Author Topic: May 14, 2004  (Read 1892 times)

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Offline Teddy

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May 14, 2004
« on: October 09, 2018, 03:12:20 PM »
First Four: Terrence, Mary, Evangelina, Albert

IUFB1: Multi-Fitness Training Center
Terrence: $750
Mary: $800
Evangelina: $799
Alan: $851*
ARP: $1190

PG1: Range Game--Played for a Trip to St. Martin

Range: $5,700-$6,300

Alan stops rangefinder at $5,890-$6,040

ARP: $6,080


When Bob asks Alan how long they cannot start the rangefinder after it has been stopped, Alan gives 24 hours as the obviously incorrect answer, so Bob makes the audience remind him of the 37 hours.

Second Calldown: Edith

IUFB2: Cookware
Edith: $400 $750
Terrence: $800
Mary: $975*
Evangelina: $450
ARP: $1080

PG2: Pathfinder--Played for a Ford F150

First number: 2

SP1: Waffle Maker
SP2: Blender
SP3: Tool Kit

Second number: 8, 1, 0 or 2? Steps to 8, is wrong

Picks Waffler: $60 or $90? Guesses $60, is right

Second number: 1, 0 or 2? Steps to 2, is right
Third number: 3, 6 or 4? Steps to 6, is wrong

Picks Auto Tool Kit: $30 or $50? Guesses $50, is wrong

Blender: $130 or $150? Guesses $130, is right

Third number: 3 or 4? Steps to 4, is wrong

ARP: $22,370


Third Calldown: Denise (who almost comes up on stage until a page redirects her to Contestants' Row)

IUFB3: His & Hers Luggage (winner also receives Icy Hot Patch)
Denise: $900
Evangelina: $1250
Edith: $1500*
Terrence: $1300
ARP: $1900

PG3: Race Game--Played for a Dinette Set, Flashlights, Gas Range and 5-Drawer Chest

Price tags: $349, $829, $1299, $1499

First try: Dinette--$1299, Flashlights--$349, Range--$1499, Chest--$829 (2 right, 31 seconds left)
Second try: Dinette--$1499, Flashlights--$349, Range--$1299, Chest--$829 (0 right, 21 seconds left)
Third try: Dinette--$349, Flashlights--$829, Range--$1499, Chest--$1299 (2 right, time's up!)

Correct Solution: Dinette--$1299, Flashlights--$829, Range--$1499, Chest--$349

Wins Flashlights and Range


Alan: .05+.65=.70
Mary: .95
Edith: .55+.50=OVER

Mary is going to the Showcase!

Fourth Calldown: Lloyd

IUFB4: China Cabinet (winner also receives Miracle Gro Shake n Feed)
Lloyd: $2600
Terrence: $1700
Denise: $2300
Evangelina: $2500

Lloyd: $1495
Terrence: $1500
Denise: $1575
Evangelina: $1295*
ARP: $1348

PG4: Pick-a-Number--Played for a Digital Mini Grand Piano

Price: $8,29?

Possible numbers: 2, 5, 9

Evangelina picks 5

ARP: $8,295


Fifth Calldown: Mona

IUFB5: Baby Furniture
Mona: $1200
Lloyd: $950*
Terrence: $1500
Denise: $1201
ARP: $1160

PG5: Now...or Then--Played for a CD Jukebox ($6,495)

Then: August 1998

GP1: Clorox Clean-Up Spray, marked at $2.89
GP2: Irish Spring Soap, marked at $1.99
GP3: Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars, marked at $3.29
GP4: Yuban Instant Coffee, marked at $5.69
GP5: Carnation Malted Milk, marked at $4.39
GP6: Ecotrin, marked at $7.00

First pick: Ecotrin (guesses now, is right)
Second pick: Clorox (guesses then, is wrong)
Third pick: Malted Milk (guesses now, is right)
Fourth pick: Coffee (guesses now, is wrong)


With the FFBC beckoning, can Terrence make it out of Contestants' Row?

Final Calldown: Emma

IUFB6: Wine Server Cart
Emma: $1150
Terrence: $1200
Denise: $990
Mona: $1*
ARP: $813

Needless to say, Terrence is now in the FFBC.

PG6: One Away--Played for a Ford Focus Wagon

Wrong price: $27,284

Mona (who is celebrating her birthday today) changes price to $16,375

Ladies, how many numbers are right? 2

Mona changes price to $18,195

ARP: $18,195


Happy Birthday, Mona!

Lloyd: .90
Evangelina: .40+.10=.50
Mona: .50+.45=.95

Mona is going to the Showcase!

Top Winner: Mona
Runner-Up: Mary

Living Room Group, Protective Eyewear, Electric Boat
Mona passes to Mary, who bids $15,900

Scottsdale Hot Air Balloon Trip, Hot Tub, Cadillac DeVille
Mona bids $46,000

ARP of Mona's Showcase: $54,920 (Difference: $8,920)
ARP of Mary's Showcase: $17,401 (Difference: $1,501)

Mary wins her Showcase, and takes home $18,671 in cash and prizes!