Studio 33 - Price is Right Discussion => The Price WAS Right => Barker Era => Topic started by: harvsoul on May 18, 2022, 11:16:07 PM

Title: Recap for August 25, 1975 (1561D)
Post by: harvsoul on May 18, 2022, 11:16:07 PM
A fortune in fabulous prizes may go to these people today if they know when The Price is Right!

Brooke, Marilyn, Melody and Corrina, come on down! You are the first four contestants on The Price is Right!

Whitney Marine Duo Cycle

Brooke- 200
Marilyn- 220
Melody- 275
Corinna- 250

The Actual Retail Price is $280.

Melody will play TEMPTATION for a Chevrolet Nova Hatchback.

PRIZE 1: Schick Blow Dryer
The price is $74. Is the first number of the car a 7 or a 4?
Melody says 4.
PRIZE 2: Monet Jewelry
The price is $41. is the second number a 4 or a 1?
Melody says 4.
PRIZE 3: True Value Lawnmower.
The price is $60. Is the third number a 6 or a 0?
Melody says 0.
PRIZE 4: Brother Stereo
The price is $330. Is the last number a 3 or a 0?
Melody says 3.

Melody has a price of $4,403 for the car- Will she make changes?
Melody changes the 0 to a 6- making the price $4,463.
Will Melody go for the car or will she take $505 in prizes?
Melody goes for the car!

The first number is 4
The second number is 1- LOSS!
The third number is 6
The fourth number was 3.

The Car was $4,163!

Melody- $280


Johnny, we're ready for another contestant! Who will it be?

Patricia, come on down!

Westinghouse Washer and Dryer

Patricia- 520
Brooke- 525
Marilyn- 560
Corinna- 550

ARP: $730

Marilyn will play GROCERY GAME for a Kimball Baby Grand Piano worth $2,380!

Today's Grocery Specials are:
ITEM 1: Diaper Pure Diaper Detergent
ITEM 2: Creamettes Macaroni
ITEM 3: Golden Dipt Seafood Seasoning
ITEM 4: Stella Dora Cookies
ITEM 5: Little Friskies Kitten Food

Marilyn starts with Item 3 and buys 5 of them.
One costs $0.47 and five of them are $2.35.
Marilyn next picks Item 4 and buys 5 of them.
One costs $0.66 and five of them are $3.30. Her total is $5.65.
Marilyn then picks Item 2 and buys 3 of them.
One costs $0.23 and three of them are $0.69. Her total is $6.34.
Marilyn then picks Item 1.
One costs $0.59. Her total is now $6.93! WINNER!!!

Marilyn- $3,110


All right, Johnny, who's our next contestant please?

Mary, come on down!

Admiral Microwave Oven

Mary- 425
Patricia- 350
Brooke- 490
Corinna- 375

ARP: $420

Corinna will play RACE GAME

The four prices are:

The four prizes are (from left to right on stage):
(1) Humid-Aire Humidifier
(2) Western Auto Tires
(3) Emperor Solid Walnut Grandfather Clock
(4) Futuristic Recliner

She has 45 seconds. Ready, set Go!
(1) $340
(2) $229
(3) $450
(4) $415- 31 seconds


(1) $415
(2) $340
(3) $450
(4) $229
- 10 seconds

2 RIGHT! and Time is UP!
What did she get right?

(1) $415- $415
(2) $340- $340!!!
(3) $415- $450
(4) $229- $229!!!

Corrina- $989


RUNNER UP: Corrina

Because the clock malfunctioned on RACE GAME, they decide to give her all four of the prizes making her win total $1,854!

Broyhill Comtemporary Bedroom Set
Kurtz Bed Spread
Chiropractic Mattress
Amana Air Conditioner
Zinman Delfino Fur Coats

Marilyn passes to Corrina who bids $2,000.

Safari in Africa
Old Town Canoe
1975 Chevrolet Blazer

Marilyn bids $7,000.


Marilyn bid $7,000 on her Showcase.
The Actual Retail Price is $8,116.
A difference of $1,116.

Corrina bid $2,000 on her Showcase.
The Actual Retail Price is $4,488
A difference of $2,488

GRAND TOTAL: $11,226!!!