Author Topic: October 26, 1998  (Read 2821 times)

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Offline Teddy

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October 26, 1998
« on: July 04, 2019, 09:17:02 AM »
First Four: Lauretta, Nathan, Maria, Jennifer

IUFB1: Catalina Gardenhouse Mahogany Gazebo
Lauretta: $2499
Nathan: $825
Maria: $1200
Jennifer: $1900*
ARP: $2195

PG1: Fortune Hunter--Played for $5,000 in cash, plus a Rustic Crafts Red Brick Wood-style Fireplace, Oneida Silversmiths Punchbowl Set, 2 Carson's of High Point Chairs and 2 Panasonic 13-inch Color Combination TV/VCRs

Clue #1: Eliminate the prize that starts with 9.
Clue #2: Eliminate the prize that costs less than $500.
Clue #3: Eliminate the prize that has four digits in the price.

Jennifer eliminates the TV/VCRs, poncho set and fireplace

Contents of remaining box: empty

The money was in the box for the TV/VCRs

ARPs: Fireplace--unknown, Punch Set--unknown, Chairs--unknown, TV/VCRs--$660


Bob reviews the clues after the fact and he points out that the chairs, punch set and chairs should've been eliminated in their respective order.

Second Calldown: Colin

IUFB2: Mickey Unlimited Audio Electronic Collection
Colin: $450
Lauretta: $449
Nathan: $525
Maria: $475*
ARP: $510

PG2: Switcheroo--Played for Ford Windstar, plus these four prizes...

SP1: Conair Straight Styler
SP2: Game for the Year
SP3: Photo Frame
SP4: Wrist Remote Controller

Hair Styler--$?0
Wrist Remote--$?0

Missing numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8

First try: 8/3/2/1/4 (3 right)
Second try: N/A

Wins frame, hair styler and game

Other ARPs: Van--$21,945, Wrist Remote--$80


Third Calldown: Kathleen

IUFB3: 2 Yamaha Electric Guitars
Kathleen: $750
Colin: $800* (also wins $100 for perfect bid)
Lauretta: $805
Nathan: $806
ARP: $800

PG3: Side by Side--Played for a Corsican Brass OPen-End Montgomery Queen Bed

Choices: $2,027 or $2,720

Colin's pick: $2,720

ARP: $2,720


Maria: .70
Jennifer: .75
Colin: .80

Colin is going to the Showcase!

Fourth Calldown: Willa

IUFB4: Academy Broadway Camping Equipment
Willa: $750
Lauretta: $700
Nathan: $575
Kathleen: $576

Willa: $475
Lauretta: $490*
Nathan: $400
Kathleen: $401
ARP: $535

PG4: Barker's Bargain Bar--Played for a Cape Cod Brass Telescope and a Pulaski Furniture Open Pantry

Telescope: $880
Pantry: $930

Lauretta picks Telescope

ARP of Pantry: $1,430 (Difference: $500)
ARP of Telescope: $1,880 (Difference: $1,000)


Fifth Calldown: Nancy

IUFB5: Magic Chef Electric Range (winner also receives Eggland's Best Eggs)
Nancy: $1095*
Nathan: $775
Kathleen: $650
Willa: $1000
ARP: $1219

PG5: Line em Up--Played for a Mercury Tracer GS, plus a Schonbek Crystal Chandelier, Automatic Can Opener with Knife Sharpener and 27 Live Entertainment Drama Videos

? (Chandelier--$825)
? (Can Opener--$23)
? (Videos--$578)

First try: $12,375 (2 right)
Second try: $15,375

ARP: $12,385


Nathan, who has been in Contestant's Row since the show started, is now down to his final chance to avoid the FFBC. Can he do it?

Final Calldown: Seth

IUFB6: RCA VHS Camcorder
Seth: $875
Nathan: $850
Kathleen: $750*
Willa: $749
ARP: $799

Unfortunately, Nathan didn't win, so he's off to the FFBC.

PG6: Penny Ante--Played for an Ashley Dining Room Group with Denby Dinnerware ($3,997)

GP1: Caress Soap 4-Pack
GP2: Aquafresh Whitening Toothpaste

Soap: $2.99, $1.90, $3.35 or $2.50

First pick: $2.99? NO
Second pick: $3.35? YES

Toothpaste: $4.99, $3.00, $2.25 or $5.60

Third pick: $2.25? NO
Fourth pick: $3.00? NO

ARP: $4.99


Kathleen: .25+1.00=OVER
Nancy: .20+.30=.50
Lauretta: .05+.75=.80

Lauretta is going to the Showcase!

Top Winner: Lauretta
Runner-Up: Colin

Broyhill Living Room Group with RHS Carpet, Globe, Switzerland (Geneva)
Lauretta passes to Colin, who bids $10,000 $9,000

Magic Chef Washer/Dryer, Home Gym, Chrysler 300M
Lauretta bids $19,000

ARP of Colin's Showcase: $14,211 (Difference: $5,211)
ARP of Lauretta's Showcase: $33,049 (Difference: $14,049)

Colin wins his Showcase, and takes home $17,831 in cash and prizes!