height: 12px; } .holeBonusFlag { background-color: gold; color: black; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; line-height: 14px; } Episode #0573L
Aired – 4/10/2024; Taped – 2/XX/2024
Models: Alexis Gaube, Rachel Reynolds
Microphone Handoff: Rachel
First Four Contestant Seating: Left to Right
First IUFB: Pair of Surfboards (Body Glove: 8ft 2in inflatable lognboards, 2 wetsuits, 2 leashes, 2 pumps, 2 backpacks, 2 repair kits); ARP: $1,648 (Alexis) BRADLEY DEBRA DOMINIC CODY 1195 920 975 2000
The winner is...

Bradley, from San Diego, California, is playing Push Over + for a trip to Bali (RT Coach to Bali, IND for a 6n stay in a 1br pool villa at Hotel Indigo Bali Seminyak Beach + daily breakfast and dinner) (Rachel). 1 0 2 1 1 2 6 4 8             BALI   Bradley pushes the blocks to                   1 0 2 1 1   BALI   ARP be...                   1 0 2 1 1   1 1 2 6 4   LOSS Second IUFB: Television (85in 4K LED television); ARP: $1,800 (Alexis) AARON DEBRA DOMINIC CODY 1250 2100 2501 1000
The winner is...

Aaron, from Diamond Bar, California, is playing SAFECRACKERS for a new home office (Tiered desk and bookshelf; velvet chair, desk organizer; 16in laptop with 1TB storage, 16GB memory; Mobile Pixels: 2 extra monitors) and a collection of diffusers (Trio of scented oil diffusers with 2 extra bottles; ARP: $6,032) (Alexis). ARP of the diffusers is the combination to the safe. The numbers are: 0, 6, 9. OPEN LOCK 6 9 0
$960 Third IUFB: Range and Bakeware (Gas range with 9 modes; 5pc ceramic coated bakeware set); ARP: $2,794 (Alexis and Rachel on CHUGGS) ELIZABETH DEBRA DOMINIC CODY 960 1225 1499 1500
The winner is...

Cody is playing Money Game for a 2024 Toyota Camry LE (2.5L engine, 8-speed ECT, FWD, DEG, RBA, alloy wheel locks, rear dual USB port, all-weather floor liner package, trunk LED lightbulb) (Rachel). MONEY GAME     27 52 93     85 40 28     79 67 26     F 2 R Cody picks [27] – [$$] 27   $$ 52 93     85 40 28     79 67 26     F 2 R Cody picks [28] – [F] 27   $$ 52 93     85 40 F     79 67 26     28 2 R Cody picks [79] – [$$] 27   $$ 52 93 79   85 40 F     $$ 67 26     28 2 R Cody picks [85] – [$$] 27   $$ 52 93 79   $$ 40 F 85   $$ 67 26     28 2 R Cody picks [93] – [$$] 27   $$ 52 $$ 79   $$ 40 F 85   $$ 67 26 93   28 2 R LOSS (Total Winnings: $284; ARP: $28,267) SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Bradley $1,648 90 STAY .90 Aaron $1,800 95 STAY .95 *SHOWCASE* Cody $3,078 5 50 .55 Fourth IUFB: Foosball Table (Durable indoor foosball table with LED digital scoreboard, 12 balls); ARP: $513 (Rachel and Alexis) ELIZABETH DEBRA DOMINIC ALISSA 400 510 1 425
The winner is...

Debra is playing Punch-a-Bunch for a chance to win up to $25,000! Item #1 (Salad Spinner) (Rachel): $99
Correct! Item #2 (DIY Candle Making Kit): $60
Wrong! Item #3 (NOCO Boost Sport Booster): $49
Correct! Item #4 (Stainless Steel Juicer): $55

Debra has 2 punches $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1 $ 2 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
* $500Throws it back.
* $2500LOSS (Total Winnings: $2,645) Fifth IUFB: Trip to Oregon (RT Coach to Medford, OR for a 4n stay in a suite at Hummingbird Estate + daily breakfast, 1 wine tasting); ARP: $2,923 (Alexis) ELIZABETH ZANA DOMINIC ALISSA 1900 1500 1501 1300
The winner is...

