Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion > Price is Right Recaps!

TPiR Recap - 4/25/2024


Roadgeek Adam:
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border: 3px solid #C96; margin: 0 auto; text-transform: uppercase; } .molLess { font-family: "NeutrafaceRegular"; font-size: 20px; width: 100px; height: 25px; background-color: #FF0; color: #F0F; line-height: 25px; border: 3px solid #C96; margin: 0 auto; text-transform: uppercase; } Episode #0594L
Aired – 4/25/2024; Taped – 3/6/2024
Models: Amber Lancaster, James O"Halloran
Microphone Handoff: Amber
First Four Contestant Seating: Left to Right
First IUFB: Karaoke Machine (Party Tyme: singing machine, mic, 1yr streaming subscription, 14 party packs); ARP: $764 (James) JOHN JAKARI JULIO DENISE 680 701 408 702
The winner is...

Denise is playing Spelling Bee for a 2024 Volkswagen Jetta Sport (1.5L engine, 8-speed AT, FWD; ARP: $24,535) (Amber). Free picks: 7 1 1) 4 Mesh Top Packing CUbes Guess: $20 22 Diff: $2 19 2) 6 Stoneware Mugs with Mugstand Guess: $30 34 Diff: $4 25 3) Salad Bowl with 2 Spoons Guess: $40 40 Diff: $9 23 $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ C $$ $$ $$ C A $$ $$ C A R CAR C C A R WIN (Total Winnings: $24,631) Second IUFB: Craft Table and Supply Bundle (Large laminated craft table; cricut: 2 smart cutting machines with 8 vinyl rolls, 5 iron-on transfer sheets, 2 tool sets, cards, card mat, gel pens, transfer tape); ARP: $1,367 (James) JOHN JAKARI JULIO DIANA 850 950 875 795
The winner is...

Jakari, from Beaumont, California, is playing SWITCH? for:
* Billiards Table (Golden West: tournament quality pool table + deluxe accessory package) (James)
* Fridge (Stainless steel french-door fridge with touchscreen) (Amber) These prices are either correct or need to be switched: POOL TABLE   FRIDGE $2699   $3945 SWITCH?   SWITCH? Jakari chooses to switch... POOL TABLE   FRIDGE $3945   $2699 $3945 WIN $2699 Third IUFB: Fireplace (Realflame: freestanding modern fireplace); ARP: $1,999 (Amber) JOHN NICHOLAS JULIO DIANA 1501 700 1500 999
The winner is...

John, a cargo pilot for almost 30 years, is playing Bonkers for a new bedroom (Zinus: gel-infused memory foam queen mattress, bedframe, loveseat with mid-century design; Sunday Citizen: 2 blankets, 2 meditation pillows, 2 pillows, 2 waffle robes; 65in QLED smart television) (James)         7 5 4 3         First guess:   7 5 4 3               BUZZ! (0:26) Second guess:     7 5 4 3             BUZZ! (0:21) Third guess:       7 5 4 3           BUZZ! (0:17) Fourth guess:   7 5 4 3               BUZZ! (0:12) Fifth guess:   7 5 4 3               BUZZ! (0:07) Sixth guess: 7 5 4 3                 BUZZ! (0:01) 7 5 4 3     5 3 6 5 LOSS SCSD #1 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT John $1,999 80 STAY .80 *SHOWCASE* Jakari $8,011 15 55 .70 Denise $25,395 70 80 1.50 OVER Fourth IUFB: Grill and Power Station (Grilla Grills: Chimp portable wood pellet grill with power station and 2 bags of wood pellets); ARP: $939 (James) KAREN NICHOLAS JULIO DIANA 900 1150 1175 799
The winner is...

Karen is playing Vend-O-Price for a camping trailer (Tentris: TreeHaus trailer; 2 insulated sleeping bags; ARP: $6,868) (Amber). CANDY 9 PROTEIN BAR 7 NOODLE SOUP 3 Karen pulls the lever on the protein bar shelf, as they think it"s the most expensive. $1.99 9 $17.91 $3.99 3 $11.97 $2.99 7 $20.93 WIN Fifth IUFB: Personal Boat (GO Boat: lightweight inflatable boat with motor, seat, transom mount, lanyard, fin, lithium battery with bluetooth; if you want to win one at; ARP: $1,738 (James) JEROME NICHOLAS JULIO DIANA 1500 2100 2150 2001
The winner is...