Elizabeth, from Maryland, is playing Do The Math for a bar cabinet (Antique gold and mahogany bar cabinet; bar tool set, 2 glasses, 2 beer glasses) (Rachel) and designer shoes and accessories (Armani: calfskin oxford shoes and leather wallet for him; clutch bag and heeled sandals for her) (Alexis). ± $1,591 = BAR CABINET ACCESSORIES Elizabeth believes it is + $1,591 = BAR CABINET ACCESSORIES + $1,591 = $2,219 $3,810 Dominic. Dominic. Dominic. You had a chance to escape by bidding $511.....then you bid $1. Now, you bid 3rd in your chance to avoid limousine status with Adam"s First Four Limousine Services. You need a miracle to avoid Brushy Run, West Virginia, especially with a car coming. Sixth IUFB: Firepit and Torch Package (Tiki Brand: stainless steel firepit, 6 metal torches, firepit poker, 4pk of wood, 6 torch fuel bottles); ARP: $705 (Rachel) ADALBERTO ZAENA DOMINIC ALISSA 525 1100 526 700
The winner is...

Dominic departs while Alissa, is playing HOLE IN ONE for a 2024 Hyundai Elantra SEL (2L engine, CVT, FWD, alloy wheel locks; ARP: $24,610) (Alexis). Alissa has a chance to putt next to the hole if she can place the following items in order from lowest to highest:
* Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing (16oz)
* Glass Plus Glass Cleaner (32oz)
* Betty Crocker Fusion Unicorn Mix SPrinkles (2.5oz)
* Magic Spoon Grain Free Cereal (7oz)
* Simply Apple Apple Juice (52oz)
* Sensodyne Fresh Mint Toothpaste (4oz) Alissa puts the items in this order:           $500 SPRINKLES APPLE JUICE CLEANER DRESSING TOOTHPASTE CEREAL The ARPs are:           $500 $6.99 $4.79 CLEANER DRESSING TOOTHPASTE CEREAL Alissa will putt from the 1st line. Drew attempts the inspiration putt...*MISS* Alissa attempts her putt...*MISS* Drew changes the game to "Hole In One or Two"! Alissa attempts the second putt...*MISS* SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Alissa $705 85 STAY .85 *SHOWCASE* Debra $3,591 15 65 .80 Elizabeth $10,543 20 55 .75 THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Aaron has the honors... SC1 - Alissa EXTRA ENERGY
* Coffee Package (Espresso Works: 30pc espresso machine, cold brew kit, travel mug) *(Rachel)
* Home Gym (Inspire Fitness: M4 multi-station home gym, 3mo digital fitness membership; courtesy of Centr) (Alexis)
* 2024 Azure Gray Metallic Ford Maverick XLT (2L engine, 8-speed AT, FWD, XLT luxury package, black appearance package, Ford Copilot 360) (Rachel) Bid: $44,000 SC2 - Aaron DIP YOUR TOES
* Hot Tub (Beachcomber: 360 LEEP with alabaster facing, 6 seats, 1 cooling seat, 100 customizeable jets) (Rachel)
* Trip to Iceland (RT Coach to Reykjavik, IC then to Stykkishlmur for a 6n stay in a cottage at Hotel Stundarfridur + daily breakfast, hot springs experience with lunch for 2) (Rachel)
* Trip to Fiji (RT Coach to Fiji for a 5n stay in a premium oceanview room at the Pearl Resort + daily breakfast, 1 3-course dinner, waterfull tour, complimentary non-motorized watersports, massage each) (Alexis) Bid: $28,200 Alissa $44,000 HOME GYM/TRUCK $39,437 HOME GYM/TRUCK Aaron $28,200 HOT TUB/TRIPS $30,492 $2,292 HOT TUB/TRIPS *WIN*
$32,292 Results: 1 out of 6
Winnings: $51,857
Biggest Winner: Aaron This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.

“Tell me what you think, Drew!”

“I couldn’t tackle you.”

Roadgeek Adam:
Recap posted.

Pretty much a bummer of a show. I was fully expecting a double overbid by the time we got there.

I can't remember the last time somebody "rimmed the cup" twice on the same putt. Usually, if you hit the cup, it ends up going in on the rebound.


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