Jerome is playing Coming or Going for a trip to Turks & Caicos (RT Coach to Providenciales, T&C for a 6n stay in a superior oceanview room at Zenza Hotel + daily breakfast, a parasailing adventure for 2) (Amber). 7 4 8 9 8 4 7 COMING -or- GOING Jerome sets the price to: 9 8 4 7 COMING -or- GOING

ARP: $9,847. WIN Julio has had the rare irritating gift of bidding 3rd 3 times in a row. Which is a recipe for disaster and so far has. He gets to do it again here. Can he avoid a limo trip to oh oh Cherry Grove, West Virginia? Odds are not in his favour. Sixth IUFB: Camera (Lumix: Leica point and shoot cmaera; OWC: card reader, 2 1TB memory cards); ARP: $1,240 (Amber) LAURA NICHOLAS JULIO DIANA 850 500 975 800
The winner is...

Julio escapes and is playing More or LeSs. Designer Bags and Shoes (Tori Burch: satchel, double bag, sneakers, 2 pairs of heeled sandals) (James) MORE $1000 * * * More $1000 $2330 Desktop Computer (Hewlett-Packard: 8GB memory, 256GB SSD storage; wirless keyboard, mouse, color printer) (Amber) MORE $2000 * * * LESS $2000 $1240 Treadmill (Nordic-Track: treadmill; self-cleaning water bottle) (Amber) 2024 Fountain Blue Chevrolet TrailBlazer 1LT (1.3L turbo engine, CVT, FWD) (James) SCSD #2 Contestant Winnings Spin 1 Spin 2 TOTAL RESULT Julio $3,570 35 85 1.20 OVER Karen $7,807 50 55 1.05 OVER Jerome $11,585 45 – .45 *SHOWCASE* THE FABULOUS SHOWCASES Jerome has the honors... SC1 - John FIRST PLACE FINISH IN PRICE TRIATHALON
* Trip to Cabo (RT Coach to Los Cabos, MX for a 6n stay in an oceanview 1br upgraded suit at Villa la Valencia Beach Resort & Spa + daily breakfast, private in-room chef experience, spa treatment for 2) (James)
* Pair of Electric Bicycles (Level: commuter e-bikes; 2 smart cycling helmets) (James and Amber)
* 2024 Snowflake White Pearl Mazda CX-30 S Preferred (2.5L engine, 6-speed AT, AWD, RBG, cargo cover) (Amber) Bid: $40,000 SC2 - Jerome PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS
* $3,000 in cash (Amber)
* Trip to Bali (RT Coach to Bali, IND for a 6n stay in a 1br pool villa at Hotel Indigo Bali Seminyak Beach + daily breakfast, guided healing and meditation class for 2) (Amber)
* 2024 Toyota Camry LE (2.5L engine, 8-speed ECT, FWD, DEG, RBA, alloy wheel locks) (James) Bid: $35,000 John $40,000 CABO/SUV $45,871 $5,871 CABO/SUV *WIN*
$47,870 Jerome $35,000 BALI/CAR $41,599 $6,599 BALI/CAR Results: 4 out of 6
Winnings: $104,238
Biggest Winner: John This Recap is solely intended for the purpose of
Reproduction of this without authorized consent is prohibited.
Recap produced by Roadgeek Adam
Templates by Visualbasicwizard and WhammyPower788
CSS work provided by cu2010.

Roadgeek Adam:
Damn good show to be quiet about......

Gotta say, Denise did VERY good in her playing of Spelling Bee and it's a good thing that John got a second chance and won his showcase. All in all, a more than decent day either way you slice it.

Hey, I'm Nicholas! Best day of my life, happy to have been called down, but would have loved to be 4th bidder at any point :P

Congrats Nicholas! You had some rotten luck in those one bids, too bad. Is there a game you would have liked to have played if you won your way onstage?

What was up with the showcase themes? Half the prizes it seemed like they were trying hard to theme them and half didn’t have anything at all. “I think you’ll like this new car?” Cmon, at least put some giant cardboard pennies on the hubcaps or something.


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